Abnormalities of Nerve Fibers in The Circular Muscle of Patients With Slow Transit Constipation

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Int J Colorect Dis (1998) 13: 208 – 216 © Springer-Verlag 1998


A. J. Porter · D. A. Wattchow · A. Hunter · M. Costa

Abnormalities of nerve fibers in the circular muscle

of patients with slow transit constipation

Accepted: 14 January 1998

Abstract Abnormalities of the enteric nervous system are

thought to explain the pathophysiology of motility disor- Introduction
ders. Our aim was to determine if particular classes of en-
teric neurons are affected in slow transit constipation Patients frequently present to their physicians with symp-
(STC). Specimens were taken from the terminal ileum and toms of constipation and, in the absence of intestinal ob-
ascending, transverse and descending colon of patients struction, are usually successfully treated by correcting a
undergoing subtotal colectomy for STC. Immunohisto- fibre-deficient diet. In some cases, no cause is found and
chemistry was performed using antisera to neuron-specific the constipation does not respond to bulking agents, laxa-
enolase, tachykinin, leu-enkephalin, choline acetyltransfe- tives or prokinetic agents. In these patients, the constipa-
rase, vasoactive intestinal peptide, nitric oxide synthase, tion may be very severe, with the patients using their bow-
tyrosine hydroxylase and neuropeptide Y. The density of els every 2–3 weeks (most people daefecate between three
nerve fibres labelled with these antibodies in each layer times a day and once every 3 days [1]) and having asso-
was compared with age-matched controls. The density of ciated symptoms of distension and discomfort. Character-
nerve fibres with tachykinin and enkephalin immunoreac- istically these patients are women whose constipation has
tivity was reduced in the colonic circular muscle of the 15 commenced in their teenage years, as first described by Ar-
patients with STC, whereas innervation of all other layers buthnot Lane in 1908 [2]. It is likely that the disease he de-
was normal. This reduction of tachykinin-immunoreactive scribed is the same as the disorder now known as slow tran-
nerve fibres also occurred in nine of the 12 specimens of sit constipation (STC). In most cases, the colon and rec-
terminal ileum examined. No difference was detected in tum are of normal calibre and, by convention, this condi-
the density or distribution of nerve fibres using the other tion excludes patients with megarectum or megacolon [3].
antisera. Excitatory nerve fibres are present in the circular Patients with intractable constipation are classified into
muscle in STC but they are deficient in tachykinins and those with slow, generalised passage of faecal content, as
enkephalin. determined by transit studies, and those in whom the tran-
sit is normal but there is a problem with evacuation of con-
Key words Slow transit constipation · tent from the rectum. When patients with severe chronic
Immunohistochemistry · Enteric nervous system constipation are investigated, about 10% have slowed tran-
sit alone and 5% have both slowed transit and pelvic floor
dysfunction [4]. In such patients, the available evidence
indicates that the pelvic floor dysfunction is not respon-
sible for the colonic slow transit [5].
In patients with STC, symptoms are typically worsened
A. J. Porter · D. A. Wattchow (½) by increasing dietary fibre and they have usually had a con-
Department of Surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, siderable period of laxative use for alleviation of their
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001; symptoms. If this is ineffective, subtotal colectomy with
Tel.: 0061-8-8204-4140; Fax: 0061-8-8374-0832;
e-mail: pmnajp@pippin.cc.flinders.edu.au
ileorectal anastomosis may be indicated. This operation is
highly effective in relieving the constipation in these pa-
A. Hunter
Department of Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital,
tients, although less effective in relieving problems of
Adelaide, Australia bloating and pain [6].
M. Costa
The colon usually appears normal to routine histologi-
Department of Human Physiology and Centre for Neuroscience, cal evaluation of these subtotal colectomy specimens. Use
Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia of the silver impregnation technique has revealed abnor-

