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Received: 1 September 2021    Revised: 12 April 2022    Accepted: 15 May 2022

DOI: 10.1111/jre.13021


Cross-­sectional analysis of the association of periodontitis with

carotid intima media thickness and atherosclerotic plaque in
the Hamburg City health study

Ragna Lamprecht1 | David Leander Rimmele2 | Renate B. Schnabel3,4 |

Guido Heydecke1 | Udo Seedorf1 | Carolin Walther1  | Carola Mayer2 |
Julia Struppek1 | Katrin Borof1,5 | Christian-­Alexander Behrendt6 | Bastian Cheng2 |
Christian Gerloff2 | Sebastian Debus6 | Ralf Smeets7,8 | Thomas Beikler9 |
Stefan Blankenberg3,4 | Tanja Zeller3,4 | Mahir Karakas3,4 | Götz Thomalla2 |
Ghazal Aarabi1
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Department of Cardiology, University Heart and Vascular Center, Hamburg, Germany
German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner Site Hamburg/Lübeck/Kiel, Munich, Germany
Epidemiological Study Center, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf (UKE), Hamburg, Germany
Department of Vascular Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Division of “Regenerative Orofacial Medicine”, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Department of Periodontics, Preventive and Restorative Dentistry, University Medical Center Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Ghazal Aarabi, Department of Prosthetic Abstract
Dentistry, Center for Dental and Oral
Background: Previous epidemiological studies regarding the association between
Medicine, University Medical Center
Hamburg-­Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, chronic periodontitis (CP) and carotid intima-­media thickness (cIMT) and subclinical
20251 Hamburg, Germany.
atherosclerosis have been inconclusive.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether CP is associated with sub-
Funding information
clinical atherosclerosis in a large population-­based cohort study conducted in north-
GA has received funding from the Else
Kröner-­Fresenius Foundation (2016_ ern Germany (the Hamburg City Health study).
Methods: Baseline data from 5781 participants of the Hamburg City Health Study
with complete oral health and carotid ultrasound data (50.7% female, mean age:
62.1  ± 8.4 years) were evaluated. A standardized duplex sonography of the carotid
artery was performed with measurement of carotid intima-­media thickness (cIMT)
and atherosclerotic plaques. Oral health was assessed by recording the decayed, miss-
ing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index, clinical attachment loss (CAL), bleeding on probing

Ragna Lamprecht and David Leander Rimmele contributed equally to this work.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Periodontal Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

J Periodont Res. 2022;00:1–11.  |     1
2      LAMPRECHT et al.

(BOP), and the dental plaque index (PI). Correlations were tested for statistical signifi-
cance by means of descriptive statistics and multivariate regression analyses.
Results: Moderate and severe CP were associated with the prevalence of cIMT ≥ 1 mm
(none or mild CP: 5.1%, moderate CP: 6.1%, severe CP: 10%) and mean cIMT (none or
mild CP: 0.72 mm, moderate CP: 0.75 mm, severe CP: 0.78 mm) in bivariate analyses
(p < .001). Additionally, severe and moderate CP were associated with higher preva-
lence of carotid atherosclerotic plaques (plaque = yes: none or mild CP: 23.9%, mod-
erate CP: 29%, severe CP: 40.2%,). After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, diabetes,
hypertension, educational level, hypercholesterolemia, and hsCRP, severe CP still cor-
related significantly with cIMT and the prevalence of cIMT ≥1 mm and/or presence of
carotid atherosclerotic plaques.
Conclusion: In this study, severe CP was associated with increased cIMT and higher
prevalence of carotid plaques independent of common risk factors.

atherosclerosis, epidemiology, intima-­media-­thickness, periodontitis, plaque, ultrasound

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N hypothesized that there is an association between CP and cIMT

