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Vocabulary- Multi -word Verbs

Passed on: is give an advice or message for another person.

MSP is passing on the results of people infected covid-19 in the news every day in
the morning.
Put off: is when you can´t do an activity in the day that you plan it, and you should
do it another day.
My father put off his travel for Colombia for the problems that have all the world
with covid-19
Carried on: is continue do something no matter the problems or difficulties that it
The center of languages at Technical University of Ambato is carrying on with its
activities of period March/April of 2020 with normality.
Came round: is when you or a thing is in another place or city and it come to near
to you.
My father work in Esmeraldas and he came round yesterday at night.
Looked after: is take care of something or someone.
Last year my uncle lived in my house and I looked after him every day because he
had an accident.
Handed in: is give a thing for someone.
The GAD of Pelileo is handing in food for homeless every day.
Broke up: is when a thing break.
My sister was playing football indoor at home and she broke up the window my
mum was very angry.
Turned down: is when someone doesn´t accept deals.
Marco was fall in love of Andrea but she turned down him.
Joined in: is when a group of people support their decisions or plans.
the last year my family had problems but they joined in more.
Felt like: is like people are feel.
My father feels like prisoner because he can´t leave at home.

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