malities in myenteric neurons [8] but these techniques do Table 1 Antisera used for immunohistochemistry
not allow differentiation of the various functional classes
Antigen Antisera code Host Dilution Reference
of myenteric neurons that are now known to exist, such as
motor neurons, interneurons or sensory neurons [9]. Sev- ChAT AB1582 Sheep 1:1000 [18]
eral studies have reported abnormal innervation patterns leu-ENK 198B Rabbit 1:400 [19]
of the bowel wall in patients with STC, although the re- NOS K205 Sheep 1:1000 [20]
NPY RMJ263 Rabbit 1:1600 [21]
sults have often been conflicting. This has especially been NSE A 589 Rabbit 1:500 [22]
true regarding the concentration of vasoactive intestinal TK RMSP4 I/II Rabbit 1:2000 [23]
peptide (VIP) and density of VIP-immunoreactive (IR) TH LCN1 Mouse 1:1000 [24]
nerve fibres in the circular muscle, with decreases [10], in- VIP 7913 Rabbit 1:3200 [25]
creases [11] and no changes [12, 13] being reported. Sev-
ChAT, choline acetyltransferase; leu-ENK, leu-enkephalin; NOS, ni-
eral other abnormalities have been described in patients tric oxide synthase; NPY, neuropeptide Y; NSE, neuron-specific en-
with STC, such as an increase in calcitonin gene-related olase; TK, tachykinin; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase; VIP, vasoactive in-
peptide-IR nerve fibres in the myenteric plexus [12]. Some testinal peptide
of these studies examined only one region of colon, either
the sigmoid or descending colon or the rectum, which may
partially account for the disparity of results. In most stud- Immunohistochemistry
ies, the control group was older than the STC group, as the Full thickness specimens of intestine were immersed in room tem-
bowel was obtained from elderly patients with colon can- perature phosphate-buffered saline (if operation performed at Flind-
cer. Given that significant changes occur in the enteric ner- ers Medical Centre) or in ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (if op-
vous system of humans and experimental animals with age- eration performed at another hospital). After transfer to the labora-
tory, with a delay of about 2 h if transferred from another hospital,
ing [14–16], it is essential that controls are age-matched. the specimens were pinned to a Sylgard-lined petri dish with suffi-
The present study examines the innervation of the co- cient stretch to flatten the preparation. They were then immersed in
lonic wall of patients with well characterised STC using a a solution of 2% paraformaldehyde with 15% picric acid, in a 0.1 M
variety of neurochemical markers. The distribution and phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) overnight at 4 °C.
density of innervation were compared with age- and sex- After fixation, the specimens were cleared by three 15 min wash-
es in dimethyl sulphoxide and then placed in phosphate-buffered sa-
matched control specimens. line (pH 7.0) containing 30% sucrose. Frozen sections (12 µm thick)
were cut both in the transverse and longitudinal axes, to provide
more accurate information about nerve fibre density, and collected
on chrome-alum coated glass slides before drying over P 2O5. After
incubating in phosphate-buffered saline containing 10% nonim-
Patients and methods mune serum for 30 min, the sections were incubated in the primary
antibodies (Table 1) overnight at room temperature. The choline
Tissue collection acetyltransferase (ChAT) antiserum (code AB1582; Chemicon,
Temecula, CA) was raised in a sheep using the method described by
Fifteen women (median age 36 years; range 23–66 years) underwent Benecke et al. [18] and labels the same neurons in guinea-pig intes-
