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DI View the T.E.D./Mindvalley Talk Title of T.E.D.

tle of T.E.D./ Mindvalley Talk (+link): Name of Speaker: Date of Talk and Number of Views:
RE (>10min) and complete the «A funny look at the unintended consequences of Chuck Nice February 27, 2018
CT following grid. If you run out of technology»
space on the grid for any of your
answers, feel free to continue
writing/typing on the back of this
What was the speaker’s thesis (main point) of this speech? Describe two things this speaker does well in terms of engaging the audience. Be sure to
“Technology should work for us, but what happen when it doesn’t?” include the minute : second mark (ex: 8:49) to denote the two specific moments you discuss
1. He explains every statement or suggestion by telling a joke. (9:39, 5:55, etc) In my opinion, it
What group of people would benefit the most from hearing this is one of the best way how to catch the audience’s attention and make the listeners curious
lecture? and engaged in the speech.
I believe, everyone would find this lecture not only beneficial, but 2. He tells a funny story from his own life. (1:58) Personal stories, especially amusing ones,
also amusing and interesting. The speaker did his best to explain this always draw the listener’s attention to the speaker.
topic clearly, so everyone can understand it.

If you could ask this speaker a question Write two specific things you learned from this presentation. Give one piece of constructive criticism that would
about his/her information or presentation, 1. “The creation always despises its creator.” improve the presentation.
what would you ask?
Honestly, I do not have any ideas. His speech
2. “Technology isn't scary. Never has been and it never will Frankly speaking, I could say, that there is a lack of
be. What's scary is us and what we will do with stistic oart of this topic, but I won’t. The speech is
is quite informative and clear, so I do not
intended as “a funny look”, so let it be so.
have any questions. technology.”

Ethos is a speaker’s ability to build credibility, establish himself/herself as an expert, and/or convince the audience members that the speaker has their best interests at heart. How
does this speaker build ethos? Feel free to also refer to the speaker’s profile information from the webpage (or other resources) as you build your answer.
The speaker is a comedian, so he is not a tech expert. However, the information he is talking about is available and understandable for everyone. He just presents it as a comedian.
He establishes himself by using the appropriate language and tone, that’s how he makes the audience trust him.
Pathos is an appeal to emotions (everything from humor to horror) in order to sway an audience, while logos is the use of data/evidence to prove one’s case. Did this speaker rely
more on pathos or logos in his/her presentation? What argument/point in this presentation did you find the most compelling? Why?
The speaker doesn’t use the Logos at all. As I said before, this speech is meant to be “a FUNNY look at consequences …”, so there is no space for statistic information, facts, and
Talking about Pathos, the speaker uses it all the time throughout the speech. Being a comedian actor, he enriches his lecture with tones jokes, funny stories and personal experience.
Also, he even visualise his statements and jokes by using some pictures. It helps the audience to get the main point.

Vocabulary (write 10 words/phrases from the speech and explain their meaning
1. Veritable –
2. Trolls –
3. Ill-formed –
4. Leprosy –
5. A bunch of wussies –
6. DMV –
8. Quip –
9. Deception –
10. Credit rating -


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