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Student: sarfraz (45459)

Subject: Sociology Submission Day: Saturday

Instructor: Afifa Fatima Submission Date: 7th August, 202

Ans 1)

cultural means explore individual and group communication; meaningfulness is expressed in social
narratives, ideologies, practices, tastes, values, and norms as well as in collective representations
and social classifications from my personal point of view these don’t effects of cultural differences
for me it is better for people to stay in their country because there is a lots of who didn’t respect
our or your culture like hijab in some country wearing hijab is banned and a lot of problem
happened in other country.

Ans 2)

A social interaction is an exchange between two or more individuals and is a building block of
society and in sociology social interaction is a dynamic sequence of social action between
individuals (or groups) Who modify their actions and reactions due to actions by their interation

Cooperation: Cooperation is the process of two or more people working or acting in concert

Competition: Competition is a contest between people or group of people for control over

Conflict : Social conflict is the stuggle for agency or power within a society to gain control of scarce


social exchange: Social Exchange is doing somthing in expectation of getting a reward (something

back) in return

Coercion: Coercion is individual or group are forced to give in the will of other
Ans 3)

Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist was particularly concerned with the way thinking develops in
children from birth till they become young adults. To understand the nature of this development,
Piaget carefully observed the behaviour of his own three kids. He used to present problems to
them, observe responses slightly after the situations and again observe their responses.

sensorimotor stage: The first stage of development lasts from birth to approximately age two. At
this point in development, children know the world primarily through their senses and motor

preoperational stage: The second stage of development lasts from the ages of two to

seven and is characterized by the development of language and the emergence of symbolic play.

concrete operational stage: The third stage of cognitive development lasts from the age of seven
to approximately age 11. At this point, logical thought emerges, but children still struggle with
abstract and theoretical thinking.

formal operation stage: In the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, lasting from

age 12 and into adulthood, children become much more adept at abstract thought and deductive


Ans 4)

So I didn’t understand Q4 that much but what I understand that I’m going to define

I have two ground in group and out group in in-group there is my family and out grout there is my


So one of my friend his name is akash he is hindu. He is not my just a friend he is for me like my
Brother. When my mom ask my about my friend I told her that his name is akash and he live near
by us them my mom ask me that my friend is hindu I told he yes that she said why you making
friend from other religion or other community make friends from our community. So that
conversation broke me from inside I thold my mom that he is good man but she don’t want to
belive me so what I did I invite akash for a dinner to meet my mom and show her that what she
think about other religion people is not true so that it.

Ans 5)

Auguste Comte was a French philosopher born on 19th January 1978 According to Comte, the
knowledge of a human has three branches. The understanding and thinking of a human go
through three different stages This theory was called ‘The law of three stages’ The stages depict
the transformation of the human mind in accordance with the transformation of the society and
era. The three stages consisted of

Theological or fictitious stage: This was the first of the three stages that explained the world
before 1300 A.D. This stage was characterized by the orthodox ideas that everything is
controlled by a supernatural power

Metaphysical or Abstract Stage: This stage characterized the world between 1300 and 1800 A.D.
It was the modification of the Theological stage. People started thinking rationally and replaced
imagination with reason

Positive or Scientific Stage: This stage was characterized by the growth of Science and marked
the era following 1800 A.D. People gave up their beliefs about God and initiated researching
over the wide field of science

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