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Introduction Feat

As a newly employed cleric of the nearby temple, you find Hardened Body
yourself tasked commonly with healing the masses, Your body has grown used to weathering many attacks
whether it be from injury, curse, or disease. Going about
of the same style, allowing you to better resist their
your daily study of the various types of injuries one could
suffer, a slip of paper falls out of the book you’re reading.
- You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, or
As you take it, and open it, it appears to be half intact,
describing the contents of a disease you’ve never heard of
before, and the name of a book you’ve noticed in this - Once per long rest, when you are the target of
small library before. Taking the small book out, you open an attack that deals damage of a type you are
it, revealing to yourself history of disease thought to have resistant to, you can use your reaction to take
been lost to the ages. zero damage from the attack. If the attack does
The ‘Tome of Curses and Diseases’ is fully packed with additional damage of a different type, you still
new curse and disease themed content to add to your take that damage.
D&D 5e Games. You come across a dragon, near death
from an internal disease. This collection includes a new
Item “Cloak of Disease Resistance”, a new Feat “Hardened
Body”, two new Monsters “Acid Elemental” and “Bone
Golem”, and a new Dungeon “An Acidic Experience”. We
hope you enjoy this homebrew expansion for Dungeons
and Dragons 5e.

Cloak of Disease Resistance
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
This Cloak is magically imbued with protection runes,
yielding the user immune to disease and poison.
Curse: ​This cloak is cursed. Attuning to it curses you
until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or
similar magic. Removing the cloak fails to end the curse
on you. After completing a long rest, you must succeed
on a DC 10 constitution saving throw, or lower your
constitution score by 1, as the cloak drains your vitality
to power its magic. When the cloak is removed from
you through a remove curse spell or similar magic,
your constitution score returns to its original value.
Monster Monster
Acid Elemental. Bone Golem.
Acid elementals, elementals borne of alchemical A bone golem is a golem created by an arrangement of
reactions, and a bit a magic, are large, acidic creatures. different bones, creating a creature that appears as a
Appearing as a large blob of acid, these elementals are large humanoid. One arm weaponized as a bone shaved
intelligent only to the point of consuming those that away at and sharpened, bone golems use it as a sword to
would attack it. Aware of the needs for its own survival, skewer its enemies. Sworn to their creators, bone golems
these elementals are not easily controlled, and instead will follow their orders to their death.
tend to do things either alone, or with other acid
elementals they may come across. Bone Golem 
Large Construct, Neutral
Acid Elemental  Armor Class​ 19 (Natural Armor)
Large Elemental, Neutral Hit Points​ 228 (19d10 + 114)
Speed​ 30 ft.
Armor Class​ 14 (Natural Armor) Initiative ​0
Hit Points​ 120 (15d10 +36)
Initiative ​+4 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) Damage Resistances​ necrotic, poison, psychic, bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from non magical attacks that aren’t
Damage Resistances​ bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing adamantine
from non magical attacks Condition Immunities​ Charmed, Frightened
Damage Immunities​ Acid, Fire, Poison Senses​ Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 10
Condition Immunities​ Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Languages​ Understands the languages of its creator but can’t
Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Unconscious speak
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10 Challenge​ 12 (8,400XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Languages​ None
Immutable Form. ​The golem is immune to any spell or affect that
Challenge​ 6 (2,300XP) Proficiency Bonus​ +3 would alter its form.

Acid Form. ​The acid elemental can move through a space as Magic Resistance. ​The golem has advantage on saving throws
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that touches against spells and other magical effects.
the elemental or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it
takes 7 (1d12) acid damage. In addition, the elemental can enter a Magic Weapons. ​The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.
hostile creature's space and stop there. The first time it enters a
creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 7 (1d12) acid
damage. The creature then takes 7 (1d12) acid damage each time
it ends its turn inside the elemental.
Actions Mutliattack. ​The golem makes two attacks with its bone sword.

