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Shakeeb Ahmed

102 S Lincoln Ave. Apt 306 Urbana, IL, 61801 (217) 979-7998

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expected July 2011 Advanced Coursework Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Organization & Design, Communication Networks, Computer Security

Work Experience
Al Saied Restaurant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Manager Summers of 2008, 2009 O Managed the day to day operations of family (fast food) restaurant business including table layout and cleanliness. O Maintained inventory and placed orders for food, beverages and all other supplies when necessary. O Handled all bookkeeping and cash withdrawal at the end of the day, summed all cash register receipts. O Proposed ideas for redesign and format of restaurant menu.

Technical Projects

CS 411 Database-Driven Website Spring 2011 O Built a movie sharing website in a team of four ( which runs on a PHP/MySQL backend. O Created initial site layout as well as the majority of advanced backend functions - the ability to perform personalized database searches which take into account dynamic relationships between individual site users. ECE 411 Pipelined Processor Fall 2010 O Implemented LC3b ISA (RISC architecture) in a 5-stage pipelined processor using VHDL in a team of three. O Designed the basic datapath as well as the memory hierarchy which consisted of split L1 caches (I+D) and a unified L2 cache. Team members implemented other core features such as hazard control, flushing and branch prediction. ECE 391 Operating System Spring 2010 O OS implementation took 1st place in ECE 391 Design Competition. O Developed a single user, multitasking (with virtual memory) Unix-like OS in a team of four. O Coded the paging system (page directory and page entry initialization), core system calls and context switching (between user mode and kernel mode). Assisted team members with interrupt handling, file system initialization, terminal driver and multiple terminal support. Extra features included a malloc implementation as well as tabcompletion support in the terminal. ECE 385 IrDA Communication Protocol Fall 2009 O Wrote a protocol for a wireless communication link via Infrared with a fellow student. O Utilized Altera DE2 FPGA boards to transmit data (set from onboard switches) back and forth through the onboard IrDA transceiver. Implementation was coded using VHDL inside a simulator and then programmed onto the boards.

SPARK UIUC IEEE Magazine Editor/Contributor Fall 2009 Muslim Students Association (MSA) Community Outreach Fall 2008

Languages: Programming (C, x86 Assembly, VHDL, PHP, SQL, HTML/CSS); Spoken (English, Urdu) Systems: Linux (Red Hat, Debian), Microsoft Windows, OS Virtualization (Xen) Administration: System Administration, Networking, Hardware upgrades, LAMP stack deployment

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