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Dream leading to reverie

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Had a dream that I was sitting at the table with Armen and others. The client was on the
left. It wsas a big table.

It was lunch tiem, and a few of us were having lunch together. Armen and the client
were off by themselves. They got kind of rowdy.

I came back and sast down early. The otehrs were still not sitting down. I said outloud,
“That wil teach themto dreink at lunch”. Suddenly I realized what I said, I had tattled on
my co-workers. More importantly, maybe cost the job. ThI didn’t want to open y eyes.

But I kept waiting. The rest of them disappeared,and started hoursing around. I figured
maybe they ewere tryign to tell the client hta they were a buch of young enthusiastic
cowboys. So walked over to the client, and started to ask him abou the project, because I
had not been at part of the discussions.
It was a breat big mock-up, a big table spread, maybe eight feet by eight beet, with one
and two foot models of concentps.

I was asking him about htem, when he came up behind me, and I could feel hi shard penis
pressing into the back of my thigh. I tried to move away, but that just created friction,
and he followed me. I pretended to be interested in the table model, and reached for one
of them, which again, just created more friction and he got mro interested. It was
disturbing, so I woke up.

But I thought if a good line in the novel.

I tell him that he’s palying a dangerous game, and the danger is t his own sense of self-
being and orderliness. Tha the darkness he is readching for is in his soul, and that if he
isn’t careful, I will show it to him.

I let himi know that I am plenty willing to play this gaem, that I have to nattachments and
not desires as to outcome, that I will nto fall in love with him, and will not be
manipulated, but I am willing to play the game. I will be real with him. HE is the one in
danger, not me. And the danger is the danger that comes from exploring parts of yourself
that you have said to rest, that ar too scarey to pursue, and that you don’t want to deal
with. I won’t respect those areas.

I realize that he usually like his women young, women who are easily frightened and
manipulated, too naive, the prey I am not a victim, and if he wants to be the predator, he
better stick to the young women.

He pretends to not know what I am talking about. His penis shrinks. I sneer and say,
“yeah. I know you don’t.”

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