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Impact of Malnutrition on Health

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The problem of malnutrition has unfavourable effects upon the health and well-being
of the individuals. In some cases, the health problems and illnesses are severe that the
individuals may have to take medical treatment. Whereas, in other cases, when they are
severe, they even prove to be fatal. In accordance to the research studies, the women and
children are the ones, who are experiencing the problem of malnutrition to a major extent.
One of the major causes is, when they are residing in the conditions of poverty and
backwardness, they do not possess adequate resources needed in fulfilling their daily
nutritional requirements. In order to curb the problem of malnutrition and obtain diet and
nutrition, the individuals need to possess the resources. In addition, they need to be well-
aware in terms of measures and approaches, which are needed to promote good health and
curb malnutrition. In rural communities, there is a need to formulate measures and programs,
which aim to generate awareness and make provision of support and assistance to the
individuals to curb the problem of malnutrition. The main areas that are taken into account in
this research paper are, causes of malnutrition, consequences of malnutrition, and ways of
eliminating malnutrition.

Keywords: Consequences, Health, Health Problems, Illnesses, Malnutrition, Over-

nutrition, Under-nutrition

The term malnutrition generally refers to both over-nutrition and under-nutrition

(Blossner & Onis, 2005). There are number of factors that cause malnutrition. In most cases,
these lead to poor diet or severe infections. In accordance to the research studies, the
individuals, belonging to deprived, marginalized and economically backward sections of the
society are the ones, who are experiencing the problem of malnutrition. Among them, due to
scarcity of resources, they are unable to make provision of essential nutrients in their diet.
Hence, due to lack of essential nutrients, they are unable to lead to effective growth and
development of their children and experience number of health problems and illnesses. On
the other hand, there are individuals, who tend to overeat. They consume extra calories than
what is required, thus experience obesity as well as other health problems. These individuals
also experience malnutrition, as consuming extra calories than what is required is referred to
as over-nutrition.

The nutritional status of the individuals is compromised by diseases with the

components of the environment (Blossner & Onis, 2005). In other words, when the health of
the individuals get effected with the problems that are existing within the environments, such
as, various forms of pollution, air, land, water and noise, then it has major effects upon the
nutritional status as well. Increase in population leads to disruption in the ecological balance.
This is regarded as one of the indispensable factors of undermining food production. The
individuals are experiencing barriers within the course of obtaining two square meals in a
day. Hence, they are suffering from an under-nutrition form of malnutrition. In India, women
and children are the ones, who are suffering from malnutrition to a major extent. This is
regarded as one of the major impediments within the course of progression of not only
communities but nation as a whole. There is a need to formulate measures and programs in
all regions and communities to ensure that particularly women and children need to obtain
their adequate diet and nutrition on daily basis.

Causes of Malnutrition

The various causes of malnutrition have been stated as follows:

Poverty – Poverty is referred to not having sufficient resources and materials. Poverty
includes, social, economic and political elements. The absolute conditions of poverty is the
complete lack of resources, required to fulfil the basic necessities of food, clothing and
shelter. Poverty has many faces that are undergoing transformations from time to time and
from one place to another. It is a different situation and individuals aspire to get rid of it. It is
apparent that residing in the conditions of poverty enables the individuals to experience the
problem of malnutrition. When the conditions of poverty impose detrimental effects upon the
lives of the individuals to a major extent, they experience problems in fulfilling their daily
nutritional requirements. In accordance to the research studies, there are occurrence of
number of problems and challenges within the lives of the individuals, who are residing in
poverty. Therefore, poverty is an indispensable cause of malnutrition (Preparatory Unit 2.

Unawareness and Backwardness – In rural areas as well as in urban slums, the

individuals are overwhelmed by unawareness and backwardness. They are normally unaware
in terms of various aspects, which are regarded to be of utmost significance in helping them
to enrich their lives. When they are influenced by these factors to a major extent, they do not
pay attention towards obtaining essential diet and nutrition. Hence, experience malnutrition.
One of the major problems is, in some cases, the individuals are unaware in terms of what are
the essential nutrients and that they need to obtain them on regular basis. Whereas, in most
cases, they are well-aware in terms of the fact that obtaining two-square meals is essential in
order to live effectual lives. When they cannot afford the meals, they are dependent upon
others, such as, non-government organizations, religious places, social workers and so forth.
As these do help individuals, who are residing in the conditions of poverty and backwardness.
Therefore, unawareness and backwardness are important causes of malnutrition.

