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ACH308-Managing Food & Beverage Operations

Q1. Explain with reasons on rising popularity of Korean food?

Popularity of Korean food is rising because of some of the following

1. Health benefits :- Korean food is much healthier than others

because they are often high in vegetables and cooked without
much oil, they are often lower in calories
2. Media :- Korean food has been expanding its presence around
the world. Empowered by the growing popularity of Korean media
contents such as K-pop, films and dramas
3. Social Media :- Social media is playing a key role, along with
other multimedia contents, in raising familiarity with Korean food.
eg; The Buldak Spicy Chicken noodle challenge
4. Food Taste :- Korean food has great taste which attracts more
buyers . It Great flavor but not too strong.
5. Beautiful Presentation:- The beautiful presentation acts a lot
in rising of Korean food because it attracts more costumers
6. Hygiene :- The preparation of food with proper hygiene can also
be a great factor to contribute for rising of Korean food
7. Quality :- In preparation of food Korean chefs use high quality
ingredients which results in very pleasantry taste of food
8. Customer satisfaction :- The satisfaction that costumers get
after trying Korean food items is much high than any other
Q2. Customer experience is considered a more holistic
approach than customer service. Explain the factors that will
determine the outcome of such experience?
The difference between customer service and customer experience is
that while customer service is one piece of the puzzle — focused on
human interaction and directly supporting customers — customer
experience is the sum of the entire customer journey with your

Factors that will determine the outcome of such experience

1. Friendly Attitude- Nothing in the world can replace the
importance of politeness, friendliness, and empathetic attitude of
employees towards your customers. 
2. Quick Response Time- With everything happening at lightning
speed in the digitized world nowadays, response time taken by
companies to address their customers can influence their
perception of experience. 
3. Seamless Digital Interactions- To ensure frictionless and
seamless interactions, your products or services should be well
within easy reach of the customer's preferred channel.
4. Personalized Customer Interaction- While AI and chatbots
are increasingly taking over the interaction part, it can never
substitute the human touch. A personalized approach is a
foremost requirement in enhancing customer experience and
5. Accessibility- To satisfy a costumer you need to have a proper

Customer experience Customer service

Customer service is limited to the Customer experience, on the other
interactions a customer has when hand, can involve analyzing data
seeking advice or assistance on a from non-customer-facing teams
product or service. who contribute to a customer’s
overall experience with a product
or service.

Q3. Explain 5 factors that influence the consumers decision on which,

restaurant they patronize?

Factors that influence the consumers decision on which, restaurant

they patronize are:-

i. Food quality :- Customers choose to dine out at a restaurant

because of the quality of food that they offer. The quality of food
is certainly the most important factor determining the success of
a restaurant. 

ii. Staff Behavior :- Your staff acts as the face of your restaurant
to your customers.
iii. Value For Money :- It’s not about how expensive the place is.
It’s only a problem when the vibe of the place is not clearly
reflected in the quality of food you’re serving.
iv. Restaurant Interiors and Ambience :- Your restaurant
interiors can easily dictate the perception of your restaurant
brand in the eyes of your customers. As they say,  the first
impression is the last impression’, it is crucial that you create an
ambience that reflects the uniqueness of your brand so as to
create a positive impact.
v. Unique Food in The Menu :- Apart from the convenience,
the quality and deliciousness of the cones ,Uniqueness in the
menu is also a important factor .

Q4. What are the major changes technology has

brought to the food service industry?

Some of the major changes that technology has brought to food

industry are –

 Reduction of waste :- With the help of technology we can

reduce the wastage of food and utilize the extra food

 Packing :- With the use of technology we can pack the food

items more hygienically which will attract more costumers

 Shelf life :- Just because of improvement in technology

preservatives were introduced which is very helpful in
preserving the food for long time and increasing its shelf life

 Reducing of plastics waste:- Using plastic-free straws, cups,

and plates is made possible because of technology
 Reduced risks of the equipment breakage:- Using
smart sensors is a revelation for many industries, including
the food and beverage.It helps in saving a small or big loss
 Improved customer experience:- Technology has
contributed to food industry by an very important feature
of Placing order online and improving customer service
 Eg – swiggy,zomato etc.

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