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A New Long Phosphorescent Phosphor with High Brightness,

1. Matsuzawa, Y. Aoki, N. Takeuchi, and Y. Murayama
Nemoto and Company, Limited, Research and Development Center, 4-10-9 Takaido-higashi, Suginami-ku,
Tokyo 168, Japan

A green emitting SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy2 phosphor with very bright and long lasting phosphorescence has been newly
developed. The incorporation of Dy3 ion into the SrAl2O4:Eu2 system as an auxiliary activator dominates the phospho-
rescence, thermoluminescence, and photoconductivity characteristics of the phosphor to a large extent. Evidence is pre-
sented for the mechanism that the phoshorescence is ascribed to the photoconductivity due to holes, and to the trapping
and thermal release of the holes by Dy3 ions in the system. The incorporation of the Dy2 ion forms a highly dense trap-
ping level located at a suitable depth in relation to the thermal release rate at room temperature, thus producing the very
bright and long phosphorescence.

Introduction luminescence of the new phosphor have been examined. In

ZnS:Cu phosphor has been well known as a long phos- addition, the mechanism of the very long phosphorescence
has been discussed and elucidated.
phorescent phosphor and used in a variety of applications
since the beginning of this century. This phosphor shows
green emission peaking at 530 nm which suits the visual Experimental
perception of the human eye very well. However, it is not Phosphors were prepared by calcining appropriate mix-
bright enough for many applications and does not main- tures of SrCO3, A1203, Eu203, oxide of lanthanide elements
tain its phosphorescence for more than a few hours. (except Eu and Pm), and B203 as a flux in a mildly reduc-
Therefore, in order to sustain phosphorescence, radioiso- ing atmosphere at 1300°C for 1 h. The products were
topes, such as tritium (H-3) and promethium (Pm-l47), ground and sieved through a 200 mesh screen in order to
have had to be added to luminous paints comprising this obtain a uniform particle-size distribution. The mean
phosphor. Such paints have been used for some applica- diameters of the phosphor samples prepared were within
tions like luminous watches and clocks. Because of safety the range of 20 to 30 p.m. Phosphors were examined by the
and environmental considerations, however, there is a x-ray diffraction analysis and found to have well-crystal-
serious demand for the development of a radioactive-free lized tridymite SrAl2O4 structure. When the phosphors
luminous paint at this time. were prepared in this manner, the introduction of Dy or
Meanwhile, the SrAl2O4:Eu2 phosphor has been known Nd ion as an auxiliary activator has been found to give rise
to be a green phosphor with an emission peak at 520 nm. to remarkably intense phosphorescence. The optimum
Studies on this phosphor were mostly performed in the concentrations of the activators for the phosphors are 1
1960s and early 1970s mainly for lamp and cathode-ray mole percent (mb) of Eu, and 2 mb of Dy or 1 mb of Nd.
tube (CRT) applications.1-3 Palilla et al. 2 have shown that The x-ray examinations also revealed that either DyA1O3
the phosphor exhibits initial rapid decay followed by long or NdA1O2 was produced as a by-product in the phosphor
persistence at very low light level. Abbruscato2 prepared samples when the introduced concentrations of auxiliary
nonstoichiometric (excess alumina) SrAl2O4:Eu2 phos- activators were higher than 5 mfo. Since the valence state
phor samples. These exhibit brighter luminescence com- of Dy (or Nd) in the by-products is trivalent, it is most
pared to the stoichiometric SrAl2O4:Eu2 phosphor under likely that in this system, Dy (or Nd) ions are present in the
ultraviolet (UV) and cathode-ray excitation as well as trivalent state.
higher level persistence which lasts for a few seconds. It For photoconductivity measurements, phosphor sam-
was suggested that the persistence of the phosphorescence ples were pressed and sintered in a reducing atmosphere
is due to the trapping mechanism involving hole conduc- into 1 x 5 x 5 mm shape, and a pair of electrodes was fab-
tion, and the Sr21 vacancy was presumed to be a hole trap ricated on the surface using Ag conducting paint. The gap
in the phosphor crystalline structure.3 between the electrodes was 5 mm. Photocurrent by UV
It is known that in certain phosphors which involve a excitation was measured and recorded under 400 V dc
trapping mechanism, such as phosphorescent phosphors, supply.
thermoluminescent phosphors, and infrared stimulable
phosphors, their optical characteristics are to a large ex-
tent influenced by the incorporation of auxiliary activa- Results
tors. For example, the incorporation of Co into the ZnS:Cu Figure 1 shows emission and excitation spectra of
system delays the phosphorescence decay,4 and the incor- SrAl2O4:Eu2Dy3 phosphor. Independently of the exis-
poration of Sm2 into the SrS:Eu2 system causes the tence or nonexistence of the auxiliary activators, the phos-
increase of the infrared-stimulated luminescence,2 while phor samples exhibit broad band emission spectra peaking
the incorporation of Cu and P into LiF:Mg system grves at 520 nm. It is noted that the emission spectrum is a mir-
rise to the intense thermoluminescence.6 ror image of the excitation spectrum. The emission and
In order to develop a luminous paint which uses a very excitation are attributed to the 4f-5d transition of Eu2.
long phosphorescent phosphor and does not need radioac- Three excited levels may possibly exist, since two shoul-
tive substances, we have investigated in the present work, ders are observed at 270 and 330 nm in addition to the
ways to improve phosphorescence characteristics of the maximum at 365 nm on the excitation spectrum.
SrAl2O4:Eu2 phosphor by means of the incorporation of Phosphorescence characteristics, after the removal of
auxiliary activators, in particular various trivalent rare- light excitation, have shown that the incorporation of Dy3
earth ions. As a result, we have succeeded in developing a or Nd3 as an auxiliary activator leads to a remarkable
new phosphor SrAl2O4:Eu2 ,Dy3 which shows extremely increase in the phosphorescence as shown in Fig. 2.
bright and long phosphorescence. The phosphorescence of Thermoluminescence (TL) glow curves of the newly pro-
this new phosphor is so bright and long lasting that it can duced phosphors above room temperature are compared to
be perceived almost throughout the entire night. Optical that of SrAl2O4:Eu2 phosphor as shown in Fig. 3. The
characteristics including photoconductivity and thermo- SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy3 and SrAl2O4:Eu2,Nd3' phosphors are

