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Creating training and development

programs: using the ADDIE method

Milton Mayfield

irms need an appropriately skilled workforce for maximum effectiveness, and many

F increasingly use in-house development and training programs to meet this need
(Barlow, 2006). However, managers often have difficulty in creating such programs.
Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) is a framework
useful for examining, creating, and implementing development and learning programs.
The ADDIE model is more a development process umbrella than specific steps for creating a
Milton Mayfield is Associate training program (Molenda, 2003). However, ADDIE has become an extremely popular
Professor of Management, framework for training-program creation. A Google Scholar search finds over 7,000 articles
Division of International
and books discussing ADDIE, and nearly 400 articles and books on ADDIE in the business
Business and Technology
field alone. These numbers are especially impressive considering the first ADDIE discussion
Studies, Sanchez School of
was in 1996 (Molenda, 2003). Despite its relatively recent emergence among learning
Business, Texas A&M
models, ADDIE is being used by many instructors, trainers, universities, and even the
International University,
American Society for Training and Development. This widespread acceptance shows the
Laredo, Texas, USA.
model’s utility as a development and learning framework.
Perhaps ADDIE’s most valuable aspect is in providing developers with a consistent process
to follow. This road map aids planning and reduces uncertainty (and anxiety) when creating
new instructional modules. With repeated use, designers can anticipate potential problem
areas across different learning modules – thus reducing each application’s learning curve.
ADDIE is also an iterative process, where each phase can suggest improvements in earlier
phases. This attribute encourages designers to monitor instructional development and
evaluate whether results fulfill learning goals. The model’s iterative nature also lends itself to
rapid prototyping. A learning model can be deployed, feedback gained from learners,
adjustments made at the appropriate ADDIE stage, and the module updated to better match
instructional goals.
Using ADDIE also facilitates collaborative development. Designers using ADDIE have a
common understanding of development steps, and communicate better – it promotes a
shared creation process. Additionally, ADDIE’s iterative nature aids distributing creation
tasks; different members can take specific creation phases rather than requiring all
designers to participate in each step. In this way, each member’s strength is best utilized.
Details on each ADDIE phase are as follows.

In this stage the designer sets learning goals. Results from prior learning modules’
evaluation stages should be used for this phase’s input. A major outcome from this phase is
specific learning goal targets – what skills, knowledge, and abilities participants must gain.
This phase also requires determining available resources for learning module deployment,
participant learning characteristics, and alternate delivery methods’ trade-offs. This stage

DOI 10.1108/14777281111125363 VOL. 25 NO. 3 2011, pp. 19-22, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1477-7282 j DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING IN ORGANIZATIONS j PAGE 19
‘‘ Firms need an appropriately skilled workforce for maximum
effectiveness, and many increasingly use in-house
development and training programs to meet this need. ’’

provides clear guidelines on what is needed and possible for the module. When some
learning goals cannot be met, new resources must be secured, or learning goals must be

In this phase specific learning objectives are identified. Additionally, instructional methods,
materials, and delivery system types are selected. This phase sets the training’s strategy –
how instructional methods will accomplish specific learning goals. The design phase is used
to gauge whether learning objectives meet learning goals, and whether instructional
methods accomplish the learning objectives. It is much easier to alter generic learning plans
during this stage than redeveloping specific instructional activities created later.

In this phase, developers create the learning content. This content includes the overall
learning framework (such as an e-learning system), exercises, lectures, simulations, or other
appropriate training material. This phase generates the tangible output used in training. It is
the last chance to make necessary corrections before delivering the learning module. A
helpful tactic in this phase is to make a training test run to determine if learning goals are met,
and aligned with the design phase’s strategy.

This phase is the realization of the previous phases. Materials are given to learners, and the
learning module is utilized for its intended purpose. This phase’s main utility is in
implementing the learning process. However, it is also significant in identifying
discrepancies (such as a gap between desired knowledge development and actual
development) for future improvements.

During this final phase, creators assess learning goal achievement, training efficiency,
technical problems that hinder learning, and any new learning opportunities identified
during the implementation phase. This phase is vital because – when taken seriously – it
provides information for improving the training program’s next iteration, and may suggest
new training avenues for further development (Allen, 2006; Molenda, 2003).
To better illustrate the ADDIE process, it is presented graphically (along with questions a
developer can answer at each stage) in Figure 1, and through an example in the following
To demonstrate ADDIE, a quality management training program example is presented.
Developers in the analysis phase decide participants should gain a basic understanding of
quality management. The training’s major restriction is being limited to a three day seminar.
Participants are line workers and first-line supervisors without formal exposure to quality
methods. In the design phase, specific learning goals are set as having participants
understand Deming’s 14 key principles, how to measure output variation, and team methods
for developing quality improvement ideas. In this example, the development phase is
partially predetermined – the training will take place through a face-to-face program in an

j j
Figure 1 A graphical representation of the ADDIE process

1. What are the learning goals?

2. What are the learners’ characteristics?
Analyze 3. What resources are available?
4. How should the module be delivered?

1. What are the learning objectives?

Design 2. What instructional methods will be used?
3. Do the objectives meet the learning goals?

1. What learning framework is most appropriate?

Development 2. What materials will be used?
3. Will the materials meet the learning objectives?

1. Are instructional methods being delivered appropriately?

2. Are there discrepancies that can be corrected during this
Implementation phase?
3. What new training issues become apparent?

1. How well were learning goals met?

2. How efficient were the training methods?
Evaluation 3. Were there any technical problems?
4. Are there any new training opportunities?

off-site facility with only basic audio-visual equipment. Beyond these strictures, the
designers decide that each topic will be covered on a separate day. The training will be a
combination of lecture, hands-on demonstrations, and peer feedback. Needed materials
and evaluation methods are also created during this phase.
Training is conducted during the implementation phase, and the designers note
discrepancies between planned and actual training. The designers discover that most
participants had exposure to quality methods, and more training goals could have been set.
It is also decided that less time is needed on variation testing training and more on Deming’s
principles. These insights are used in the evaluation phase, where the designers examine
the training’s effectiveness. Overall, the training was deemed successful, with participants
meeting previously established learning metrics. However, evaluations also indicate that –
to maximize learning – variation testing needed less time and Deming’s principles needed
more. Additionally, the information covered could be increased, and the developers will work
with management to select possible new topics.

j j
In conclusion, the ADDIE model is a valuable framework for developing all types of training
Keywords: and development programs. It offers a structure that aids individual and collaborative
Training, instructional development, and each phase provides a foundation for building upon and
Training methods, refining learning goals. Finally, it promotes a learning cycle where knowledge gained in one
Learning training module improves the creation of another.

Allen, W.C. (2006), ‘‘Overview and evolution of the ADDIE training system’’, Advances in Developing
Human Resources, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 430-41.

Barlow, L. (2006), ‘‘Talent development: the new imperative?’’, Development and Learning in
Organizations, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 6-9.
Molenda, M. (2003), ‘‘In search of the elusive ADDIE model’’, Performance Improvement, Vol. 42 No. 5,
pp. 34-7.

Corresponding author
Milton Mayfield can be contacted at:

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