subtotal colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis for the treatment of tine as another well characterised ChAT antibody (code PO 3;
STC. All had had constipation for many years unsuccessfully treat- Yeboah, Hannover, Germany; kindly provided by Dr. M. Schemann
ed by increasing dietary fibre or fluids, or by the use of laxatives. [26]). The sections were then washed in phosphate-buffered saline
Laxative use was common but difficult to quantitate as multiple types and incubated for 1 h with secondary antisera. For rabbit antisera,
of laxatives had been used for varying lengths of time and the pa- fluorescein-conjugated sheep anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (IgG)
tients had poor recollection of exact laxative usage. In all of these (Wellcome Diagnostics, Beckenham, England; code 890520) was
patients, the colon was of normal calibre as revealed by barium en- used at 1:160; for sheep antisera, Cy5-conjugated donkey anti-sheep
ema. Patients with megacolon or megarectum were excluded from IgG (Jackson, West Grove, PA; code 25324) was used at 1:20
this study. Slow transit was defined by slow passage of radiopaque and for the mouse antisera, fluorescein-conjugated donkey anti-
or radionuclide markers, with retention of more than 20% of the mouse IgG (Jackson; code 34010) was used at 1:100. They were
markers at 96 h being diagnostic of STC. For clinical purposes, these again washed in phosphate-buffered saline and mounted in buffered
two tests are equivalent [17]. glycerol (pH 8.6)
Once the colon was removed, segments of approximately 2×2 cm
were cut from the terminal ileum (in 12 patients), ascending colon,
transverse colon and descending colon (in all patients). All speci- Analysis
mens were cut from the inter-taenial portions of the colonic wall.
Control tissue was taken from six women (median age 35 years); The specimens were viewed under a Leitz epifluorescence micro-
range 26–44 years undergoing surgery for colonic cancer or polyps scope (Leitz Inc., Rockleigh, New Jersey) or an AX70 epifluores-
or having colon removed as part of surgery for ovarian cancer or sar- cence microscope (Olympus Optical, Tokyo, Japan) fitted with ap-
coma. These six patients were age-matched to the STC group. There propriate filter blocks. The density of nerve fibres in each layer of
were four specimens of terminal ileum, three of ascending colon, two the intestinal wall was graded from 0 to 4+ by two independent ob-
of transverse colon and three of descending colon. Histopathologi- servers (AJP and DAW); 0=no nerve fibres seen, 1+=sparse,
cal examination of these specimens was performed to confirm that 2+=moderate, 3+=high, 4+=very high (see examples in figures) [27].
there was no evidence of tumour invasion or inflammation in the In the rare occurrence that the two observers did not give the same
specimens. These patients had no symptoms of bowel obstruction grade, the average of the two grades was taken. Data obtained from
and none of the patients had systemic disorders affecting the enter- each patient was grouped into ileum and colon (after averaging re-
ic nervous system, motility disorders or inflammatory bowel disease. sults from the different regions of colon, as there were no differenc-
All tissue was taken with prior informed consent. This study was ap- es in innervation density between the regions of colon examined, ex-
proved by the Flinders Medical Centre Committee on Clinical In- cept where specifically mentioned in the text). The density of nerve
vestigation. fibres seen with each antibody was expressed as a mean and com-
Table 2 Mean density of nerve fibres containing each neurochemical marker in ileum and colon of control and slow transit constipation
(ST) patients