and that periodontal infection is an independent risk factor for
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common cause of morbidity and atherosclerosis and its clinical consequences.13-­15 Carotid intima-­
mortality mainly due to atherosclerosis a highly prevalent chronic media thickness (cIMT) measures the thickness of the inner two
condition of arterial vessel walls, which leads to changes in the layers of the carotid artery—­t he intima and media—­and thickening
vascular intima associated with changes in the vascular media. A is a predictor of future cardiovascular events when patients are
chronic inflammatory reaction has been identified as an additional still asymptomatic.16,17 Values ≥1 mm are considered pathological
risk factor in the initiation of atherosclerosis, especially in periph- (morbidly elevated)18 and indicate a strong change in the vessel
eral arteries. One hypothesis is that oral inflammation (e.g., chronic wall.19 Aging and male sex are strong predictors of increased cIMT.
periodontitis, CP) can modulate inflammatory events in atherogene- Other risk factors are high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol,
sis via its systemic effects.4 high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, and a sedentary
CP, a chronic inflammatory disease of the soft and hard tissue lifestyle. Although cIMT is a widely used surrogate marker for pre-
surrounding the tooth, is the 6th most common disease of the clinical atherosclerosis and may improve risk prediction, its use for
5 6
human with a high overall prevalence of 45%–­50%. The oppor- the clinical evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk is not recom-
tunistic infection of the periodontium by anaerobic pathogenic mended by American Heart Association and European guidelines,
bacteria in the subgingival dental plaque leads to a destructive largely owing to conflicting results and a lack of standardization in
host inflammatory response. By micro traumatizing the gingiva, the assessment models.18 A recent study showed that the carotid
pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream and colonize inter- lumen diameter may represent a marginally better predictor of car-
nal organs and blood vessels.7 Additionally, specific pro-­ and anti-­ diovascular and all-­c ause mortality than cIMT. 20
inflammatory cytokines, small signal molecules and modulating Previous studies showed that CP was associated with cIMT
enzymes can modulate chronic inflammatory reactions that may ≥1 mm in a multivariable logistic regression model adjusted
affect overall health. 8 for cardiovascular risk factors in the Atherosclerosis Risk in
Epidemiological studies showed that periodontal and cardio- Communities (ARIC) study, which is a large US survey of men and
vascular diseases share common risk factors, such as higher age, women aged 52–­75 years.10 A more recent meta-­a nalysis demon-
male sex, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension. Experimental strated that the diagnosis of CP was associated with a significant
studies demonstrated that subclinical inflammatory changes of the mean increase in cIMT compared with controls. 21 Additionally,
gingiva accelerate the accumulation of inflammatory markers and it could be demonstrated that the periodontal bacterial burden
modify the circulating monocytes to become pro-­atherogenic.11 was related to cIMT, which was specific for causative bacte-
In addition, chronic CP leads to the production of C-­reactive ria and independent of CRP. 22 On the other hand, the associa-
protein (CRP) and fibrinogen in the liver via the formation of tion between CP and cIMT observed in conventional regression
pro-­inflammatory mediators, which in turn may stimulate ath- analyses might be due to collider bias stratification according to
erogenesis.4 In patients with severe CP, periodontal pathogens Leite et al. 23 The authors observed a strong association between
were found in 42% of the examined atheromas. It is therefore CP and cIMT in participants with high CRP level but not in those
LAMPRECHT et al. |

with CRP <3 mg/L. Additionally, a Chinese study observed a lin-
ear and dose-­d ependent association between periodontal mea- Excluded: 1. Enrolled in the HCHS: 2016-2019
(n = 10,000)
sures including mean CAL, maximal cIMT, and carotid plaque load 5. General exclusion criteria
only in elderly hyperglycemic subjects, whereas no association n = 105 (1.1% of 1.)
2. Included in the HCHS: 2016-2019
could be detected in euglycemic subjects. 24 A recent Mendelian (n = 9,895 (99.0% of 1.)
6. Periodontitis
randomization study to test whether CP is causally associated classification not available
with increased cIMT found no correlation for CP with subclini- n = 3,791 (37.9% of 1.) 3. Periodontis classification available
cal atherosclerosis. 25 Taken together, these more recent studies n = 6,209 (62.1% of 1.)
7. cIMT
raised the possibility that the association between CP and cIMT not available
observed in observational studies may largely be due to con- n = 428 (6.9% of 3.) 4. Periodontitis classification and cIMT
founding. The ARIC sample, which so far has provided the stron- n = 5,781 (93.1% of 3.)
gest support for an association between CP and increased cIMT
/ carotid plaque, was recruited and examined already more than F I G U R E 1  Sampling flow chart. General exclusion criteria were
20 years ago (1996–­1998). Since then, the age-­a djusted incidence <4 teeth and/or inadequate knowledge of the German language to
rates of CVD endpoints and the prevalence of risk factors have participate
been decreasing, 26,27 most likely partly due to beneficial lifestyle
changes and improvements of medicine (i.e., medication with participants prior to their enrollment. Participation in the study
statins, anti-­hypertensives, and anti-­d iabetics). The same pertains was voluntary.
to the age-­a djusted incidence rates of CP, which also follow de-
clining trends. 28 Thus, we were interested in re-­evaluating the po-
tential association between CP and subclinical atherosclerosis in 2.2  |  Variables
a large population-­b ased sample of middle-­a ged and elderly men
and women recruited between February 2016 and November 2.2.1  |  Dental examination
2018 with special emphasis on potential confounders including
CRP. The dental examination was performed by trained and calibrated
non-­d ental staff with extensive experience in conducting the ex-
amination, which was performed according to a pre-­specified SOP
2  |   M E TH O D S under the supervision of a dentist. The 49 examiners, who also
conducted the oral health examinations for the German National
2.1  |  Study population, study design and setting Cohort (GNC) study, collected the raw data, such as number of
teeth, pocket depths, number of bleeding points on probing, which
This cross-­sectional study was conducted as part of the Hamburg were then used by two dentists to establish the diagnosis. In case
City Health Study (HCHS) at the University Medical Center of disagreement, consensus was established by consulting a third
Hamburg-­Eppendorf (UKE) in Hamburg, Germany. HCHS is an dentist. Data accuracy was established by regular training and
ongoing, prospective, population-­based cohort study with a target calibration of the staff in the pilot phase and while the study was
sample of 45 000 participants to identify risk factors and important ongoing. Electronic data capture and transfer, longitudinal per-
correlations of major chronic diseases. General inclusion criteria formance evaluation, and statistical monitoring were performed
are as follows: inhabitant of Greater Hamburg aged between 45 regularly during the study. The validity of the results obtained
and 74 years (sampled randomly from records of the residents' reg- by trained non-­d ental examiners was confirmed in a published
istration office), adequate knowledge of the German language and quality control study by Holtfreter et al. 31 on the basis of data
physical and psychological capability to participate. The study's ra- from the GNC study. The oral examination included the following
tional and protocol, which includes validated examinations target- steps: CP was diagnosed as part of the dental examination with
ing major organ systems and several self-­report questionnaires, are a standardized periodontal probe (Hu-­f riedy, Chicago, USA) fol-
published. 29 For the current study, we evaluated baseline data of lowing a full mouth—­six sites protocol, excluding the third molars.
the first 10 000 participants enrolled in the HCHS from February Decisive periodontal parameters were the probing depths (PCP)
2016 to November 2018. 6209 participants with completed peri- and the gingival recessions, each of which was collected at 6 sites
odontal examination of which 5781 also had complete carotid ul- per tooth. The respective CAL per tooth was calculated by adding
trasound data were included (Figure 1) PCP and recession. The grading of CP in severity grades was based
This manuscript was prepared according to the STROBE on the criteria of Eke et al. 32 A four-­p oint ordinal scale was used
guidelines. 31 The study was carried out in accordance with the (no, mild, moderate, severe).
Declaration of Helsinki. The study protocol of the HCHS was ap- Additionally, the bleeding on probing (BOP) index was collected
proved by the Ethics Committee of the Hamburg Chamber of phy- per tooth (yes/no) and the plaque index (PI) of Silness-­Löe (1964)
sicians (PV5131). Written informed consent was obtained from all of the periodontal tissue was collected at two sites per tooth.
4      LAMPRECHT et al.

