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ASSIGNMENT 3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record

your observations when presented with the questions below:

Instruction Question 1: Do you notice any transition schedules, token boards, or brain break cards,
specific directions, posted in or around the classroom to enable children to keep track of their day? >>>

There is a daily schedule with pictures and words posted. There are token boards on the
student tables and desks. There is a magnetic timer used for transitioning from one activity to
another. The teacher uses a theme related timer video to indicate when break time is over and
work time will begin.

Instruction Question 2: Examine the teacher’s instruction for the use of instructional design options
(individual, small and whole group teaching; teaching centers, co-teaching and parallel teaching). Explain
all the instructional design options used in the instruction and how these designs meet the needs of
students with an IEP. >>>

The teacher teaches reading and writing on one-on-one instruction. The students choose their
own activities and centers while the teacher works with one student at a time. She uses hand
over hand instruction to teach writing skills. While teaching Social Skills the teacher uses whole
group teaching. She will group the children at a large table, they watch a video about
appropriate social behavior, she pauses the video and asks the children questions. The
teachers aid also works with children in small groups and one-on-one using parallel teaching.
To meet the needs of the students with an IEP, the teacher plans learning activities according to
their goals and objectives.
Instruction Question 3: Evaluate a classroom teaching lesson and identify the ingredients that are most
important in crafting a good lesson plan that meets the needs of students with an IEP. >>>

The teacher uses one-on one instruction to teach writing skills. All eight students have different writing
abilities. One student’s benchmarks on his IEP state that we will hold a writing utensil using an
appropriate tripod grasp without a pencil gripper achieving a criteria of 80%. This student is still
practicing hos writing with a pencil grip but is able to write independently. Other students practice
writing skills by tracing with a dry erase marker. Another student practices his writing skills by writing
independently without a pencil gripper. These learning activities are implemented in the lesson plan
according to the individual goals and benchmarks on each student’s IEP.

Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? If so, give
examples. >>>

Ms. Jacob uses visual strategies by using handouts, books, educational videos, and pictures. She uses
auditory strategies through songs, discussions during videos, and role modeling appropriate forms of
communication. She uses kinesthetic strategies by having the children exercise to a number song. She
also provides manipulatives as learning materials to build math skills. The students also learn with their
senses when they play with playdough and kinetic sand.

Instruction Question 5: What Philosophical teaching orientation(s) best fit the teacher’s teaching style?
Provide examples. >>>

I think Ms. Jacob uses essentialism by following the CCSD standards and curriculum. Because all of
her students have individual needs and skill levels, I think Ms. Jacob is also a progressive teacher. She
plans her learning activities based on the students interests while still following the required standards.
One student enjoys building with Legos and playing with counting bears which is how he learns math.
Another student really enjoys art and creativity and this his how she learns fine motor skills, social
skills, and pre-reading and writing skills. Another child enjoys creating google slide presentations which
is how he is learning reading and writing skills and technology skills. Another student really loves to
sing nursery rhymes which helps her develop her language skills and her social skills. Ms. Jacob uses
the delegator style by taking an observer role while students are engaged in independent learning.

Instruction Question 6: Explain the use of culturally relevant material, teach strategies, class decor, etc.
to meet the needs of today’s culturally diverse student population.  >>>

The cultures of the students in this classroom represent African American, Indian, Hispanic, and
Caucasian. There is an all about me poster for each student posted in the classroom. The posters
display their likes and interests, their favorite foods, favorite colors, and birthdates. In the classroom
library there are children’s books which represent different cultures. Ms. Jacob is from the Philippines
and has done art projects that reflect her culture.

Instruction Question 7: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being presented?
Please explain. >>>

The students are very engaged during interest center times, during large group times the students are
encouraged by reinforcers and engaged most of the time. During large group times the students are
easily distracted but will return when prompted with the use of token boards.
Instruction Question 8: Are there any students isolated from the rest of the class for any reason? Why?

On one occasion one of the students became agitated. He tried to bite the teacher, he screamed, he
ran around the classroom, and tried to hit another child. Ms. Jacob was able use de-escalating
strategies by giving him a weighted blanket. When the child was calm, he went to the cool down area
where he took some time to rest until he was ready to rejoin the group. During my observations it was
rare to see any students isolate from the rest of the class.

Instruction Question 9: Is instructional time managed efficiently? Please explain. >>>

I thought the instructional time was managed very efficiently. Students were given tasks to complete,
after completing the task at hand, they would get a ten-minute break. Students worked in intervals of
work and breaks. The teacher uses the method of first ____ and then _____. This approach seems to
work well as the students like the breaks in between.

Instruction Question 10: How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one subject or
period to another, and are these transitions efficient? >>>

When the teacher transitions from one subject to another she gives the students breaks in between.
She uses a timer to indicate to the students that another subject will come next.

Instruction Question 11: List ways that the teacher attempts any “attention getting” commands? (Ex:
Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they? >>>

Ms. Jacob frequently uses the phrase “First work, then break”. She uses magnetic timers and
time clock videos. She also has and LED light system which she will turn on to clam the mood
in the classroom. All of these techniques seem to be very effective.

Instruction Question 12: Describe both teacher and students use of technology in the classroom? >>>

The teacher uses a computer, a Chromebook, an iPad, and a projector. The students use
chrome books and iPads. Two students use iPads as a form of communication. They use an app
called “Let me talk”. This is how they tell they teacher what they want since they are nonverbal.
The teacher also has battery operated toys such as a dancing and musical dinosaur and a small
claw machine which the students love.

Instruction Question 13: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does
the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific. >>>

Most of the students in the classroom are nonverbal. There are many times when the students
yell out. The behaviors include screaming, throwing things, climbing on furniture, and biting.
The teacher uses phrases like “That is not cool”, or “lower your voice”, and positive reinforcers
such as the token boards. She also uses sensory strategies like a small massager, playdough,
and the LED light system. At times she will offer the children snacks when it seems their
outbursts are caused by being hungry.

Instruction Question 14: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder instructional
time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time.>>>

The only procedure that I would see that might hinder instructional time would be the monthly
drills such as fire drills, lock down drills, shelter in place. The students have a difficult time
understanding why we need to practice these procedures, and some have a difficult time when
the alarm sounds. Some students cover their ears, some try to run out. Ms. Jacob has sound
blocking headphones which help the children when the noise is to loud for them to handle.

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