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Thank you for taking time out of your day to check this out. Here you´ll find a leg focused calisthenics program, with both a Ring + Pullup bar and a Pullup
bar ONLY version. I hope this helps you to achieve your goal physique and if you have any feedback to give me leave a comment in my channel:

Rings + Pullup bar Version

Day #1: Upperbody emphasis (Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps

One arm chin-ups (Towel, Band or
3-4 2-5 (Each side)
Finger assisted)
RTO Dips OR Pseudo-Planche pushups 4 AMRAP/4-8
Superset #1
Ring Pullups 3-4 AMRAP
Jumping Lunges 4
Superset #2 Decline Ring Pushups OR Ring Pike AMRAP
Ring Curls 3 10-15
Superset #3
Ring Extensions 3 10-15

Day #2: Lower Body Emphasis

Exercise Sets Reps

[Squats] Check “Notes” section
L-sit deadhangs OR Planks (Hardest
Variation possible)
Superset #1 4-5 AMRAP
Ring Hamstring Curls
Deficit Calf Raises
Sissy Squats
Diamond Pushups
Superset #2 3 AMRAP
Ring Facepulls OR Wide Grip Inverted
Day #3: Arm emphasis

Exercise Sets Reps

Close Grip Bar Chinups
Superset #1 3-5 AMRAP
Ring Dips (No RTO)
Ring Curls 4 8-12
Superset #2
Ring Extensions OR Sphinx Pushups 4 8-15
Pistol Squats (Holding to something) AMRAP (Each Side)
Superset #3 4

Day #4: Lower Body Emphasis

Exercise Sets Reps

[Jumping Squats] OR [Jumping Lunges] Check “Notes” section
L-sit deadhangs OR Planks (Hardest
Variation possible)
Superset #1 4-5 AMRAP
Ring Hamstring Curls
Deficit Calf Raises
Sissy Squats OR Reverse
Superset #2 Decline Diamond Pushups 3 AMRAP
Ring Facepulls OR Wide Grip Inverted
Day #5: Upperbody emphasis (Push)

Exercise Sets Reps

Ring OR Regular Pseudo-Planche
3-4 2-5
RTO Dips OR Ring Pushups 3-4
Superset #1 AMRAP
Bar Chinups 4
Deficit Pistol Squats OR Levitating
Superset #2 3 AMRAP
Front pulls OR Inverted Rows OR Front
Lever Pullups
Ring Curls 3 10-15
Superset #3
Ring Extensions 3 10-15

Day #6 & #7: Stimulus day(s)

Exercise Sets Reps

Superset #1 2-4 AMRAP
Inverted Rows OR Facepulls OR Ring
Rear Delt Flies
Pullup bar ONLY Version

Day #1: Upperbody emphasis (Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps

One arm chin-ups (Towel, Band or Finger
3-4 2-5 (Each side)
Pseudo-Planche pushups 4 4-8
Superset #1
Pullups 3-4 AMRAP
Jumping Lunges 4
Superset #2 Handstand Pushups (Regular or deficit) OR Pike AMRAP
Pushups (Feet elevated and/or deficit)
Close Grip Chinups (Touching hand sides and
with a curl grip*) OR Bicep Curls (Hang 3 AMRAP/10-15
Superset #3 bedsheets or Towels from the pullup bar)
Sphinx Pushups OR Extensions (Hang bedsheets
3 AMRAP/10-15
or Towels from the pullup bar)
Day #2: Lower Body Emphasis

Exercise Sets Reps

[Squats] Check “Notes” section
L-sit deadhangs OR Planks (Hardest Variation
Superset #1 Nordic Curls OR Hamstring Curls (Hang bedsheets 4-5 AMRAP
or Towels from the pullup bar)
Deficit Calf Raises
Sissy Squats
Diamond Pushups
Superset #2 3 AMRAP
Facepulls OR Wide grip Inverted Rows (Hang
bedsheets or Towels from the pullup bar)

