Volume and Surface Area Project

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Math (8) Name:________________________

Volume & Surface Area Project Element:__________Date:________

Make, Show and Tell

Part 1:
Create a model either drawn out on paper or on a 3D software of literally anything you want
(that’s appropriate). Once you’ve drafted the model, you can make it with literally anything in
your home whether it’s paper, tin foil, paper towel rolls, boxes, wood, etc. This model can be
based on anything whether it’s a chair, your dog, a desk, a lunch box, a nightlight, etc. You can
use any materials you would like. The only requirement is that you include at least 1 cylindrical
prism, 1 cone, and 1 sphere.
Part 2:
Once you’ve made your model, make sure it’s measurements match your draft. Then, Find the
surface area of the model. Remember to exclude parts of the individual prism that are not seen
on the outside. Along with the surface area, find the volume. Have this information on paper and
bring it to class with your model to turn in and show off to peers.

Math (8) Name:________________________

Volume & Surface Area Project Element:__________Date:________

1 2 3 4

Model on 3D Draft does not Draft matches Draft matches Draft matches
software/paper match model. model with model with model exactly
Measurements measurements accurate with accurate
and proportions and proportions measurements measurements
are not accurate and proportions and proportions

Model includes Model does not Model has a Model has a Model has
sphere, cone, have a sphere, sphere, cone, sphere, cone, sphere, cone,
and cylinder cone, or a and cylinder cylinder and 1-2 cylinder and 2-3
cylinder other prisms other prisms

Volume and Paper does not Paper shows Paper shows Paper accurately
surface area shows volume volume and volume and shows volume
are found and surface area surface area of surface area of and surface area
accurately. of model model each part and of each part and
face of model face of model

Model is Model is boring Model is a bit Model is a fun Model is a fun

creative and unoriginal boring and and somewhat and original
unoriginal original design design

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