n 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 6 4 12 4 7 4 12

LM 3.0 2.6 2.3 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.7 1.0 3.0 1.9 3.0 2.3 1.3 1.3
MP 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.0 2.6
CM 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.5a 3.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.8
SP 3.3 3.3 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.1 1.7 1.3 3.0 3.0 0.7 0.3 2.3 1.7
MU 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.6 1.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 1.7

n 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 6 5 15 5 7 5 15

LM 1.7 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.4 1.1 0.6 1.3 1.1 0.4 0.3
MP 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.3 3.0 2.9 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.0 2.8 2.2
CM 4.0 3.9 3.5 1.2b 3.6 2.0c 2.5 2.3 3.9 3.8 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.5
SP 3.6 3.4 2.7 2.2 0.9 1.3 1.5 1.3 3.0 3.0 0.6 0.4 1.4 1.4
MU 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.3 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 1.7

ChAT, choline acetyltransferase; ENK, leu-enkephalin; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; NPY, neuropeptide Y; NSE, neuron-specific enolase;
TK, tachykinin; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide; LM, longitudinal muscle; MP, myenteric plexus; CM, circular muscle; SP, submucosal
plexus; MU, mucosa.
p=0.03, b p=0.003, c p=0.008

parisons of innervation density between STC patients and controls Neuron-specific enolase
were made using the Mann-Whitney U test corrected for ties, with a
probability of less than 0.05 considered to be significant. The num- The same pattern of innervation with neuron-specific en-
bers of patients having specimens labelled with each antibody is
shown in Table 2. The presence of nerve cell bodies in the myenter- olase (NSE)-IR nerve fibres was seen in the control group
ic and submucosal ganglia, mucosal endocrine cells and nerve fibres and in the patients with STC. There were many nerve fi-
surrounding blood vessels was noted with each antibody. bres in the circular muscle, the myenteric and submucosal
plexuses and the mucosa (Fig. 1). Many nerve cell bodies
were seen in both the myenteric and submucosal ganglia.
In the inter-taenial longitudinal muscle, the density of
Results nerve fibres varied from none (0) to high (3+) in both
groups of patients.

The mean density of immunoreactive nerve fibres in each Tachykinin

layer of gut is represented in Table 2 for terminal ileum
and large intestine for both the STC and the control group. Patients with STC had a significantly decreased density of
There was no apparent difference in innervation pattern tachykinin (TK)-IR nerve fibres in the circular muscle
between the different areas of large intestine examined in layer compared to the control group in the terminal ileum
the control group, but there was some variation in den- and large bowel (Fig. 2). TK-IR nerve cell bodies were seen
sity of tachykinin and enkephalin innervation between in the myenteric and submucosal ganglia in both groups,
different regions of large intestine in five of the patients as were many TK-IR nerve fibres in the myenteric plexus
with STC. The density of innervation in each layer with and mucosa (Fig. 3).
each antibody was very consistent, except for labelling In the control group, the density of TK-IR nerve fibres
within the longitudinal muscle layer, which was variable. in the circular muscle was similar in all regions examined.
Most specimens were from inter-taenial regions, where However there was more variability in the STC group. Ten
only a very thin layer of longitudinal muscle was present. patients had either sparse or no TK-IR fibres in the circu-
It is not known if the innervation of this thin layer of lon- lar muscle (0/1+) in all regions examined. In four patients,
gitudinal muscle is representative of the rest of the lon- the decrease in density was more marked in the ascending
gitudinal layer, the bulk of which is contained in the tae- colon, and in one it was more marked in the descending
nia coli. colon. Of the 12 specimens of terminal ileum examined,
The specimens of bowel from patients with STC had three had normal TK-IR nerve fibre density in the circular
normal histology using standard haematoxylin and eosin muscle (3+/4+) and nine had a significantly decreased den-
stains. They had no evidence of either muscle hypertrophy sity (0/1+).
or atrophy, the mucosa was not inflamed and melanosis
coli was present in only one patient.

Fig. 1 Transverse section through ascending colon of a patient with Fig. 3 Abundant tachykinin-immunoreactive (TK-IR) nerve fibres
STC labelled with neuron-specific enolase (NSE) immunoreactivity. (4+) in the mucosa of ascending colon of a patient with slow-transit
A very high density of nerve fibres (4+) was demonstrated in the cir- constipation (STC) (closed arrowheads). Calibration bar, 50 µm
cular muscle (closed arrowheads), longitudinal muscle (open arrow-
heads) and myenteric plexus (arrows). Calibration bar, 50 µm Fig. 4a, b Ascending colon cut in transverse section in a control
specimen (a) and a slow-transit constipation (STC) specimen (b) la-
Fig. 2a, b Transverse sections through the descending colon of a belled with leu-enkephalin antiserum. There were many enkephal-
control patient (a) and a slow-transit constipation (STC) patient (b) in-immunoreactive (ENK-IR) nerve fibres (4+) in the circular mus-
showing tachykinin-immunoreactive (TK-IR) nerve fibres. In the cle of the control specimen (closed arrowheads) but very few (1+)
control specimen, there were many TK-IR nerve fibres (4+) in the in the STC specimen. The myenteric plexus of both specimens had
circular muscle (closed arrowheads) but in the STC specimen, there abundant ENK-IR nerve fibres (arrows), while the longitudinal mus-
were none (0). There was a very high density of nerve fibres in the cle contained very few (1+) in the control specimen and none in the
myenteric plexus (arrow) of both patients. The longitudinal muscle STC specimen. Calibration bar, 50 µm
layer had scant innervation (1+) in the control patient (open arrow-
head) and was absent in this specimen in the STC patient. Calibra-
tion bar, 50 µm