Mutliattack. ​The elemental makes two lash attacks. Bone Sword.​ ​Melee Attack:​ +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:
25 (4d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Lash.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +7 to hit.. reach 5ft., one target. ​Hit:
14 (2d8 + 4) acid damage. Destroy Life (Recharge 5-6).​ ​The golem targets one creature it can
see within 60 feet of it. The target must make a DC 17 saving throw
or take 48 (8d10) necrotic damage​ as the bone golem sucks the life
out of its target.
Dungeon: An Acidic Trip acid from the acid pools around the room. Any creature in
the stomach when the dragon flounders must succeed a
Location: Golden Dragons Hoard
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (3d8) acid
Suggested Level: 7-10
damage. Any creature that steps into one of the acid pools
also takes this damage.
Summary:​ A gargantuan ​Ancient Golden Dragon​,
diseased by a lich intent on taking its treasure, lies on it’s
After defeating the acid elementals, a DC 10 intelligence
hoard, effectively on its deathbed. When the party comes
(Investigation) check will reveal that there is a white gem
across the dragon, it will hail them, and introduce himself
lodged in the heart of the dragon, and it seems to be the
as Connasdaim, asking them if they can assist in removing
item perpetuating the disease. It can be removed safely
the disease from his body.
from the dragon's heart by succeeding on a DC 18
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or any way your party
The disease, spreading within the dragon's body, is
can be creative about it. After removing the stone, the
unable to be removed through restoration spells, or
dragon's body begins to reject the living creatures within
remove curse, as it is being spread by a gem lodged in his
it, and acid begins to rise up from the dragon's stomach
body, deep in his stomach. While still able to defend
and intestines, threatening to swallow the party.
himself, the dragon has no way to stop the disease from
spreading, and thus implores the adventurers for
3. Maze of Intestines
assistance. The dragon offers them a random item each
Exiting through the stomach, you find your way into the
from his hoard if they help him.
intestines of the dragon, a maze of flesh blocks your way as
the dragon's body attempts to digest you. Acid, rising from
1. The Mouth and throat
the stomach and the intestines, attempts to swallow you
The dragon opens its mouth as wide as it can, revealing a
whole as you exit the dragon's body.
blistered, long tongue, being rolled out as a ramp to climb
up. You can see down the 10 foot wide, 50 foot long
Have the players roll initiative. Each round a creature
tunnel-like throat of the dragon, sparking flames inside it
remains in the dragon's body, they must make a DC 15
as the dragon attempts to control its breath weapon, as to
Constitution saving throw or take 12 (3d6) acid damage,
avoid burning you as you enter.
as the acid attempts to eat away at their skin. A creature
who succeeds on the saving throw takes half damage.
The party, while moving into the dragon's mouth and
When a creature finds the end of the maze of intestines,
throat, must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
they may exit out the backside of the dragon, escaping the
or agitate his gag reflex, causing him to temporarily lose
control of his breath weapon, striking anyone within his
throat and doing 12 (2d0) fire damage.
Conclusion: ​The dragon slowly rises to his feet and
thanks the party for saving his life. He returns to his
2. Stomach
proud stance as he feels strength return to him. He grants
Making your way through the throat, you slide a few feet
the party 5000gp, and one item each from his hoard (roll
into the stomach, stepping on the squishy insides. Stomach
on Magic Item Table F in the Dungeon Masters Guide)
acid within the dragon has seemed to coalesce into three
pools around the stomach, and you can see a beating heart
If the party fails to remove the stone, or refuses to do so.
to the right of you. As you step into this chamber of a
The Dragon will be disappointed, but ultimately
stomach, beings of acid rise from the acidic pools scattered
understand. The Dragon will die in 1d6 days after the
party leaves and will give them no treasure. If the party
attempts to fight the dragon, use the stat block for an
The squishy insides of the dragon's stomach results in the
ancient gold dragon​, with half of its max hp and the
entire area being difficult terrain. When the party first
Poisoned condition.
enters the stomach, three ​Acid Elementals​ will rise, one
from each of the acid pools located around the stomach.
Any aoe effects while fighting the acid elementals can also
affect the dragon, causing it to flounder about and spread

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