Subsequently, the DMFT-­index (D = decayed, M = missing, F = filled, median (interquartile range [IQR]) were computed for continuous
T = teeth) was calculated. variables, stratified by the status of CP. For the bivariate analyses,
p-­v alues were calculated by a chi square test for categorical vari-
ables and by a Kruskal–­Wallis test for continuous variables. The
2.2.2  |  Assessment of carotid atherosclerosis associations between periodontal status parameters and cIMT
adjusted for confounders were tested using simple and multivari-
For the assessment of carotid atherosclerosis, the IMT of the com- able linear or logistic regression analyses. As the mild periodon-
mon carotid artery was measured and the presence of atheroscle- titis group was rather small (n  =  69) and as there is practically
rotic plaques was recorded using B-­mode duplex sonography, which no clinically difference between no and mild periodontitis, this
was performed manually with a Siemens SC2000 Ultrasound System group was merged with the large no periodontitis group for the
equipped with a 5–­7.5 MHz broadband linear transducer. CIMT was regression analyses. Five models were considered: 1 a crude un-
measured in both common carotid arteries with a distance of at least adjusted model, and 4 additional regression models including ad-
1 cm from the bifurcation. The mean of these measures was taken justments for age, sex, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, and/or
for further analysis. As a cut off for pathologic thickness, respec- log hsCRP. Linear regression coefficients (β) or odds ratios (OR)
tively, atherosclerosis we chose values of 1 mm and above according and their 95% confidence intervals (95%  CI) were reported de-
to the criteria of the European Stroke organization.34 Plaques were pending on the data format and values of p < .05 were considered
defined as a focal thickness above 1.5 mm. significant. All statistical analyses were performed using RStudio
Version 1.1.453.

2.3  |  Confounders
3  |  R E S U LT S
Prior to the visit in the study center, all participants received a self-­
report questionnaire, which included questions regarding sociode- 3.1  |  Descriptive analysis
mographic characteristics, such as age, nationality, sex, lifestyle, and
environmental conditions. During the baseline visit, the medical his- 3.1.1  |  Characteristics of participants
tory of systemic diseases, previous vascular events, and medication
was evaluated. The level of education was classified according to the A total of 6209 participants with complete periodontal data and a
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) criteria.35 mean age of 62.1 ± 8.4 years were analyzed. Baseline characteristics
Family history of cardiovascular disease was evaluated in a follow-­up of the study population (Table  1) were stratified by degree of CP
questionnaire. (none: n = 1384; mild: n = 69; moderate: n = 3580; severe: n = 1176).
Smoking behavior was assessed with the Fagerström ques- Complete carotid ultrasound data were available for 5781 partici-
tionnaire37 and each participant was classified as smoker, former pants of this sample (Figure 1).
smoker, or never-­smoker. Blood pressure and heart rate were mea-
sured on the right arm after 5  min of rest, twice in sitting posi-
tion. The mean value of the two measurements was used for the 3.1.2  |  Socio-­demographic characteristics
analyses. Hypertension was defined by systolic/diastolic values
above 140/90 mmHg, or participants' self-­report or antihyperten- Socio-­demographic characteristics differed significantly (p  < .001)
sive medication. Furthermore, a panel of basic laboratory analy- according to CP severity (Table  1). The proportion of women was
ses was performed on the day of the visit in the study center for higher among participants with none CP (60.8%) as compared with
measuring biomarkers, which included estimated, high-­s ensitivity the other groups (mild: 52.2%, moderate: 50.7%; severe: 39.1%).
measured CRP (hsCRP), glucose, HDL-­cholesterol, and total cho- Participants with severe CP were of older age (Median [IQR]: 66 [59,
lesterol. Hypercholesterolemia was defined as LDL-­cholesterol 71]) and presented the highest rates for BMI (26.45 [24.11, 29.65])
equal or greater than 130 mg/dl or statin treatment. Regulation and lower educational level (4.1%) in comparison to none, mild and
of blood glucose metabolism was assessed by non-­f asting and moderate CP.
fasting glucose. Diabetes was defined as values of fasting glucose
above 126 mg/dl or non-­f asting above 200 mg/dl or participants'
self-­report. 3.1.3  |  Cardiovascular risk factors