Leu-enkephalin Nitric oxide synthase

The number of Leu-enkephalin (ENK)-IR nerve fibres in The pattern of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)immunoreactiv-
the circular muscle of the large intestine of patients with ity was similar in all patients. There were abundant NOS-IR
STC was significantly less than the control group (Fig. 4). nerve fibres in both the myenteric plexus and throughout the
In two patients, the decrease was more apparent in the as- circular muscle layer (Fig. 7). Only a few NOS-IR nerve fi-
cending colon, and in one patient it was more marked in bres were seen in the submucosa and these were mainly close
the descending colon. These patients also had correspond- to the circular muscle, as has been described previously [28].
ing decreases in the density of TK-IR nerve fibres in the
circular muscle between different regions of large bowel.
There was no difference detected in the innervation of the Neuropeptide Y
terminal ileum. The density of innervation in all other
layers of the bowel was the same in both groups of pa- Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-IR nerve fibres surrounding blood
tients. vessels and NPY-IR endocrine cells were abundant in both

Choline acetyltransferase

There was no difference between the number of ChAT-IR

nerve fibres in any layer between the control group and
STC patients. Many ChAT-IR nerve fibres were seen in the
circular muscle in both groups (Fig. 5). The antibody to
ChAT labelled nerve cell bodies much more intensely than
nerve fibres and therefore evaluation of density of nerve
fibres with this antibody was less reliable. Small differ-
ences in the density of ChAT-IR nerve fibres between the
two groups of patients may not have been detected.

Vasoactive intestinal peptide

There was no significant difference in the density of VIP-

IR nerve fibres between control and STC patients in any
layer of the intestine. All layers of the intestine had abun-
dant VIP-IR nerve fibres, except for the longitudinal mus-
cle. VIP-IR nerve fibres appeared to be evenly distrib-
uted throughout the circular muscle in all specimens
(Fig. 6).

Fig. 5 Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunoreactivity in a lon-

gitudinal section of transverse colon from a patient with slow-tran-
sit constipation (STC). There was a very high density (4+) of ChAT-
immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibres in the circular muscle (closed ar-
rowheads) but none in the longitudinal muscle. Many ChAT-IR nerve
cell bodies were seen in the myenteric plexus (arrow). Calibration
bar, 50 µm

Fig. 6 Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) immunoreactivity in as-

cending colon of a slow-transit constipation (STC) patient. A very
high density (4+) of VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the circu-
lar muscle (closed arrowheads) and a high density (3+) in the lon-
gitudinal muscle (open arrowheads) was seen. Many fibres (4+) were
also seen in the myenteric plexus (arrows). Calibration bar, 50 µm

Fig. 7 Transverse section of terminal ileum from a slow-transit con-

stipation (STC) patient labelled with nitric oxide synthase (NOS) im-
munoreactivity. A very large number (4+) of NOS-immunoreactive
nerve fibres were distributed evenly throughout the circular muscle
layer (closed arrowheads), while only scant innervation (1+) of the
longitudinal muscle was seen (open arrowheads). Neurons were seen
in the myenteric plexus (arrow). Calibration bar, 25 µm