2670 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 143, No. 5, August 1996 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 143, No. 8, August 1996 The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2671

Excitation Emission
C m

a, 50 (0
.4J +1
(5 C
I a,
200 300 400 500 600 700 4-1
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 1. Emission and excitation spectra of the SrAI2O4:Eu',Dy
0 50 100 150 200 250
found to have new large TL distributions with their max- Temperature (°C)
ima at 75 and 60°C, respectively.
Abbruscato3 reported that the SrAl2O4:Eu2 phosphor Fig. 3. Thermoluminescence glow curves measured with the heat-
was photoconductive under UV and x-ray excitation. The ing rate of 2°C/s. The heating started 1 mm after a 10 mm expo-
new SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy3 phosphor also exhibited the photo- sure to 200 lx of D6, light. A: SrAI2O4:Eu2; B: SrAl2O4:Eu', Dy'; C:

conductivity phenomenon. The excitation spectrum for the SrAl2O4: Euz*,Nd3.

photoconductivity of the phosphor was found to coincide
very closely with that for photoluminescence. As shown in
Fig. 4, the phosphor shows initial rapid decay followed by the photocurrent was measured under the illumination of
the long persistence of photocurrent after the removal of the half-portion of the sample close to either the negative
UV light, which is very similar to the decay characteristics or positive electrode, and the photocurrent intensity was
of the phosphorescence. As shown in the figure, it also compared. It was found that the photocurrent under illu-
exhibits a thermally stimulated photocurrent when heated mination in the vicinity of the negative electrode was more
during this persistence. The peak temperature observed than three times higher than that for the vicinity of the
using the heating rate of 6°C/s is about 80°C, which is very positive electrode. This clearly indicates that the charged
close to the TL glow peak temperature. species is a hole, and the photoconductivity of
Abbruscato3 carried out Hall-effect measurements for SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy3 is due to the motion of holes in the
the SrAl2O4:Eu2 phosphor under UV excitation, and iden- valence band. The photoconductivity was found to de-
tified the conducting species to be a hole. In order to con- crease at low temperatures. The temperature dependence
firm the charged species responsible for the photoconduc- from liquid nitrogen temperature is shown in Fig. 5. The
tivity of the newly produced SrA12O4:Eu2,Dy3 phosphor, photocurrent shows a rapid increase from 100 to 200 K
we have conducted the photocurrent measurements under and a subsequent slow increase up to room temperature.
nonuniform illumination7 using 365 nm UV light. Namely, The activation energy for the photoconductivity was esti-
mated from the Arrhenius' equation to be 0.03 eV.
1000 The incorporation of Dy3 or Nd3 ions as an auxiliary
activator into the SrAl2O4:Eu2 system causes very intense
and long phosphorescence. The TL glow curves and ther-
mally stimulated photocurrent of the phosphors provide
evidence that the incorporation of these ions form new