Poor Hygiene and Lack of Sanitation – Poor hygiene and lack of sanitation are also
regarded as one of the important causes of malnutrition. In accordance to the research studies,
the individuals, who are poverty stricken and belong to disadvantageous communities,
normally do not have proper homes. In other words, the problem of homelessness is common
among individuals. When the individuals experience lack of civic amenities and facilities,
they are unable to pay attention towards their diet and nutrition. One of the major problems
is, within their homes as well in some cases, they experience lack of facilities and amenities,
which are necessary to prepare nutritious meals. When the individuals are not residing in
clean environmental conditions, they experience problems in obtaining healthy and nutritious
diet. Therefore, poor hygiene and lack of sanitation are important causes of malnutrition.

Low Production and Profitability – In India, more than 70 percent of the population is
residing in rural communities and in these communities, agriculture and farming practices are
the major occupations of the individuals. In accordance to the research studies, farmers
experience an increase in productivity and profitability in some months, whereas, in other
months of the year, they experience low production and profitability. When the productivity
and profitability is low, they experience problems in obtaining their essential diet and
nutrition. In this manner, the farmers as well as their families are malnourished. In some
states in India, such as, Maharashtra, farmers as well as their families are able to obtain just
one square meal in a day. In this manner, the problem of malnutrition has a major influence
on their lives. Therefore, it can be stated, low productivity and profitability is an important
cause of malnutrition.
Health Problems and Illnesses – Health problems and illnesses are regarded as one of
the major causes of malnutrition. When the individuals experience health problems and
illnesses, they usually do not tend to pay attention towards their diet and nutrition. In most
cases, due to health problems and illnesses, they experience restricted diet and need to refrain
from the consumption of various types of food items. In some cases, the individuals become
pale and weak. When their personal appearance is observed, one can make out that they have
been suffering from an illness causing malnutrition. Hence, this shows that due to health
problems and illnesses, individuals experience malnutrition. When the individuals are
concerned in terms of something, then too they do not tend to pay attention towards their diet
and nutrition and get overwhelmed by the problem of malnutrition. Therefore, health
problems and illnesses are also regarded as one of the important causes of malnutrition.

Gender Inequality – In some households in rural communities, preference is given to

male children and individuals do not appreciate the birth of the girl children. The main reason
being, the individuals form the viewpoint that male children are assets and they will render a
significant contribution in promoting well-being of their families and communities. On the
other hand, females are liabilities, who would make demands and would not yield any returns
on investment. The individuals also discriminate against girls in terms of nutrition. Rich and
healthy food is given to the male children, whereas, females are given simple food. It is
apparent that all individuals like sweets. Sweets were given to male children, on the other
hand, females were deprived from consumption of sweets. Therefore, it can be stated, the
prevalence of gender inequality is one of the important causes of malnutrition among girls
and women belonging to rural communities and deprived, marginalized and socio-
economically backward sections of the society.

Rituals and Practices – In accordance of the research studies, in rural as well as in

urban communities, the individuals follow certain rituals and practices. These rituals and
practices are followed out of religious beliefs. In some cases, the individuals are required to
observe fasts and they refrain themselves from drinking water as well. In most cases, they are
observed for one day, whereas, in other cases, they are observed for more than one day as
well, i.e. seven or nine days. When the individuals rigidly follow the rituals and practices,
they do not tend to pay attention towards their diet and nutrition and experience malnutrition.
Their health conditions get effected in an unfavourable manner and they suffer from health
problems. Therefore, it can be stated, rituals and practices are one of the important causes of
Illiteracy and Unemployment – It is comprehensively understood that individuals,
belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds aspire to enhance their career
prospects. In order to enhance their career prospects, they need to acquire good-quality
education and employment opportunities to sustain ones living conditions in a well-organized
manner. When the individuals experience scarcity of resources and challenges in pursuing
career goals, they feel overwhelmed and their health conditions get influenced in an
unfavourable manner. Due to the problems of illiteracy and unemployment, the individuals
experience problems in fulfilling their nutritional requirements as well. The main reasons
being, they are unaware as well as they lack the resources that are necessary in promoting
good health and eliminating malnutrition. When the individuals are illiterate, they are
unaware of the ways to eliminate malnutrition. On the other hand, when the individuals are
unemployed, they lack the resources that are needed in acquiring healthy and nutritious diet.
Therefore, it can be stated, illiteracy and unemployment are regarded as crucial causes of

Deprived Health Services – Health services are regarded to be of utmost significance

in promoting good health and well-being. When the individuals experience health problems
and illnesses or they need to provide solutions to the problem of malnutrition, they need to
obtain medical and health care facilities. In rural areas, the health facilities are not in a well-
developed state. Hence, the rural individuals need to migrate to urban communities to obtain
medical and health care facilities. When the individuals experience lack of resources, they
experience problems in migrating to urban communities to obtain medical and health
services. Therefore, it can be stated, deprived health services are regarded as one of the
indispensable factors that lead to impediments within the course of promoting good health
and well-being and providing solutions to the problem of malnutrition.

