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This is Democratic, partisan propaganda

The Dems support the war, also!

Kerry thinks Bush's plan is great!

This is a not-so-subtle plug for the draft. McDermott introduced a resolution in the House of Congress to
institute a universal draft. His argument is that if everyone is subject to the draft, then people will change
their mind about the war - a war the Democrats are in favor of! McDermott voted for the Patriot Act.
McDermott voted for the war.

Scenario -
Let's say 2000 American girls and boys die in Iraq. How is it going to change the public's willingness to
support the war if some of those kids are the children of anti-war Seattleites, versus if most of those kids
are children of pro-war middle-America?

That woman in the movie was pro-war until her son got killed. So what the draft will do is lighten the load
on the pro-war people (the ones who enlisted), and punish the anti-war people (the ones who refuse to
enlist) and will INCREASE support for the war, as well as make protest a violation of the Uniform Code
of Military Justice, which everyone will be subject to. Draftees have no constitutional rights.

McDermott will say that it's not fair that the wealthy don't have to pull their own weight.

There is NO CHANCE that any of the Bush daughters, or the children of Senators, will go to Iraq, even if
they are drafted, unless, like the Kennedys during WWII, they want to. The ruling elite's kids will do like
they always have done, and get career-enhancing cush jobs, as Ronald Reagan, Bush, Quayle, and other
wealthy people have always done.

The only thing the draft will do is allow the war-mongers to accelerate the war, continue the assault on
American ideals and freedoms, and exacerbate the destruction of not only the Iraqi people, and the US
economy, but threaten the very future of life on this planet.


You are being played like a piano by a master. Think independently. Don't just assume you have to do
what you are told. The Democrats and Republicans are playing Good Cop-Bad Cop. Don't fall for it.

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