ME312 - 2021-2022 - Spring - Homework 5 (Correctedv2)

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Middle East Technical University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 312 – Thermal Engineering – 2021-2022 Spring Semester

Homework 5
Assigned: 02.06.2022 Due: 09.06.2022 (until 17:00)
Submit to: A-148 (Eslem Enis Atak)

Guidelines for homework submission:

1. You are encouraged to work in groups of 2-3 students and turn in a single homework for the
entire group. Make sure all the names of the students who contributed appear on the homework sheet.
However, if you wish, you may turn in individual homework as well. Your homework grade will not
be affected whether you work as an individual or within a group.
2. Use an A-4 sized, white paper. You will submit your work hard copy.
3. Provide proper and consistent units for all dimensional quantities. Convert the units if
necessary. Omission or incorrect usage of units will cause grade reduction.
4. Your solution should be readable. Neatness may affect grading.
5. Cite all the references you used for the solution of the problems, such as, tables, figures,
appendices, other books, internet, etc.
6. The following information for every member must be provided on the submitted homework:
Name, Last name, ID number.

Q1) A heat flux of 200 W/m2 is applied to a square horizontal plate (black body) of surface area 0.1
m2. Calculate the rate of radiation energy emitted by the plate per unit solid angle in the direction
making a 60o angle with normal of the horizontal plate.

Q2) The distribution of spectral emissivity of a diffuse surface is shown below.

a) Determine the total emissivity and the total emissive power of the surface at 2000 K,
b) If the surface is opaque, sketch the spectral reflectivity of the surface,
c) If the surface is irradiated by the sun i.e., in terms of solar radiation, determine the radiosity of the
surface kept at 2000 K.

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