Moreover, cardiovascular risk factors differed significantly by CP

2.4  |  Statistical analyses severity (Table  1). Participants with severe CP had the highest
percentage of smokers (n  =  293; 25.1%), being diabetic (n  = 122;
Descriptive analyses were performed for all variables with calcu- 11.3%) and hypertensive (n = 810; 72.5%), all statistically significant
lation of frequency distributions for the categorical variables and (p  < .001). Regarding previous vascular events, again participants
LAMPRECHT et al.       5|
TA B L E 1  Characteristics of the study population stratified by periodontitis grades


None Mild Moderate Severe

n 1384 69 3580 1176 p

Sex = Female (%) 842 (60.8) 36 (52.2) 1814 (50.7) 460 (39.1) <.001
Age (median [IQR]) 59.00 [52.00, 59.00 [53.00, 66.00] 63.00 [55.00, 69.00] 66.00 [59.00, 71.00] <.001
Education (%)
Low 40 (3.0) 3 (4.5) 151 (4.4) 55 (5.0) .003
Medium 642 (48.4) 33 (50.0) 1711 (50.0) 605 (54.5)
High 645 (48.6) 30 (45.5) 1559 (45.6) 450 (40.5)
BMI (median [IQR]) 25.55 [22.98, 25.73 [23.49, 29.33] 26.02 [23.55, 29.01] 26.45 [24.11, 29.65] <.001
Current Smoking (%) 215 (15.6) 20 (29.4) 608 (17.1) 293 (25.1) <.001
Diabetes (%) 82 (6.2) 3 (4.5) 242 (7.4) 122 (11.3) <.001
Hypertension (%) 728 (54.5) 40 (62.5) 2266 (66.3) 810 (72.5) <.001
Sys. blood pressure 134.00 [123.50, 133.00 [123.12, 144.38] 137.50 [125.50, 150.50] 139.50 [127.50, 153.00] <.001
(median [IQR]) 146.50]
Dia. blood pressure 81.50 [75.00, 79.50 [74.75, 86.38] 82.00 [76.00, 88.50] 81.50 [75.50, 88.50] .046
(median [IQR]) 87.25]
Heart rate (median [IQR]) 67.50 [61.00, 75.00] 67.75 [61.38, 71.62] 68.50 [62.00, 76.00] 68.50 [61.50, 76.50] .020
Heart failure (%) 22 (1.6) 1 (1.4) 76 (2.1) 31 (2.7) .308
Atrial fibrillation (%) 53 (4.2) 4 (6.0) 181 (5.5) 75 (6.9) .040
Myocardial infarction (%) 30 (2.2) 1 (1.4) 88 (2.5) 38 (3.3) .310
Stroke (%) 24 (1.7) 3 (4.3) 98 (2.8) 45 (3.9) .011
Stenosis ACI right (%) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 12 (0.4) 7 (0.6) .051
ACI flow velocity stenosis NA NA 1.25 [0.66, 2.02] 1.41 [0.78, 1.85] .920
right (median [IQR])
Stenosis ACI left (%) 2 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 9 (0.3) 4 (0.4) .757
ACI flow velocity stenosis 1.84 [1.34, 2.35] NA [NA, NA] 1.32 [0.91, 2.33] 1.70 [1.17, 2.22] .904
left (median [IQR])
Carotis plaque (%) 311 (23.8) 17 (26.2) 993 (29.0) 451 (40.2) <.001
Carotis plaque diameter 2.11 [1.78, 2.54] 2.40 [2.09, 2.86] 2.18 [1.81, 2.60] 2.17 [1.81, 2.66] .061
(median [IQR])
cIMT ≥1 mm (%) 62 (4.7) 8 (12.5) 208 (6.1) 113 (10.0) <.001
cIMT (median [IQR]) 0.72 [0.64, 0.81] 0.73 [0.68, 0.86] 0.75 [0.67, 0.84] 0.78 [0.69, 0.88] <.001
eGFR (median [IQR]) 87.30 [76.80, 95.85] 89.25 [81.50, 95.90] 86.20 [75.50, 94.20] 84.70 [73.93, 92.50] <.001
hsCRP (median [IQR]) 0.10 [0.06, 0.22] 0.13 [0.06, 0.34] 0.11 [0.06, 0.25] 0.13 [0.07, 0.30] <.001
LDL (median [IQR]) 117.00 [96.00, 123.50 [84.00, 150.50] 122.00 [97.00, 145.00] 121.00 [93.75, 146.00] .294
Non-­HDL-­cholesterol 140.00 [115.00, 146.00 [105.75, 176.50] 143.00 [117.00, 171.00] 144.00 [114.00, 171.00] .332
(median [IQR]) 169.00]
Anticoagulant 140 (10.4) 6 (9.0) 466 (13.7) 187 (16.8) <.001
medication (%)
Antihypertensive 348 (25.7) 23 (34.3) 1109 (32.5) 410 (36.8) <.001
medication (%)
Statins (%) 166 (12.3) 8 (11.9) 501 (14.7) 218 (19.6) <.001
Antidiabetic 55 (4.1) 2 (3.0) 161 (4.7) 86 (7.7) <.001
medication (%)