C 200
E .
10 C
1 41
a, I-
4-I C,
0 F-

5 10
100 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (min) Time (s)
Fig. 2. Phosphorescence characteristics measuredat 22°C after Fig. 4. Photocurrent under 365 nm UV excitation, decay charac-
10 mm exposure to 200 lx of D light ( the standard light with the
teristics of photocurrent after the removal of UV light, and ther-
color temperature of 6504 K). A: SrAJ,O4:Eu2, B: SrAl,O4:Eu', mally stimulated photocurrent observed for the SrAl2O4:Eu',D?°
Dy3; C: SrAl,O4:Eu',Nd3; D: commercially used ZnS:Cu,Co. phosphor.

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2672 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 143, No.8, August 1996 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

and relatively high charge-transfer energies. Therefore,

200 they act as hole traps. From the above points, it is natural
to presume that Ce3, Pr, and Th3 ions would also act as
effective hole traps. However, their incorporations into the
SrA12O4:Eu2' system as auxiliary activators have not
m shown any remarkable effects on the phosphorescence
characteristics at room temperature. This fact implies that
C the trapping levels formed by these ions are located at
inappropriate, that is, too deep or too shallow, depths in
relation to the thermal release rate at room temperature.
Among the trivalent rare-earth ions, Dy3 ion can form
highly dense trapping levels with the most suitable depth
in the system to show the brightest and longest phospho-
rescence at room temperature.
The energy level diagram of the SrAl2O4:Eu2, D?
phosphor is proposed as shown in Fig. 6 on the basis of the
100 200
above-mentioned experimental results. The bandgap ener-
Temperature (K) gy of the SrA12O4 host is estimated to be 6.5 eV from the
low energy edge of the Eu2 excitation spectrum due to the
Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of the photoconductivity under host lattice absorption.2 The phosphorescence mechanism
LW excitation for the SrAI2O4:Eu2,Dy phosphor. is interpreted as follows. Upon the exposure to UV light
(365 nm), the direct excitation of Eu2 due to the 4f —' Sd
transition occurs, but the host is not excited. Results of
trapping levels within the system. Since the photocurrent photoconductivity measurements clearly indicate that the
in this system is produced by holes, these ions surely act as hole produced at the 4f ground state level is released ther-
hole traps. The glow peak temperatures of the mally to the valence band. In this process Eu2 is assumed
SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy and SrA2O4:Eu2,Nd3 phosphors are to be converted into Eu't The depth of iXE of the 4f ground
75 and 60°C, respectively, when heated with the heating state level of Eu2 is estimated as follows. In the thermal
rate of 2°C/s (Fig. 3). The trapping level of the equilibrium between the Eu2 level and the free hole in the
SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy3 phosphor is located a little deeper than valence band, the Fermi level for holes is presumably
that of the SrAl2O4:Eu2,Nd3 phosphor, which results in located in the middle between the Eu2 level and the top of
relatively longer phosphorescence. The depth of hole trap- the valence band. Therefore, the number of free holes
ping levels for the SrAl2O4:Eu2,Dy phosphor was exam- should be proportional to exp (—tE/2kT). The observed
ined by measuring glow peak temperatures using the vari- activation energy for the photoconductivity increase from
able heating rate method proposed by Hoogenstraaten,4 the liquid nitrogen temperature is 0.03 eV. Then E is
and was found to be 0.65 eV. 0.06 eV. The released hole migrates through the valence
In order for phosphorescent phosphors to exhibit long band and is trapped by a Dy3 ion, which is consequently
phosphorescence at room temperature, it is crucial to have assumed to be converted into Dy4. Alter UV excitation
trapping levels located at a suitable depth in relation to has ceased, the hole is re-excited thermally and liberated
the thermal release rate at room temperature. In particu- to the valence band. The depth of the trapping level is
lar, if the depth of trapping levels is too shallow in this 0.65 eV. The hole migrates to the excited Eu' and is cap-
relation, the phosphor would show fast decay which does tured. Consequently the recombination takes place, giving
not last for long time. Contrarily, if it is too deep, the phos- rise to the phosphorescence.
phor would no longer show phosphorescence at room tem- An attempt has been made using the CaAl2O4:Eu2 sys-
perature. The l)y3 incorporation into the system as an tem known as a blue emitting phosphor with an emission
auxiliary activator is, therefore, thought to create the hole peak at 440 nm.2 Various trivalent rare-earth ions were
trapping levels at the optimal depth of 0.65 eV to show the introduced as auxiliary activators into the system in a sim-
long phosphorescence at room temperature. ilar manner, and phosphorescence characteristics were
The phosphorescence intensities of the new phosphors investigated. As a result, in this case, the incorporation of
are dependent on the concentrations of the auxiliary acti- Nd3 was found to produce extremely bright and long blue
vators. When using 1 m/o of Eu2 concentration, the inten- phosphorescence. The phosphor was also found to have a
sities reached the maxima at about 2 mb of Dy3 and large TL distribution with a maximum at 90°C on heating
1 mb of Nd3, respectively. We feel that this is due to the from room temperature with the heating rate of 2°C/s. It is
difference of the solubiity in the system between the two quite analogous to the Dy3 introduction into the
ions. As the ion radius of Dy3 is a little smaller than that SrAl2O4:Eu2 system. Namely, in the CaAl2O4:Eu2 system
of Nd3, D? may be more soluble into the system than
Nd3. The Dy3 incorporation with higher concentration
forms a relatively higher number of trapping levels in the
system, resulting in brighter phosphorescence compared to
the Nd3 incorporation. The by-product of DyA1O3 or
NdA1Q3 is produced when the redundant ions are intro-
duced over the soluble limits.
As mentioned already, incorporated D? and Nd3 act
as hole traps. This fact is reasonable, because the tetrava-
lent state of these rare earths, Dy4 and Nd4, is stably Eu — Eut
existent as is known in some phosphors like Cs3DyF7:Dy48 6.52eV
or Cs3NdF7:Nd4. The tendency of trivalent rare-earth
ions as to whether they are easily oxidized or reduced is
dominated by the 4f —p 5d transition energy (or the ioniza-
tion energy) and the charge-transfer energy from the host
anion to the rare-earth ion.'° From these points of view
trivalent rare-earth ions are divided into three or four
groups. Ce3, Pr3, and Th3 are known to be easily oxi-
dized. They are characterized by very low 4f —° 5d transi-
tion energies and very high charge-transfer energies. D?
and Nd3 have relatively low 4f — Sd transition energies Fig. 6. Energy level diagram for the SrAI2O4:Eu2,Dy3' phosphor.