groups of patients. The density of NPY fibres was the same reports of significant changes in the enteric nervous system
in the control group as in the patients with STC, with a in humans and small animals with ageing [14–16].
moderate number of nerve fibres in the circular muscle and No difference was demonstrated in the density of TK
myenteric plexus and sparse innervation of the longitudi- innervation in any of the other layers of intestine, suggest-
nal muscle. ing that the decrease in tachykinins in these patients is spe-
cific to the circular muscle and is not a reduction of all TK-
containing nerve fibres. As the number of nerve fibres in
Tyrosine hydroxylase the myenteric plexus is so great, large reductions would
need to occur to be detected in frozen sections. The den-
The pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactiv- sity of TK-IR nerve fibres in the submucosa and mucosa
ity was the same in both groups. TH-IR nerve fibres were from the terminal ileum to the descending colon was the
abundant around myenteric ganglia and surrounding blood same in controls and STC patients, although another study
vessels, especially in the submucosa. No nerve fibres were has shown that the concentration of substance P in the rec-
seen in the muscle layers. tal mucosa and submucosa of patients with STC is reduced
[32]. There may have been a subtle decrease in the amount
of tachykinins in the mucosa and submucosa which our
methodology was unable to detect. The finding in our study
Discussion that there was no detectable change in the mucosa suggests
that performing mucosal biopsies and examining for the
General markers we used on STC patients would not reveal any ab-
There were no significant differences between controls and The tachykinin antisera used was raised against the C-
STC patients using the NSE antiserum. The unchanged terminal peptide of substance P and so did not differentiate
density of nerve fibres labelled with NSE, which is a between the different members of the tachykinin family,
marker of all enteric neurons, indicates that there is no gen- i.e. substance P, neurokinin A and neurokinin B. All three
eral neuronal reduction in these patients in any layer or re- peptides have been localised to the myenteric and submu-
gion of intestine. cosal plexuses, the circular and longitudinal muscle layers
and the mucosa of human bowel [33, 34]. As selective anti-
sera or radioimmunoassay techniques were not used, we
Excitatory nerve fibres were unable to determine if all three tachykinins are re-
duced in the circular muscle by the same extent or if there
In this study, a reduction of TK-containing nerve fibres was is a selective decrease in STC.
demonstrated in the circular muscle of patients with STC. The number of ENK-IR circular muscle nerve fibres in
While all STC patients had this abnormality in at least one the large bowel of patients with STC was also decreased
region of colon, several had regions of large bowel which compared with the control group, although this decrease
were relatively spared. The reduction of TK-IR circular was not significant in the terminal ileum. There was a cor-
muscle nerve fibres was also present in the terminal ileum relation between the reduction of TK- and ENK-IR nerve
of some patients. This indicates that the reduction of ta- fibres at the different regions of large bowel in the patients
chykinins in the circular muscle of these patients may be in whom the decrease occurred predominantly in one re-
part of a generalised disorder, with regions of the gastroin- gion. This close correlation between TK- and ENK-IR
testinal tract showing variable degrees of this abnormality. nerve fibres is to be expected, given that the coexistence
Indeed, this may explain why patients with STC often have of tachykinins and enkephalin in nerve fibres in circular
other motility disorders, such as reflux oesophagitis and muscle of human colon is well recognised [35]. The den-
abnormalities of gastric and small bowel transit [7, 29, 30]. sity of ENK-IR nerve fibres in all other layers of the gut
Long-term follow-up of these patients may indicate was unchanged compared with the control group, indicat-
whether the presence of abnormal innervation of the ter- ing that the reduction in the circular muscle was not part
minal ileum is a predictor of a poor long-term prognosis of a general decrease in all ENK-containing nerve fibres.
following subtotal colectomy. Evidence in rats indicates Much recent work, both in experimental animals and
that substance P levels are not altered in the colon after humans, indicates that different functional classes of neu-
long-term treatment with laxatives, although VIP levels are rons can be identified by the combinations of neurocher-
reduced [31], suggesting that the reduction of TK-IR fi- nicals within them, a concept known as “chemical coding”
bres in our study is unlikely to be due to laxative treatment [9]. These studies suggest that human colonic circular
in these patients. muscle motor neurons contain NOS±VIP±NPY or ChAT±
Another study found that the concentration of substance TK±ENK, and these two classes of neurons are likely to
P and density of substance P-containing nerve fibres in the represent inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons respec-
circular muscle of patients with STC was not different to tively [35–40]. Our study found that ChAT-IR nerve fibres
that of control patients [13]. However, their control group were present in normal numbers in the circular muscle of
was significantly older than the STC group, so a direct com- patients with STC, although a small reduction was possible
parison between the two groups is not possible, given the given the relatively faint labelling of nerve fibres with the