6      LAMPRECHT et al.

TA B L E 1  (Continued)


None Mild Moderate Severe

n 1384 69 3580 1176 p

Number of missing teeth 2.00 [0.00, 4.00] 2.00 [0.00, 6.00] 2.00 [1.00, 5.00] 4.00 [1.00, 9.00] <.001
(median [IQR])
DMFT-­Index (median 17.00 [14.00, 21.00] 18.00 [15.00, 22.00] 19.00 [16.00, 23.00] 21.00 [17.00, 24.25] <.001
AL sites ≥3 mm (median 12.35 [6.39, 20.71] 14.88 [9.03, 22.84] 38.67 [25.64, 53.61] 68.52 [53.21, 83.33] <.001
BOP (median [IQR]) 2.08 [0.00, 7.14] 2.92 [0.00, 6.90] 8.33 [2.17, 19.23] 21.05 [9.26, 41.67] <.001
Plaque index (median 0.00 [0.00, 10.93] 0.00 [0.00, 8.93] 8.93 [0.00, 27.78] 22.00 [5.77, 54.76] <.001
Antibiotic use within last 161 (11.8) 3 (4.3) 399 (11.2) 116 (9.9) .141
three months (%)

Abbreviations: ACI, arteria carotis interna; AL, attachment loss; BMI, body mass index; BOP, bleeding on probing; cIMT, carotid intima-­media
thickness; DMFT, decayed; missing and filled teeth; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HDL, high-­density lipoprotein; hsCRP, high-­sensitivity
C-­reactive protein; IQR, interquartile range; LDL, low-­density lipoprotein.

TA B L E 2  Periodontal status related to

Age decades
age decades
45–­54 55–­6 4 65+

n = 2273 n = 3322 n = 4405

Median [IQR] or n (%) p-­value

None or mild (%) 505 (34.6) 494 (23.2) 454 (17.3) <.001
Moderate (%) 795 (54.6) 1260 (59.2) 1525 (58.1)
Severe (%) 158 (10.8) 372 (17.5) 646 (24.6)
Number of missing teeth [IQR] 1 [0, 3] 2 [1, 6] 4 [1, 9] <.001
DMFT-­Index [IQR] 16 [13, 20] 19 [16, 23] 22 [18, 25] <.001
Sites/mouth CAL ≥3 mm [IQR] 28.82 36.31 [19.14, 42.26 [23.68, <.001
[14.78, 56.06] 62.82]
BOP [IQR] 6.25 [1.85, 7.89 [1.92, 8.93 [2.08, <.001
17.35] 20.83] 21.43]
Plaque index [IQR] 5.56 [0, 7.41 [0, 12 [0, 36.54] <.001
22.73] 27.27]

Abbreviations: BOP, bleeding on probing; CAL, clinical attachment loss; DMFT, decayed; missing
and filled teeth; IQR, interquartile range.

with severe CP were of highest rates for stroke (3.9%, p = 0.008), 3.1.4  |  Carotid intima-­media thickness
but with no significant difference for heart failure (2.7%; p = 0.166)
and myocardial infarction (3.3%; p = 0.18). Additionally, medication The median of cIMT and the prevalence of cIMT ≥ 1 mm were sig-
with statins, anti-­hypertensives, and anti-­diabetics was common in nificantly higher in men and women with CP in bivariate analysis
this sample and differed significantly according to the periodontal (p  < .001, Table  1). Moderate and severe CP were both associated
status (p  < .001, Table  1) between groups, with the highest per- with higher median cIMT (median [IQR]: severe: 0.78 [0.7, 0.88];
centage of treated participants was observed in subjects with se- moderate: 0.75 [0.67, 0.84]; mild: 0.73 mm [0.68, 0.86]); none:
vere CP. Regarding blood biomarker values (Table  1), participants 0.72 mm [0.64–­0.81], and cIMT ≥1 mm (severe: 10%; moderate: 6.1%;
with severe CP showed the highest for hsCRP (0.13 [0.07, 0.3], mild: 12.5%; none: 4.7%) compared to none or mild CP. Additionally,
p  =  0.013). Values for LDL-­ and Non-­HDL-­cholesterol were of no the two groups both showed a higher percentage of occurrence of
statistical difference. plaques (severe: 40.2%; moderate: 29%; mild: 26.2%; none: 23.8%).
LAMPRECHT et al. |