Deprived Living Conditions – To promote good health and well-being and eliminate
the problem of malnutrition, the individuals need to make provision of proper materials,
resources, tools, equipment, civic amenities, and facilities. On the other hand, lack of
materials, facilities and amenities impose barriers within the course of sustenance of ones
living conditions in an appropriate manner. When the individuals are residing in deprived
living conditions, they experience problems in implementation of measures, which are
necessary to eliminate malnutrition. In rural communities, the individuals normally make use
of mud stoves to prepare their meals. Whereas, in urban communities, the individuals make
use of electric stoves. Meals can be prepared on mud as well as electric stoves. But one of the
important factors that need to be taken into account is, when the individuals are residing in
deprived living conditions, they will experience problem in fulfilling their nutritional
requirements. Therefore, it can be stated, deprived living conditions is one of the
indispensable causes of malnutrition.

Consequences of Malnutrition

The consequences of malnutrition have been stated as follows:

High Mortality Rate – Increase in the mortality rate is one of the major consequences
of malnutrition. When the individuals are not able to obtain their essential nutrients, they
experience number of problems in promoting good health and well-being. In accordance to
the research studies, the increase in the mortality rate is among women and children.
Mortality rate is the death rate. It is a measure of the number of deaths due to a particular
cause in the population. Age-specific and gender-specific death rates for specific causes are
more commonly reported throughout the country (Jacob & Ganguli, 2016). The mortality rate
is prevalent among the children belonging to deprived, marginalized and economically
weaker sections of the society. The children below five years of age are subjected to mortality
to a major extent. Not only children, but adults as well need to obtain their adequate diet and
nutrition. When they do not receive their adequate diet and nutrition, they experience
mortality. Therefore, high mortality rate is one of the essential consequences of malnutrition.

Low Weight at Birth – Low birth weight is when a baby is born, weighing less than
five pounds, eight ounces. In some cases, the low birth babies are healthy, whereas, in other
cases, they experience health problems and need treatment. Premature birth i.e. before 37
weeks of pregnancy and restriction in the growth are regarded as common causes of low birth
weight. The primary cause of low birth weight is intrauterine growth restriction. This occurs
when the children do not grow well in utero because of the problems with the placenta, the
health of the mother and birth defects (Low Birth-weight in New-borns, 2020). The other
important cause of low weight at birth is malnutrition. When mothers are malnourished, they
do not obtain their adequate diet and nutrition, they are likely to give birth to malnourished
children. Hence, it is of utmost significance for the expecting mothers to pay proper attention
towards their diet and nutrition. In this manner, they can curb the problem of malnutrition.
Therefore, the expecting mothers need to pay adequate attention towards their diet in order to
curb malnutrition.
Damage to the Mucosal Membrane – Mucous membranes protect the inside parts of
the body that are exposed to air, in a similar fashion to how the skin protects the external
body. Mucous membranes are rich with mucous glands that secrete mucus to help keep the
membranes moist. The examples of mucous membranes include lips, mouth, nasal passages,
middle ear and the Eustachian tube (Hayes, 2020). When the individuals do not pay attention
towards their diet and nutrition, they experience damage to the mucosal membrane. For
example, when the individuals observe fasts and they do not even have water, they normally
experience dry skin in the mucous membranes. When the individuals are malnourished, they
experience damages to the mucosal membranes. Therefore, it can be stated, the damage to the
mucosal membrane is one of the indispensable consequences of malnutrition.

