Theories of Personality

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1. Unlike Freud's psychoanalysis, Adler's individual psychology assumed that

A. behavior is shaped by past experiences.

B. people are motivated largely by aggression.

C. people are mostly responsible for their personalities.

D. most behavior is motivated by unconscious forces.

E. the sexual instinct is the basis for most human behavior.

2. In response to World War I, Adler

A. enlisted in the army.

B. became a conscientious objector.

C. changed his theoretical views.

D. moved to a neutral country.

3. One of Adler's strongest beliefs was in

A. equality of the sexes.

B. his Jewish faith.

C. his Protestant faith.

D. the communist doctrine.

4. Which of the following assumptions is NOT part of Adler's theory?

A. All human motivations for behavior are unconscious in origin.

B. The dynamic force behind a person's activity is the striving for superiority or success.

C. All psychological phenomena are unified within the individual in a self-consistent manner.

D. The opinions of people shape their behavior and personality.

5. Adler believed that the dynamic force motivating all human activity is

A. organ dialect.
B. a feeling of superiority.

C. the striving for success.

D. inferior physical endowment.

6. Adler felt that every individual is striving to reach the same goal of

A. self-fulfillment.

B. a perfect society.

C. superiority or success.

D. reduction of anxiety.

7. Adler believed that people strive for superiority

A. in order to compensate for feelings of inferiority.

B. in order to survive in a competitive society.

C. as a means of attaining sexual satisfaction.

D. in imitation of parents and other authority figures.

8. Concerning feelings of inferiority, Adler held that

A. all individuals possess them.

B. only neurotics develop them.

C. they always lead to the development of social interest.

D. they only develop when organ inferiorities are present.

9. According to Adler, the behavior of psychologically healthy individuals is

A. unmotivated by any particular kinds of feelings.

B. motivated mostly by conscious goals and drives.

C. motivated mostly by unconscious goals and drives.

D. motivated by exaggerated feelings of inferiority.

10. According to Adler, children who feel pampered

A. are generally conscious of their final goal.

B. typically become loving parents.

C. are usually neglected by their parents.

D. are frequently unaware of their final goal.

11. Jade is a 20-year-old college junior who "checks in" daily with her out-of-state mother by e-mail or
telephone. Jade, who makes no decisions without consulting her mother, is a pre-med major because
her mother insists that she become a doctor. Adler would see Jade's relationship with her mother as a
________ one.

A. parasitic

B. casual

C. loving

D. sadistic

12. From an Adlerian perspective,

A. all behavior is inconsistent.

B. psychological conflict leads to inconsistent behavior.

C. inconsistent behavior serves multiple purposes.

D. inconsistent behavior serves a single purpose.

13. According to Adler, unconscious thoughts and behaviors are

B. understood only by the individual who has them.

C. regarded as helpful but not essential to healthy psychological functioning.

D. not clearly understood by the individual.

14. Jared develops tension headaches while trying to meet a deadline at work. This tactic allows him to
escape responsibility for meeting the deadline and to receive sympathy from his boss and coworkers.
According to Adler, Jared's headaches are examples of