3.1.5  |  Dental parameters in a population-­based sample of men and women between 45

and 74 years. Moderate and severe CP were both associated with
Severe CP was associated with higher rates of CAL (mean: 68.52%), higher median cIMT and a higher prevalence of carotid plaque and
BOP (Median [IQR]: 21.05 [9.26, 41.67]) and plaque index (22 [5.77, cIMT ≥ 1 mm compared to none or mild CP. After adjusting for sev-
54.76]) in comparison to none, mild and moderate CP. Dental pa- eral confounders (age, sex, diabetes, smoking, education, hypercho-
rameters differed significantly with age decades (p < .001, Table 2). lesterolemia, and CRP) in linear regression analyses, moderate and
About half of the participants of all three age decades (years: severe CP were associated with cIMT. After additional adjustment
45–­54; 55–­6 4; 65+) had moderate CP. Nearly a quarter of partic- for hypertension, the association with cIMT remained significant for
ipants aged ≥65 years (n  =  646; 24.6%) had severe CP (55–­6 4ys: severe CP, whereas the significance threshold was narrowly missed
n  =  372; 17.5%; 45–­54ys: n  =  158; 10.8%). In contrast, more than for moderate CP. After adjusting for hypertension, a notable reduc-
a third (n = 505; 34.6%) of participants aged 45–­54 years had none tion of the resulting β-­coefficient was observed. In contrast, adjust-
or mild CP. Furthermore, a higher age decade was associated with ments for hsCRP, education, and hypercholesterolemia had hardly
higher values of number of missing teeth, DMFT, CAL, BOP, and PI. any effect on the resulting β-­coefficients.
Accordingly, the highest rates of these parameters were measured in The observed bivariate associations are consistent with previous
participants aged ≥65 (Table 2). studies.38,39 Cross-­sectional data on 6017 persons aged 52–­75 years
from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.11 In the
ARIC study, the odds of cIMT ≥1 mm was higher for severe CP (odds
3.2  |  Multiple linear regression analyses ratio (OR) 2.09) and moderate CP (OR 1.40) compared to none or
mild periodontitis. Multivariable logistic regression analyses showed
The multiple linear regression analyses with complete case models that severe CP was associated with cIMT ≥1 mm, after adjusting
were performed on 5781 (bivariate model) and 5407 (Table 3–­model for covariates age, sex, diabetes, LDL-­ and HDL-­cholesterol, tri-
2–­5) participants. Severe CP was significantly associated with cIMT in glycerides, hypertension, smoking, waist-­hip ratio, education, and
all five models (p < .001). The β-­coefficients for severe and for moder- race/study center (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.03–­1.66).
ate CP decreased with the number of added confounders [severe CP: Yu et al. 25 observed a linear and dose-­dependent association
bivariate: 0.066; model 2 (age, sex, smoking, diabetes): 0.021; model 3 between periodontal measures including mean CAL and maximal
(age, sex, smoking, diabetes, hypertension): 0.017; model 4 (age, sex, cIMT and carotid plaque load in elderly hyperglycemic subjects from
smoking, diabetes, log hsCRP): 0.02; model 5 (age, sex, diabetes, hy- China, which could, however, not be detected in euglycemic sub-
pertension, education, hypercholesterolemia): 0.023. Moderate CP: jects. The study was considerably smaller than ARIC or our present
bivariate: 0.033; model 1: 0.01; model 2: 0.007; model 3: 0.01; model study, suggesting that it may have been underpowered to detect the
4: 0.008]. However, they remained significant in all models except for association in euglycemic subjects. Bell et al. 26 used Mendelian ran-
moderate CP in models 1 and 4 adjusted for hypertension. domization to test whether CP is causally associated with increased
cIMT. They found no correlation for CP and subclinical atheroscle-
rosis, suggesting that the associations observed in observational
3.3  |  Multiple logistic regression analyses studies may represent confounding. However, it must be noted that
the Mendelian randomization approach may not be valid in this spe-
The unadjusted logistic regression model showed that both, moder- cial case because the single nucleotide polymorphisms that were
ate and severe CP, were strongly associated with the presence of employed in the study explained only a very small fraction of the
carotid plaque and/or cIMT ≥1 mm (OR: 1.36 [95% CI: 1.18–­1.57; occurrence of CP in the population. This fact may have masked the
p  < .001] for moderate and 2.27 [95% CI: 1.91–­2.70; p  < .001] for association. According to Leite et al. 24 the association between CP
severe CP. Adjusting for age and sex attenuated the association, and cIMT could be due to a collider bias, which can produce an as-
which remained significant for severe CP (OR: 1.38; p  = .001) but sociation where there is no true causal effect in the general popu-
not for moderate CP (OR: 1.01; p = 0.893) (Table 4). Further adjust- lation. The argument relates to their finding that stratified analyses
ments for smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and hsCRP, which were according to the hsCRP level revealed that the magnitude of the
all associated with carotid plaque/cIMT ≥ 1 mm, had only a small ad- association was higher among participants with hsCRP ≥3  mg/L,
ditional attenuating effect on the association (decrease of the ORs with 36% collider bias probability, whereas no association between
from 1.38 (95% CI: 1.14–­1.66, p = .001) to 1.31 (95% CI: 1.08–­1.61, CP and cIMT was found among participants with hsCRP < 3  mg/L.
p = .008) (Table 4). Although we did not stratify our study sample according to hsCRP
level, the fact that we observed virtually no effect on the result-
ing β-­coefficients after adjusting the regression models for hsCRP,
4  |   D I S C U S S I O N strongly argues against this kind of bias. According to a hypothesis,
which was first formulated by Hujoel and coworkers in 2002,40 an
To date, this is one of the largest studies investigating the asso- inadequate control for smoking, such as underreporting in epide-
ciation between the periodontal status and carotid atherosclerosis miological surveys, may produce an association with the explored
8      LAMPRECHT et al.