Day #3: Arm emphasis

Exercise Sets Reps

Close Grip Chinups (Touching hand sides and with
a curl grip*)
Superset #1 3-5 AMRAP
(Plyometric Diamond Pushups → Diamond
Close Grip Chinups (Touching hand sides and with
a curl grip*) OR Bicep Curls (Hang bedsheets or 4 8-12
Superset #2 Towels from the pullup bar)
Sphinx Pushups OR Extensions (Hang bedsheets
4 8-15
or Towels from the pullup bar)
Pistol Squats (Holding to something) AMRAP (Each Side)
Superset #3 4
Inverted Shrugs AMRAP
Day #4: Lower Body Emphasis

Exercise Sets Reps

[Jumping Squats] OR [Jumping Lunges] Check “Notes” section
L-sit deadhangs OR Planks (Hardest Variation
Superset #1 4-5 AMRAP
Ring Hamstring Curls
Deficit Calf Raises
Sissy Squats OR Reverse Hyperextensions
Decline Diamond Pushups
Superset #2 3 AMRAP
Facepulls OR Wide grip Inverted Rows (Hang
bedsheets or Towels from the pullup bar)

Day #5: Upperbody emphasis (Push)

Exercise Sets Reps

Pseudo-Planche Pushups 3-4 2-5
Pseudo-Planche Pushups 3-4 8-12
Superset #1
Chinups 4 AMRAP
Deficit Pistol Squats OR Levitating Lunges
Superset #2 3 AMRAP
Front pulls OR Front Lever Pullups
Close Grip Chinups (Touching hand sides and with a
curl grip*) OR Bicep Curls (Hang bedsheets or 3 10-15
Superset #3 Towels from the pullup bar)
Sphinx Pushups OR Extensions (Hang bedsheets or
3 10-15
Towels from the pullup bar)
Day #6 & #7: Stimulus day(s)

Exercise Sets Reps

Superset #1 Inverted Rows OR Facepulls OR Rear 2-4 AMRAP
Delt Flies (Hang bedsheets or Towels
from the pullup bar

1) AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible

2) In every exercise you have to apply progressive overload, that means that your
performance goes up with time. It can be through multiple things (One or more at a
time). For example:
a) increase in reps
b) Increase in Load (Adding Weight)
c) Doing a Harder variation (Modifying leverages)
d) Better rep quality
e) Lower rep tempo
f) Adding Pauses
g) Doing movements in an unilateral fashion (putting more weight on each individual
h) Adding Plyometrics (Like going from pushups to clapping pushups)

3) When an exercise is presented like this:

[Exercise X]

It means you have to do it in a Prisoner style/Down Workouts.

For example, you have:

-You pick a number of reps you can do that will take you close to failure (RPE 6-7). In this case
let`s go with 30 reps.

-You will do the 30 reps, then rest 30-60 seconds and then do another set, but this time you
will do 29 reps, then rest again, and the next one you will do 28 reps and so on until you reach
1 rep.
-Over time you have to either:
a) Decrease the amount of rest between sets
b) Increase the starting rep number
c) Do a harder exercise
d) Add stuff in a backpack to increase load

Credits to AlphaDestiny for this method.

4) When a couple of exercises are paired like this:

(Exercise X → Exercise Y)

It means you have to do AMRAP in Exercise X, then without rest do the same thing with
Exercise Y.

To progress you have to increase:

a) Reps in EX and/or EY
b) Load in EX and/or EY
c) Do a harder variation of EX and/or EY
5) A curl grip means that instead of griping the bar the regular way you wrap your fingers
around the bar as much as you can, the tip of your fingers should be pointing towards
your wrist.
6) The “Stimulus Days” should are optional, meaning you only perform them if you are
recovered enough.
7) It is recommended you add 1-3 sets of warm-ups before the first set/supersets
8) Rest in-between sets should be until you feel you are able to perform similar numbers
compared to the previous set. As a general recommendation:

- 3-5 for single compound sets, 4-8 for supersets

- 1-3 for single isolation movements sets, 2-4 for supersets
- 30-60 secs for Prisoner Style “sets” and for Rest Pauses

9) Rest days can be located wherever you think is necessary as long as it follows the
workout split parameters. In this case, you can rest or do a stimulus day

10) Be patient and make sure to have good sleep and nutrition to maximize muscle gain.

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