A. an organ dialect.

B. an organ inferiority.

C. an as-if illness.

D. a fiction.
15. Adler believed that behavior and personality are

shaped by

A. early childhood experiences.

B. organ inferiorities.

C. subjective perceptions.

D. sexual and aggressive impulses.

E. birth order.

16. Adler referred to ideas that have no real existence yet influence people as if they really existed as

A. delusions.

B. hallucinations.

C. fictions.

D. hypothetical constructs.

E. objective certainty.

17. Adler said that all humans are "blessed" at birth with

A. a well-developed sense of social interest.

B. small, weak, incomplete, inferior bodies.

C. superior intellects.

D. the need to become superior to other people.

18. Teleology

A. is the doctrine that motivation must be considered according to its final purpose or aim.

B. considers behavior as springing from a specific cause.

C. is more accurately associated with Freud than with Adler.

D. is the study of telescopes.

19. According to Adler, organ inferiorities

A. cause the development of inferior personalities.

B. cause the development of superior personalities.

C. are important as they stimulate feelings of inferiority.

D. are important because they bestow purpose on all behavior.

20. Social interest

A. exists in every individual to some degree.

B. exists only in psychologically healthy people.

C. requires personal gain by the individual.

D. is much stronger in pampered children than in neglected ones.

21. Adler said that the usefulness or uselessness of all human activity should be seen from the point of
view of

A. the masculine protest.

B. the ego.

C. the superego.

D. the society.

E. social interest.

22. According to Adler, social interest is strongest in people who strive for

A. success.

B. personal gain.

C. superiority.

D. inferiority.

23. According to Adler, _______ is the bond that holds society together.

A. fiction

B. the sex drive

C. a feeling of incompleteness

D. social interest

24. The "sole criterion of human values", Adler said, is

A. style of life.

B. creative power.

C. subjectivity of perception.

D. social interest.

25. According to Adler, ______ is the "barometer of normality".

A. social interest

B. creative power

C. subjectivity of perception

D. fictional finalism

26. Unlike Freud, Adler believed that

A. people are basically narcissistic.

B. narcissism is an inherent human characteristic.

C. sublimation is necessary for social interest.

27. Adler believed that creative power

A. shapes an individual's style of life.

B. guides the method of striving toward the final goal.

C. implies individual freedom.

D. None of the above is correct.

E. All of these are correct.

28. Adler believed that the essence of maladjustment is in a person's

A. fictional goals.

B. creative power.

C. safeguarding tendencies.

D. underdeveloped social interest.

E. psychic conflict.
29. Adler believed that maladjusted people

A. set their goals too low.

B. set their goals too high.

C. set too many goals.

D. set too few goals.

30. According to Adler, which factor does NOT describe maladjusted people?

A. a dogmatic style of life

B. a high level of social interest

C. exaggerated goals

D. a private world of experience

31. Adler held that exaggerated physical deficiencies

A. directly cause abnormal psychological development.

B. are the eventual results of abnormal psychological development.

C. trigger inferiority feelings leading to abnormal development.

D. are unrelated to abnormal psychological development.

32. According to Adler's theory of abnormal development, the goals of neurotic people

A. originate in the id.

B. are actually realistic, but their attempts to reach them are not.

C. are overcompensations for exaggerated feelings of inferiority.

D. All of these are correct.

E. None of these is correct.

33. Adler held that children who received love and affection from their parents typically develop

A. strong social interest.

B. a pampered style of life.

C. a neglected style of life.

D. a variety of safeguarding tendencies.

E. a parasitic style of life.

34. Although similar to Freud's defense

mechanisms, Adler's concept of safeguarding

tendencies differs in

35. several respects. One difference is that

safeguarding tendencies are

A. completely conscious.

B. completely unconscious.

C. sometimes conscious.

D. used by everyone.

36. Adler believed that social interest

A. develops early in the mother-child relationship.

B. is characteristic of all people to some degree.

C. is the English translation of


D. All these are correct.

E. None of these is correct.

37. According to Adler, two commonly used

safeguarding tendencies are excuses and

aggression. A third is

A. regression.

B. fixation.

C. social interest.

D. withdrawal.
E. early recollections.

38. Adlerian safeguarding tendencies protect

_______ against public disgrace and loss of selfesteem.

A. the individual's ego

B. superiority feelings

C. creative power

D. fictional finalism

39. Envy, gossip, and intolerance are manifestations

of which Adlerian safeguarding tendency?

A. excuses

B. depreciation

C. accusation

D. self-accusation

E. withdrawal

40. Adler's notion of moving backward is similar to

Freud's notion of

A. sublimation.

B. fixation.

C. progression.

D. repression.

E. regression.

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41. Vacillating, procrastinating, or behaving

compulsively are examples of which Adlerian

safeguarding tendency?

A. moving backward

B. standing still

C. hesitating

D. constructing obstacles

E. excuses

42. According to Adler,

A. the psychic lives of men and women are

fundamentally different.

B. only men overemphasize the importance of

being manly.

C. women's inferior place in society is biological.

D. All of these are correct.

E. None of these is correct.

43. Adler refers to the overemphasis on the

importance of being manly as the

A. masculine protest.

B. sexist imperative.

C. sexual safeguarding tendency.

D. gender excuse.

44. Firstborn children, according to Adler, are likely


A. suffer from organ inferiorities.

B. communicate in organ dialect more than

secondborn children do.

C. have intensified feelings of power and


D. have very little anxiety.

45. Adler believed that the typical secondborn child

A. develops moderate competitiveness.

B. becomes extremely competitive.

C. becomes easily discouraged.

D. is fearful of authority.

46. The most important factor for the child in Adler's

family constellation is

A. rank order of siblings.

B. gender of siblings.

C. spacing of siblings.

D. number of siblings.

E. subjective perception of self and environment.

47. According to Adler, _____ is the most reliable

means of revealing style of life.

A. the word association test

B. early recollections

C. free association

D. hypnosis

48. Adler believed that early recollections

A. have no objective validity.

B. are inconsistent with present style of life.

C. are psychologically meaningless.

D. yield clues to understanding style of life.

49. Adlerians believe that if style of life changes,

early recollections

A. are forgotten.

B. also can change.

C. are objectively verified.

D. cause the changes in style of life.

50. Adler hypothesized that early recollections

A. are complex daydreams.

B. cause or determine one's style of life.

C. are usually unpleasant and traumatic.

D. are shaped by one's present style of life.

E. All the above are correct.

51. Adler used the therapeutic relationship to

A. increase sense of social interest.

B. increase private intelligence.

C. increase personal superiority.

D. increase safeguarding tendencies.

E. decrease safeguarding tendencies.

52. Which of the following statements best

expresses Adler's concept of humanity?

A. The environment basically determines


B. People are by nature good.

C. Early childhood experiences are the single most

important factor in shaping personality.

D. People's interpretations of experiences are more

important than the experiences themselves.

53. Adler's concept of humanity is most accurately

summarized in which phrase?

A. Childhood experiences determine adult


B. People are motivated by their goals for the


C. People's experiences are more important than

their interpretations of experience.

D. Genetic factors are more influential than social

factors in shaping personality.

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