Assignment 7 Summary 203

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ASSIGNMENT 7 (Summary): Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field

Observation Placement.


On the first day of my observation there are 6 students present in the classroom. The students work
independently and take turns working one-on-one with the teacher who is practicing writing skills with
the students. At 11:30 a speech pathologist enters and gathers the students for speech services. This
service lasts for about 15 to 30 minutes. On day 2 there are 5 students present. The students spend
about 15 minutes writing as a group. After group writing they are rewarded with a break. On day 3 there
are 5 students present, they are working independently and taking turns with writing practice with the
teacher. On day 4 there are 6 students present. One student is pulled out for OT and returns in 20
minutes. At 11:30 the speech pathologist returns for speech services. On day 5 there are 8 students
present. The teacher is teaching in a large group setting. She is teaching the students letter recognition
and the sounds of the letters with the use of a Jack Hartman song that she plays on the projector. On
day 6 there are 7 students, children are all working independently. The instructional time alternates in
intervals of work-break-work-break. On day 7 there are 7 students. The students are working
independently. One student is brought back from his general education class and reads a book with his
instructional aid. On day 8 there are 8 students present. One of the students is vomiting in the
classroom and he is sent to the sick room. On day nine there are 6 students present. The teacher is
instructing in a large group setting, she is teaching social skills. On day 10 there are 6 students present,
the students are working in intervals of break-work-break-work. Upon my reflection of my 10-day field
observation I have learned many things. I learned about the importance of the classroom environment.
It is important to place the furniture in a way that best meets the individual needs of the students. I
learned about procedures for transitions between activities. How to use token boards and reinforcers.
The teacher must practice different instructional design options because all students learn differently. I
witnessed how to handle behavioral issues and how to implement positive behavioral support. Within
the class I witnessed the teacher using goals and objectives to teach the students. I saw how she was
able to ensure that all students participated in her lessons. I learned the importance of a
multidisciplinary team. I saw some teaching methods that were successful and some that did not work
out so well. This is how adjustments were made. In the school setting I learned what an amazing
community and family-based school culture can look like. The school has an annual theme. This year
the theme is “Mission Possible.” The school has awesome teachers, a counselor, a behavioral
interventionist, a custodial team, and administrators. There are school wide incentives which motivate
the student’s positive behavior and encourages learning. All staff and students take great pride in this
school. I hope to be a teacher one day and I would love to teach at this school.

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