Weakens Immune System – Malnutrition leads to weakening of the immune system. A

person with the weakened immune system is likely to get infections on a frequent basis as
compared to other individuals. Eating a healthy diet can bring about improvements in the
overall well-being of the individuals. The individuals, who have a weak immune system, the
medical practitioners and health care specialists recommend to them the diet that is rich in
fruits and vegetables. These make provision of plenty of nutrients. In some cases, the
individuals, do not consume much fruits and vegetables, but they consume other food items,
such as, eggs, fish, and meat, so they are able to obtain a healthy and nutritious diet. It is of
utmost significance for the individuals to obtain the essential nutrients in their diet, so they
are able to alleviate malnutrition and reinforce the immune system. Therefore, it can be
stated, malnutrition leads to weakening of immune system and this problem can be solved by
obtaining the essential nutrients.

Increases Risk of Infections and Infectious Diseases – When the individuals

experience lack of nutrients in their body, they experience health problems and diseases. For
example, anaemia is a disease, which is caused due to deficiency of iron. On the other hand,
due to lack of other nutrients as well, the individuals experience number of health problems
and illnesses. For example, due to lack of protein, the individuals experience skin diseases,
such as, redness, flaky skin and pigmentation. Whereas, health problems due to deficiency of
vitamins and minerals are, abdominal pain, decreased immune system, diarrhoea, irregular
heart-beat, loss of appetite etc. These health problems, infections and infectious diseases take
place among the individuals, belonging to various age groups, categories and backgrounds.
Hence, the individuals need to pay attention towards consumption of diet and nutrition on a
regular basis. Therefore, it can be stated, malnutrition leads to an increase in the risk of
infections and infectious diseases and this problem can be solved by paying attention on a
regular basis towards obtaining essential diet and nutrition.

Causes Reduction in Abilities – It is apparent that in order to carry out ones tasks and
activities in a satisfactory manner, the individuals need to obtain the essential diet. One
should consume a balanced diet, comprising of all the nutrients. The nutrients of
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water not only provides the energy to the
body, but also the abilities to carry out ones tasks and activities in a well-organized manner.
On the other hand, when the individuals are experiencing the problem of malnutrition, they
are unable to obtain the essential nutrients, which may augment their ability levels. Proper
diet is essential in promoting good health of the individuals physically as well as
psychologically. When the individuals experience malnutrition, they do not obtain the
essential nutrients, which are necessary in performing various types of tasks and activities.
Therefore, causing reduction in the abilities is regarded as one of the indispensable
consequences of malnutrition.

Causes Reduction in Energy Levels – It is comprehensively understood that to carry

out ones tasks and activities in an appropriate manner, the individuals need energy. The
energy is obtained from proper diet and nutrition. In order to obtain the needed energy, the
individuals need to pay attention towards diet and nutrition on regular basis. In some cases,
when the individuals are residing in the conditions of poverty and they belong to deprived
and economically weaker sections of the society, in such cases, they may experience
problems in obtaining adequate nutrition. But they need to obtain the essential nutrients on
daily basis as in most cases they are engaged in manual jobs. When the individuals will not
obtain their essential diet and nutrition, they will experience reduction in the energy levels. In
addition, the individuals will feel exhausted and fatigue. These are regarded as major
impediments within the course of implementation of tasks and activities. Therefore, it can be
stated that one of the important consequences of malnutrition is it causes reduction in the
energy levels.

Experiencing of Psychological Problems – The psychological problems that are

experienced by the individuals which compels them to suffer from malnutrition are, anger,
stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. When the individuals experience these problems, they
do not tend to pay attention towards their diet and nutrition. They may skip meals or may
consume less amount of food. When these problems are experienced in a major form, they
may likely to cause malnutrition. On the other hand, when these problems are not
experienced in a major form, then the individuals may consume less amount of food. But in
some cases, they do not have an effect on diet and nutrition. For example, when the
individuals are stressed because of demanding job duties, it is likely possible that the
individuals may consume proper meals. As they are aware that in order to perform well in
their jobs and to concentrate well, they need to alleviate the problem of malnutrition and
obtain the required energy. Therefore, experiencing of psychological problems may or may
not cause malnutrition.

Seclusion and Loneliness – Seclusion and loneliness are referred to as the feelings of
unhappiness or suffering that the individuals experience, when they are alone. It is referred to
as the distressful state that is experienced, when the individuals are residing in isolation and
feel separated from the world. This problem has unfavourable effects upon their mind-sets
and overall well-being. When the individuals feel lonely over a long period of time, it has an
effect upon their mental as well as physical health conditions. When the individuals are
residing in seclusion and loneliness, they do not tend to pay attention towards their diet and
nutrition. In accordance to the research studies, when the individuals are eating with friends
and family members, they tend to pay attention towards their diet and nutrition. In some
cases, when the individuals are overwhelmed by the psychological problems of stress,
depression, trauma and anger, they even tend to feel lonely even when they are accompanied
by others. These problems are regarded to play an important part in causing malnutrition and
usually enable the individuals to feel lonely and secluded.

