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The rapidly changing environment of organisations and the constant change in ICT

innovations requires that organisations are transformed for them to be competitive in the
future. To examine the phenomena of ICT in organisational transformation, a case study has
been conducted in a multinational company. This further revealed the proactive strategies of
organisations regarding people, processes and technology being an integral part of
organisational transformation. These are the means through which this is able to happen. But
for the transformation to take place, there need to be factors that enable it to operate. These
include things such as change management, knowledge management, business process
management and IT governance.
Organisation transformation does not only affect the employees of the organisation but also
affects the customers, suppliers, investors and many others.(Rouse and Baba 2006)
Organisations need to be innovative and change should take place at a pace greater than the
promptness required to cope up with change in the environment. Adoption of ICT requires
change in business approach from survival in the world wide environment.
Organisations need to obtain futuristic methods in regard to customers, products and services
to be able to manage the challenges ahead. ICT has become a major factor in the
transformation of organizations.
Organisational transformation is not an ordinary change but a fundamental change that
greatly alters an organisations relationship with one or more key constituencies such as
customer’s suppliers and investors. . (Rouse and Baba 2006)
All organisations are always in a constant flux and have a feeling that they always need to
transform to meet the current challenges of globalisation, mergers and acquisitions and new
market technologies. (davenport 2013; Eddy 2014)
Scholars have a theory that organisations would not survive for long if they are not able to
introduce changes in their workflows (Hall, 2002; Drucker,1999). Organisational
transformation is a matter of survival to compete globally.
The pace at which organisations need to be innovative must be greater than the promptness
required to cope with the change in their environment. (Robert , 2014: Mckeown and Philip,
In today’s times, ICT dictates that change is required in the business approach for survival
and ability to be competitive in the international environment.( Al-Debei and Al- Lozi 2012)
Rules of business need to be changed to get true benefits of new technology. They need to
adopt futuristic approach towards customers, products and services to meet the challenges
ahead.(Hannel and Prahalad, 1994)
ICT has become a major driving force in causing major organisational changes.(Hanna 2009)
Adopting advanced technologies is not a remedy but considerations must be given to the
social and technical aspects of the same for the transformation to be successful.(Ahmad and
malik, 2016; Eddy 2014)
ICT enabled organisational transformation is popular in developed countries however it is
unfortunate that it has not yet been fully explored in developing countries. (Hanna 2009).
This may be as a result of varied cultural factors.
There is a lot of complexity in organisation transformation which needs to be understood in
order to find means by the organisation management on how to deal with these complexities
in order to make it a success story in the organisation. (Molla and Bhalla, 2006)
Research that has been previously done put the success rate of ICT transformation initiatives
at 50%. The failure may be due to handling the transformation from a technical perspective
rather than a socio-technical one, limited communication, knowledge management and poor
change management.
ICT stands for information and communication technologies. It refers to technologies that
provide access to information through telecommunication. It mainly focuses on
communication technologies despite the fact that it is similar to IT. It includes the internet,
wireless networks, cell phones and other communication mediums.
ICT is defined by Blurton 2002 as the diverse set of technological tools and resources used to
communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage information. It can also be
described as technologies that allow the retrieving, processing, recording and transmission of
information that help support collaboration between individuals and groups for the exchange
of data and communication. ICT adoption is the willingness to take the new innovation
related to computer and internet. To benefit from ICT adoption, organisations should provide
needed infrastructure and hire skilled ICT personnel hence the necessary means to make
effective use of ICT should be available for it to contribute positively to organizational
transformation. Hence there is need to have certain complementary factors in an organisation
to enable better use of ICT which will lead to effective organisation transformation.
Organisations are faced with different kinds of challenges ranging from high operational
costs, inefficient work processes, lack of it infrastructure, unavailability of timely information
and many others. In order to manage these challenges, organisations need to transform and
rethink their work processes. ICT has become a major contributing factor in this initiative as
a way of enhancing the performance of these organisations.
The following are the different aspects in which organisations get transformed through ICT.
1. Operational costs
2. Inefficient work processes
3. Limited IT services.
4. Unavailability of timely information.
5. Inconsistent work processes.
6. Decision making
7. Turn around time
8. …………….…… still building.

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