TA B L E 3  Linear regression analysis of associations between the TA B L E 3  (Continued)

periodontal status and cIMT
Parameter β (95% CI) p-­value
Parameter β (95% CI) p-­value
Diabetes 0.026 (0.012, 0.040) <.001
Model 1 (age, sex, smoking, diabetes) Education (medium) −0.023 (−0.042, −0.004) .018
Age 0.007 (0.006, 0.007) <.001 Education (high) −0.026 (−0.045, −0.007) .008
Sex Hypertension 0.028 (0.020, 0.036) <.001
Male Reference Hypercholesterolemia 0.005 (−0.003, 0.013) .220
Female −0.039 (−0.046, −0.031) <.001
Abbreviations: hsCRP, high-­sensitivity C-­reactive protein.
Smoking 0.022 (0.012,0.031) <.001
Diabetes 0.030 (0.016,0.043) <.001
systemic condition artificially. Clearly, we cannot completely dismiss
the possibility of residual confounding, which may have been due to
None or mild Reference
miss-­classification and/or other issues. Therefore, the results must
Moderate 0.01 (0.001, 0.019) .017 be interpreted cautiously.
Severe 0.021 (0.009, 0.032) <.001 Due to the cross-­sectional design of the previous and current
Model 2 (age, sex, smoking, diabetes, hypertension) studies, no formal causal relationship between CP and carotid ath-
Age 0.006 (0.006, 0.007) <.001 erosclerosis can be proven. Clinical and in-­vitro studies are available
Sex whereby periodontal therapy may improve endothelial function
Male Reference and reduces biomarkers of atherosclerotic vascular disease are
Female −0.035 (−0.042, −0.027) <.001 available.15,40,41 Moreover, one study showed that nonsurgical peri-

odontal treatment had a positive effect on cIMT.42 Furthermore,
other studies stated that inflammatory changes in the gingiva can
None or mild Reference
lead to a systemic increase of inflammatory markers and endothelial
Moderate 0.007 (−0.001, 0.016) .1
dysfunction,14 which can support the development of atheroscle-
Severe 0.017 (0.006, 0.029) <.001
rosis and an increase of cIMT.13 In our study, CRP and the odds of
Diabetes 0.026 (0.012, 0.039) <.001
cIMT ≥1 mm increased as a function of CP severity grades in non-­
Smoking 0.022 (0.012, 0.031) <.001
adjusted analysis. Thus, our data do not exclude that inflammation
Hypertension 0.029 (0.021, 0.037) <.001 plays a role in the mechanism of cIMT elevation. The statistical
Model 3 (age, sex, smoking, diabetes, log hsCRP) models show that CRP was not associated with cIMT ≥ 1 mm after
Age 0.007 (0.006, 0.007) <.001 adjusting for age and sex, whereas aging and male sex are strongly
Sex associated with increased cIMT. It is known that the plasma con-
Male Reference centration of CRP is higher in healthy individuals aged over 65 years
Female −0.039 (−0.046, −0.031) <.001 compared to younger people 43 and that healthy women have higher

Periodontitis CRP levels than healthy men.44 On the other hand, aging and sex
are linked to a vast number of additional effects. Therefore, an in-
None or mild Reference
vestigation of the causal relationship between poor oral health and
Moderate 0.01 (0.001, 0.019) .022
increased cIMT is beyond the scope of the study.
Severe 0.02 (0.008, 0.031) .001
A unique feature of the present study is the comprehensive den-
Diabetes 0.026 (0.012, 0.039) <.001
tal examination, which is in line with multinational efforts to pro-
Smoking 0.018 (0.009, 0.028) <.001
vide standards for reporting of CP prevalence and severity.46 The
Log hsCRP 0.01 (0.006,0.013) <.001 full-­mouth examination enabled application of the internationally
Model 4 (age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, education, and accepted CDC-­A AP criteria for correctly staging CP according to its
severity33 and also included determinations of the DMFT, BOP and
Age 0.006 (0.005, 0.006) <.001 plaque indices to characterize oral health more broadly than usual.
Sex Recently, a new case definition was introduced for classification of
Male Reference CP47; however, since the study design of our study preceded its in-
Female −0.033 (−0.041, −0.026) <.001 troduction, this definition was not used here. An advantage of the
Periodontitis use of the old CDC-­A AP classification was that it has been widely
None or mild Reference used in epidemiological studies, whereas the new periodontitis
Moderate 0.008 (−0.001, 0.016) .099 classification has so far been rarely used in epidemiological stud-

Severe 0.023 (0.011, 0.034) <.001 ies. Therefore, comparisons of our current results with previously
published results were more straightforward than under the new
LAMPRECHT et al. |

