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TPACK Creating Assignment Template-Amanda Farish

Subject Economics

Grade Level 2nd Grade

Learning Objective 2.8 The student will describe natural

resources (water, soil, wood, and coal),
human resources (people at work), and
capital resources (machines, tools, and
Content Knowledge

2.10 The student will explain that scarcity
(limited resources) requires people to make
choices about producing and consuming
goods and services.

In this activity, my students are going to use Flipgrid to create a commercial for a product they invented.
Pedagogy Planning
1. After our natural, human, and capital
resource unit. We will go over scarcity and its
affects on products.
2. Students will brainstorm an invention that
they would like to sell. The students will be
making a commercial about their invention.
3. Once they know what their invention will be,
the students will think about what materials
will be need for their invention. The students
will write down the materials that are needed
into their project packet under the section:
“Materials Needed”. Once the student has a
list of what material are needed they will sort
their materials into categories: natural,
human, or capital resource.
4. After finishing the “materials needed” section
of the project packet, the students will move
on to “How will scarcity effect making your
5. The educational product that the students will
be making is a commercial on Flipgrid to sell
their product.
6. The students will need to write a script for the
commercial. The commercial needs to be 30
seconds long.
7. The students will record their commercial
using Flipgrid and their school Chromebooks.
They will then add their video into the class
group. Using Join Code: 15e0a440 on Flip
gride. The students will have to make an
account on Flipgrid using their student
account, record their video, and tag the class
Web 2.0 Technology The program that we will be using for this product will
be Flipgrid.

Link to the example product you

made pretending to be a student
Mobile App Option The web tool that I have chosen, Flipgrid, has a mobile
app. The mobile app is “Flipgrid”. The app is free and
can be found on the apple store.

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