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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 143, No.8, August 1996 The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2673

Nd3 ions form highly dense trapping levels with a depth photoconductivity due to holes and by the trapping and
suitable for exhibiting the long phosphorescence at room thermal release of holes. It is shown that Dy3 ion intro-
temperature. duced as an auxiliary activator acts as the hole trap in the
Since the newly produced green phosphor SrAl2O4:Eu2, system and creates the highly dense trapping level located
Dy3 has extremely bright phosphorescence, it is useful to at a suitable depth in relation to the thermal release rate
compare this phosphor with the ZnS:Cu,Co phosphor at room temperature. Thus, very bright and long lasting
which is presently commercially used for long afterglow phosphorescence is produced. An analogous phenomenon
materials. ZnS:Cu,Co is a green phosphor with the emis- has been observed when the Nd3 ion is incorporated into
sion peak at 530 nm. As is shown in Fig. 2, both the bright- blue-emitting CaAl2O4:Eu2 system, and long phosphores-
ness and decay time of the phosphorescence of the new cence is caused.
phosphor are more than ten times better than those of the
conventional ZnS:Cu,Co phosphor. It is well documented Acknowledgment
that the lower limit of the light perception of the dark- The authors are grateful to Professor Emeritus S.
adapted human eye is 0.0032 mcd/m2. The standard Shionoya of The University of Tokyo for useful discussions
accepted by the escape route markings industry is 100 on the phosphorescence mechanism and to Professor H.
times higher than this value, i.e., 0.32 mcd/m2. The newly Yamamoto of Tokyo Engineering University for photocon-
developed phosphor maintains its phosphorescence inten- ductivity measurements and helpful discussions.
sity above this level for well for over 30 h.
Using a luminous paint prepared by the new phospho- Manuscript submitted Jan. 22, 1996; revised manuscript
rescent phosphor, luminous clock dials were fabricated received May 22, 1996.
and compared to conventional luminous dials made by
ZnS:Cu phosphor with radioactive substance 147Pm of Nemoto and Company Limited, assisted in meeting the
publication costs of this article.
2 MBq. As a result, the new phosphorescent phosphor
paint on the dials was found to maintain a much brighter REFERENCES
luminance level than the radioactive luminous paint even 1. G. Blasse and A. Bril, Philips Res. Reps., 23, 201
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A new green long phosphorescent phosphor 9. L. P. Varga, ibid., 49, 4674 (1968).
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