Chronic Pain – When the individuals experience the problem of malnutrition, they
undergo chronic pain in the body as well. This pain may be experienced in different parts of
the body, i.e. joint or muscle pain, stomach aches and headaches. When the pain is severe, it
is apparent that the individuals will feel uncomfortable to a major extent. Hence, malnutrition
leads to chronic pain and vice-versa. Chronic pain should not be ignored and individuals need
to take medical treatment on an immediate basis. When one experiences chronic pain, he or
she may convey it to their family members and they make provision of help and support.
When the family members themselves are not aware, they consult medical doctors. When it is
due to malnutrition, then the individuals need to pay attention towards their diet and nutrition.
When chronic pain is experienced to a major extent, it has adverse effects on health and well-
being of the individuals. Therefore, the individuals need to ensure, they pay adequate
attention towards diet and nutrition to alleviate the problem of malnutrition and promote good
health and well-being.

Ways of Eliminating Malnutrition

With the aim of promoting good health and well-being, it is indispensable for the
individuals to ensure that they do not suffer from the problem of malnutrition. The
individuals have number of aims in their lives, i.e. effective growth and development, carry
out all tasks and activities in a well-ordered manner and enrich their overall living conditions.
Hence, to achieve personal as well as professional goals and objectives, the individuals need
to pay adequate attention towards their diet and nutrition. In one day, the individuals need to
ensure they consume food at least four times, i.e. morning breakfast, lunch, evening snack
and dinner. Paying attention towards ones diet and nutrition is regarded as one of the
indispensable ways of eliminating malnutrition. Furthermore, all communities, regions and
countries need to pay attention towards the development of food systems. In the agricultural
sector, there is a need to put into operation modern, scientific and innovative methods to lead
to an increase in productivity and profitability. Therefore, these are regarded as vital ways of
eliminating malnutrition.

Another important way of eliminating malnutrition is establishing medical and health

care facilities in rural areas. In medical and health care facilities, there is a need to implement
modern and pioneering methods. The medical doctors and health care specialists need to
make provision of information to the individuals in terms of eliminating malnutrition and
obtaining a healthy and nutritious diet. In schools as well, the teachers put emphasis upon the
concept of diet and nutrition. The students are imparted information in terms of healthy and
unhealthy food items and how they render a significant contribution in promoting good health
and well-being. In addition, the students also generate information in terms of benefits of
healthy food and disadvantages of unhealthy food. Therefore, it can be stated, medical and
health care centres as well as educational institutions render an indispensable contribution in
imparting knowledge and understanding in terms of ways of eliminating malnutrition.


The term malnutrition is referred to both over-nutrition and under-nutrition. The

individuals, belonging to deprived, marginalized and economically backward sections of the
society are the ones, who are experiencing the problem of malnutrition to a major extent.
Primarily due to scarcity of resources, they are unable to make provision of essential nutrients
in their diet. Hence, due to lack of essential nutrients, they are unable to lead to effective
growth and development of their children and experience number of health problems and

illnesses. The various causes of malnutrition are, poverty, unawareness and backwardness,
poor hygiene and lack of sanitation, low production and profitability, health problems and
illnesses, gender inequality, rituals and practices, illiteracy and unemployment, deprived
health services and deprived living conditions. The consequences of malnutrition are, high
mortality rate, low weight at birth, damage to the mucosal membrane, weakens immune
system, increases risk of infections and infectious diseases, causes reduction in abilities,
causes reduction in energy levels, experiencing of psychological problems, seclusion and
loneliness and chronic pain. Finally, it can be stated, it is of utmost significance for
individuals, irrespective of their communities, occupations, categories and backgrounds to
put into operation the measures to maintain good health and eliminate the problem of
Blossner, M & Onis, M.D. (2005). Malnutrition. Retrieved June 10, 2020 from

Hayes, K. (2020). What Mucous Membranes Do in Your Body? Retrieved June 11, 2020


Jacob, M.E. & Ganguli, M. (2016). Neuroepidemiology. Retrieved June 11, 2020 from

Low Birth-weight in New-borns. Symptoms and Causes. (2020). Boston Children’s Hospital.

Retrieved June 11, 2020 from

Preparatory Unit 2. Malnutrition and Its Causes. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2020 from

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