TA B L E 4  Logistic regression analysis of associations between

the periodontal status and cIMT ≥1 mm and/or presence of carotid
5  |  CO N C LU S I O N
In this recently recruited study, severe CP was associated with
increased cIMT and higher prevalence of carotid plaques after
ratio 95% CI p-­value
adjustment for common risk factors, including age, sex, smoking,
Model 1 —­Exposure: periodontitis; outcome: plaque = yes and/or
diabetes, hypertension, education, hypercholesterolemia, and
IMT ≥1 mm. Adjustments: age, sex
Periodontitis = moderate 1.01 0.87–­1.18 .893
Periodontitis = severe 1.38 1.14–­1.66 .001
Age 1.10 1.10–­1.11 <.001 Lamprecht, R: Contributed to acquisition, drafted and critically
Sex = Female 0.61 0.54–­0.69 <.001 revised the manuscript; Rimmele DL: Contributed to acquisi-
Model 2 —­Exposure: periodontitis; outcome: plaque = yes and/ tion, drafted and critically revised the manuscript; Schnabel, RB:
or IMT ≥1 mm. Adjustments: age, sex, smoking, diabetes,
Contributed to acquisition and analysis, and critically revised the
hypertension, hsCRP
manuscript; Heydecke, G: Contributed to interpretation and criti-
Periodontitis = moderate 0.99 0.84–­1.17 .902
cally revised the manuscript; Seedorf U: Contributed to concep-
Periodontitis = severe 1.31 1.08–­1.61 .008
tion and design, analysis and interpretation, and critically revised
Age 1.10 1.09–­1.11 <.001 the manuscript; Walther, C: Contributed to interpretation, drafted
Sex = Female 0.65 0.57–­0.73 <.001 and critically revised the manuscript; Mayer C: Contributed to
Smoking 1.74 1.47–­2.06 <.001 interpretation, drafted and critically revised the manuscript;
Diabetes 1.28 1.02–­1.61 .036 Struppek, J: Contributed to acquisition and interpretation and
Hypertension 1.67 1.44–­1.94 <.001 critically revised the manuscript; Borof, K: Contributed to design
log hsCRP 1.09 1.02–­1.17 .007 and interpretation, performed all statistical analyses, drafted and
critically revised the manuscript; Behrendt CA: Contributed to
Abbreviations: hsCRP, high sensitivity C-­reactive protein; Reference,
no/mild periodontitis. acquisition and analysis, and critically revised the manuscript;
Cheng B: Contributed to acquisition and analysis, and critically
revised the manuscript; Gerloff C: Contributed to interpreta-
Although our observations are in general agreement with the tion and critically revised the manuscript; Debus S: Contributed
findings of the ARIC study,11 some notable differences were ob- to interpretation and critically revised the manuscript; Smeets,
served. In our present study, despite a similar age-­ and sex distri- R: Contributed to conception and design, and critically revised
bution, the prevalence of cIMT ≥1 mm as well as the prevalence manuscript; Beikler, T: Contributed to interpretation and criti-
of severe CP was lower. Although the reasons for these differ- cally revised the manuscript; Blankenberg, S: Contributed to
ences are not entirely clear, it is important to note that the ARIC conception and design, and critically revised manuscript; Zeller
results were obtained 20 years ago, and the measurements were T: Blankenberg, S: Contributed to acquisition and analysis, and
conducted as early as 1996. According to data from the NCH Risk critically revised manuscript; Karakas, M: Contributed to in-
Factor Collaboration, the age-­adjusted incidence rates of CVD terpretation and critically revised the manuscript; Thomalla T:
endpoints and the prevalence of risk factors have been decreasing Contributed to conception and design, and critically revised man-
over the past 20 years, most likely partly due to beneficial lifestyle uscript; Aarabi G: Contributed to conception and design, analysis
changes and improvements of medicine. The same applies to and interpretation, and critically revised the manuscript. All au-
the age-­adjusted incidence rates of CP and the prevalence of the thors gave their final approval and agree to be accountable for all
corresponding risk factors, which also follow declining trends in aspects of the work.
Germany. 29 Due to these secular and longitudinal trends, the general
state of health of our study sample may have been better compared AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T
to the ARIC study. A plausible reason may relate to more widespread Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
current drug treatment of CVD risk factors, such as hypercholester-
olemia, hypertension and diabetes. Such drug use was very common C O N FL I C T S O F I N T E R E S T
in our sample. Statins, which are used to treat hypercholesterolemia, No conflicts of interests.
and metformin, which is an anti-­diabetic drug, may have beneficial
effects not only on the CVD risk factors, but also on CP.47,48 This DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
might have affected the observations. On the other hand, the gen- The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
eral finding of an association between CP and increased cIMT / Hamburg City Health Study (HCHS). Restrictions apply to the avail-
carotid plaque, which is independent from a set of important con- ability of these data, which were used under license for this study.
founding variables, remains the same. Data are available from the authors with the permission of HCHS.
10      LAMPRECHT et al.

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4 0. D'Aiuto F, Orlandi M, Gunsolley JC. Evidence that periodontal treat-
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RB, et al.. Cross-­sectional analysis of the association of
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42. Kapellas K, Maple-­Brown LJ, Jamieson LM, et al. Effect of peri-
odontal therapy on arterial structure and function among ab-
original australians: a randomized, controlled trial. Hypertension.

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