Reflection Paper On Activity: "Journal": Juhara A. Casidar Bs Biology

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Reflection paper on activity: “Journal”

Each and everyone of us did the journal at a brief period of our lives, some others might

do it anyway and some may have simply forgotten. The journal might be a drawing, colouring,

scribbling, doodling, and writing message to anyone we personally know, and according to

Amira Ayada's book "The True Secret." many other individuals embraced journals to express

themselves perhaps to write them or various ways shown in the mentioned above.

In this book, the journal is used for us to do the activiy, to understand our self and find our path

in our journey in life. It was also mentioned there that we could add our own feelings and

variations to any exercise, The author starts of by praparing readers by mentioning devising

plans, goals, describing your heart's desires and long-held dreams, brainstorming and other

activities. The authors also encouarage the readers that if there is a day that your mind is blocked

and you could not think to write anyhting at all, then the readers are free to do the other

activities. It might be walking, jogging, stretching or drawing or something that might refreshed

your peace of mind. This activy is highly suggested to do in the morning since our energy is

much more higher and according to the author don’t waste it. It was also mentioned there that

you have the permission to give someone access to read your journal since it is yours, but it all

depends on you.

This journal is not only physically but mentally supposedly representing you, which is why it is

highly advisable to persevere. It might be difficult and frustrating since you get up early in the

morning and initially adapt your routine, but you'll soon be aware of its value, as the writers have


Reflection paper on activity: “You will need some 'apples'

The apple signifies many things, but in this activity it focuses much more on our happines

and purpose of our life. This task could not be taken literally where we really need an apple to

give to someone or find our apple/source for our happinness.

The author uses apple as the metaphor and as I read it, the writer provides an easy

understandable and efficient scenario where the protagonist have face a lot of responsibilities in

her daily life like getting married, having kids and all that, where she has to leave her work

which she enjoyed a lot according to her. She did felt happy while focusing on her family but

the protagonist still felt that someting is missing to the point that she would cry secretly

everynight but wondering what could be the reason of her tears. Until she discovers the book of

Lee Schnebly entitled “Nurturing Yourself and Others” as she was reading it, she realize that the

writer of the book experienced the same situation as her and that intrigued her.

Basically the apple was mentioned here as a happines like i said before and the book that she

read give as an example according to him “The apple barrel is only useful if it actually holds

some apples. If we keep distributing our apples to our children,relatives and friends, we will soon

run out of apples and feel worthless.” Giving love to someone while also caring for youself,

your source of happiness still also matter in our life. Everyone of your loved one has right for

you in matter of love and responsibilities but caring and loving yourself would not make you less

as a human specially treasuring the things or source of our happiness.


Reflection paper on activity: “Starting your journal”

On starting our journal it is highly recommended for us to reflect on ourselves, We can

use observation as a tool since it is our self that we would be writing about. So thinking what

would be your starting point in writing journal is pretty important.

The first one on the book says “ Reflect on your responsibilities” like what relevance does your

house, work, college, family and friends have around you? In your journal, note your duties.

Take your time for each of these to think about. List any chores you think you should perform.

The second one is “Specify your abilities” What are your skills and abilities? You know these

things you like and appreciate the most, and you can also write about your skills and strengths.

and lastly “Acknowledge your limitations” Think about your shortcomings and weaknesses.

What does it weigh you down, in your personal view? What do you consider your life lacks?

these are the things that you might possibly ask your self according to this three phrases

mentioned in the books.

Making a way into life means recognizing and carrying out all your obligations as much as

feasible. Your emotions, your deeds, your lives are the responsibility you have. For what you

feel or believe, you are responsible. You can't apologize and blame others for choosing your own

decisions in life. So using this three starting point on writing your journals would be a big help

for you as a novice writer of your own journal.


Reflection paper on two activity: “Planning” “Revising and updating your plans”

In this two activity, planning and revising while updating your plans is part of the

procedures process on starting our own journal according to my understanding while reading the

book “The true secret” according to it we can use the phyramids sample that was provided in the

books for us as a starting point of planning. “Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, life plan and the big

pictures” are the one that is written on the phyramids that given in the book.

According to the book there is a long-term and a short-term when it come to planning and each

of that has its own following steps in the books that we should consider. On long-term there is a

Islam, religious, health, family, social life, personal development, and work/career. These are the

topic that we need to consider on long-term planning while on short-term planning monthly,

weekly and daily are the things that adds up on the topic.

after deciding on your plans, that’s where revising and updating your plans come in, according to

the book.

You need to conduct a brief assessment of your schedule, like you did before going to bed? What

was to be moved to the next day? Did you do the job you intended yesterday, or did you

complete it. You also have the chance to plan things before next morning, so that you are

organized or oriented much better. After all this is my own understanding while reading the


Reflection paper on activity: “We need the challenge”

These activity talks about the challenge that we need, and as i read this one I think it

implies that challenge is needed in our life since if we get things easily then that things would be

meant nothing for us. It is great because the author give a very worth read scenario on how the

lizard refused to eat anything since she likes the pleasure on hunting food before eating it and it

would rather die on starvation than to eat nonchalantly.

And as i understand this one, humans also is like this since the things that we acquire easily are

usually not that special for us. We did not treasure the things that we get easily and also

according to the books, we teenager or humans needs an excitement in our life. Through this we

can actually control it on our own by balancing the things that we need to since challenges are

there for us to learn. And we should get this chance to achieves the things that could bring us to a

great part of our success in life, and challenge are made for us to survive.

So that's why according to the books it is important on us to define or make our goals very

specific since if our objectives is easy and our targets is steady then it will be easy for us to

conquer the challenges for us in a life. If the challenges that you face are well suited to your

abilities then you are gradually meeting your goal. In that way, it could give you excitement and

a light that is necessary to stimulate your real power and keep you going in life and i think that is

what challenges or it is main on this activity since challenges are really needed in our life since

we often hear the words that was made by the individuals that “they are bored” something like


(Narrative report on the activities in the book)

The book was an amazing inspiration for people who are struggling or needs

guidance for having a better mental health and need guidance for physical healthy lifestyle and

also the activities are very informative. Doing these activities made me realize that i should have

do something like this inspiring and fulfilling days that you only achieved if you work hard on it.

Journal is a very effective ways for individuals to express their own selves, like inside of their

thoughts, tellings their own opinion and the things that they couldn't say in public but they can

share it in under journal. Burdens would be left out immediately after they express or share the

things that weight them down. Organizing your self and the things that you should do is a very

good one.

There is a an activity that is entitled “you will need some apple” which really inspired me

because the apple signifies a lot of things, like it is used as a metaphor by the authors on writing

this one and i think the meaning behind that is very inspiring, on how basically the apple was the

source of happiness. this line that is engraved in my mind “The apple barrel is only useful if it

actually holds some apples. If we keep distributing our apples to our children,relatives and

friends, we will soon run out of apples and feel worthless.” it made me realize that caring for

yourselves are the first things that we should consider and on how we nurture ourselves.

“ Reflect on your responsibilities” “Specify your abilities” “Acknowledge your limitations”

These three phrases that is very helpful on every individual who are novice in starting their goal

in life are the things that help me the most as i read this book.

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