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Music is an art form which triggers our feelings in different ways.

The soul of
music comprises of rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre and dynamics. Music is used
in different forms and in varied sectors and the results are beyond one’s own

Music can do much more than just lift our spirits. There are different
genres of music that are being used for calming and relaxing our mind and
senses. Furthermore, music is becoming a major part in chemotherapy
centres and even in the pregnancy wards.

When slow and melodious music is playing, it lowers the blood

pressure. Thus, slowing down the heartbeat allowing us to breathe normally
and to calm the nerves. Other than that, it has been proven that music can
reduce the music tension that builds up around the different parts of our body
including the back, neck, stomach and shoulders.

In conclusion, music is the essence of life. It also helps with inner

healing. Moreover, it is always enjoyable to hear the type of music you love.
People love listening to it whenever they find the time.

My brother is one of the most influential people in my life. His

name is Adith Jaiishen and he is 17 years old, leaving a 2 year age
gap between the two of us. Throughout my life I have always looked
up to him as he is not only my older brother but my peer and my
role model.
He is a very talented footballer and a brilliant chess player. Adith also
excels in taekwondo and has won gold medals at two state tournaments.
He also obtains good results in all of his exams and studies very hard. One
of my brother’s favourite hobbies is video gaming as it helps him release
stress. In school, he is well-liked and respected by his friends as well as his
At home, he always helps out by doing his chores like washing the
dishes, sweeping, making his bed and more. He is always regarded as the
funny cousin by our relatives as he is very laid-back and amusing. Our
family loves him for his care-free attitude and determination.
When we were younger, we would fight like cats and dogs on a
regular basis. He would irritate me by stealing my toys and tickling me until
I get angry. In all fairness, I used to the same to him. I would hide his
books, mess up his hair and sometimes draw on his face when he’s asleep.
All these little acts of mischief between us would get us in troubles with not
just each other but also our parents. But there were sometimes where we
were loving siblings. For example, when decorating the Christmas tree we
would work together and try our best to make it look pretty or when we
watched movies together, we would be laughing together. As a young kid, I
will always cherish these moments.
As we grew older, our sibling bond got stronger and stronger, and
today he is one of my best friends. Although we still fight occasionally, we
always apologize to each other as it is no longer worth it to hold a grudge.
Adith is a person in whom I could confide anything that I want to. Whenever
I have a problem, it is my brother to whom I run first for help. He always
has a solution to all my problems and gives great advice.
I have learned many things from him as we grew up under the same
roof. One of things that has stuck with me is how he handles stress and
pressure. Personally, I crumble when under pressure as I get nervous
often. Adith on the other hand has always said that pressure is a privilege.
Whenever a big exam or tournament is around the corner, he keeps his
calm and doesn’t panic. In fact, he embraces the stress and pressure that
he faces and uses it as motivation to become better which is something I
No matter how old we may grow or how far we may be, he will
always be my Big Brother and I would still remain as his one and only little
sister. A brother is blessing which ensures that you will have a strong
shoulder to lean on and wide open arms with a tight hug to comfort you ,
through all your tested times. I love my brother and he is ‘The Best’,
anybody could ever dream off.

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