ChAT antibody. Thus it appears that while excitatory nerve targeted disruption of the gene, there is no obvious disrup-
fibres are present in STC, they are deficient in tachykinins tion to colonic function, although pyloric stenosis results
and enkephalin. [53].
Tachykinins have been shown to be involved in excit-
atory neurotransmission to human intestinal circular mus-
cle, mainly via NK2 receptors [41, 42]. A reduction in the Extrinsic nerve fibres
release of tachykinins from nerve fibres to the circular
muscle would lead to a reduction of excitatory transmis- The finding that nerve fibres with TH, which is a marker
sion to the circular muscle. This would affect the ascend- of noradrenergic fibres, surrounding myenteric ganglia and
ing excitatory reflex, as tachykinins have been shown to blood vessels were not different in STC patients suggests
be involved in this pathway in human intestine [43]. Inter- that sympathetic innervation is preserved in these patients.
estingly, propagating contractions have been found to be This is reinforced by the observation that NPY-IR nerve fi-
reduced in number and amplitude in patients with STC bres around blood vessels, shown to be sympathetic nerve
[44, 45]. fibres [51], are still present in STC patients.
The role of opioid-containing nerve fibres in the circu-
lar muscle is less clear. In the circular muscle of the hu-
man colon, leu-ENK and met-ENK can act on prejunctional Conclusion
δ-opioid receptors to produce inhibition of nonadrenergic,
noncholinergic inhibitory neuromuscular transmission The finding of a deficiency in tachykinins and enkeph-
[461 and κ agonists also inhibit neuromuscular transmis- alin in excitatory nerve fibres in the circular muscle in
sion [47]. Naloxone, the opioid antagonist, has been shown STC raises several questions. For example, it would be
to ameliorate constipation in patients with STC [48], al- important to address whether excitatory transmission is
though its site of action is unknown. Thus, the effect of re- impaired in these patients, especially whether tachykiner-
duced opioid containing nerve fibres in the circular mus- gic excitation alone is abnormal or if cotransmitters such
cle is unclear. as acetylcholine are also affected. It would also be inter-
There is some evidence regarding functional abnormal- esting to investigate potential abnormalities of the pro-
ities in patients with STC. There is a reduction in the re- jections and neurochemistry of circular muscle motor
lease of acetylcholine from the taenia following electrical neurons of patients with slow transit constipation using
field stimulation in patients with STC compared with con- retrograde tracing combined with immunohistochemis-
trols [49], suggesting that fewer cholinergic nerves are try. These further lines of investigation may provide cru-
functional. In addition, the circular muscle of STC patients cial information regarding this poorly understood motil-
was found to be hypersensitive to the application of car- ity disorder.
bachol [50]. These results support the theory that there is
a reduction of excitatory nerve fibres supplying the circu- Acknowledgements Anthony Porter is the recipient of a National
lar muscle in these patients. To date, no studies have ex- Health and Medical Research Council Medical Postgraduate Re-
search Scholarship. We would like to thank Prof. P. O’Brien, Mr. R.
amined neuromuscular transmission from excitatory or in- Sarre, Mr. G. Otto and Mr. J. Sweeney for contributing patients to
hibitory motor neurons in STC. this study and Janine Falconer-Edwards for expert technical assis-
tance. This study was supported by a Flinders Medical Centre 2000
Research Foundation Grant.
Inhibitory nerve fibres

The distribution and density of NOS- and VIP-IR nerve fi-

bres were the same in both groups. Nerve fibres which
contain NOS and/ or VIP are likely to be inhibitory nerve
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