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Tenets of

1.The TAU GAMMA PHI is the Triskelions’ Grand
Fraternity, my Fraternity, the supreme Fraternity.
The first phrase emphasizes the true meaning
of Tau Gamma Phi which is the Triskelion Grand Fraternity. Greek
representation of our Fraternity was then very essential to be
able to commune with the then existing fraternity system; a fraternity
system which the Triskelions wanted to correct. Supremacy
however as explicitly expressed in the first tenet
is a responsibility to be fulfilled. Upon admittance to the Triskelion
Grand Fraternity,  Triskelion is bestowed with a task to attain
supremacy in his field of interest and endeavor. And with each Triskelion
fulfilling his duty to be supreme in his realm, the Triskelion
Grand Fraternity shall then attain Supremacy in all fields of
human endeavor. So therefore, the Supremacy we are trying to portray
is a collective effort from each Triskelion. In addition, we
have to remember that real Supremacy can only be attained if we
can meet the demands of the present times; if the demands
change, so as the level of Supremacy. 
2.Primum nil nocere – first of all do not harm, let alone in defense of self,
for whatever cause man has come into being,
for whatever reason he exist, to wherever he is destined, keen to all
living creatures around him, MAN IS A BROTHER UNTO MAN.
The second tenet is the expression of true brotherhood.
It reconciles the word Fraternity with its
original and tantamount meaning which is Brotherhood; a Universal kind
of Brotherhood. The fraternity is our training ground on how
to become a true brother to our fellow human beings. As long as
the one in front of you is a person, then you should always
consider him as a brother. Furthermore, if we are to treat other persons
as our brothers, so much more if they are Triskelions; and
if we are to treat Triskelions as true brothers, then so much more
if they are our true Blood Brothers. So therefore, the expression
of our Brotherhood must start in our family but
never make the family as an excuse for inactivity but instead make
the fraternity as the reason why we have gained more love and respect
from our families. However, the phrase "let alone in defense
of oneself" is an expression of everyone’s right to self-preservation.
It is just right and proper to defend ourselves in times
of extreme chaos, but we have to always bear in mind that we firmly
believe in the power of reason and not in the use of force as
a reason.
3.De gustibus non desputandum est – of likes and
dislikes there should be no desputing. LIVE AND LET LIVE.
The third tenet is an expression of respect for
an individual’s reewill. We must tolerate the existence of in dividual
differences among Triskelions but if and only if such differences
are not detrimental to the fraternity. The freedom that
we are bequeathed upon is within the boundary of our Tenets and
Code of Conduct. This we must comply with in order to be
called true Triskelions. We have to accept that Absolute Freedom
is a myth in the real world, so as Triskelions, we have the obligation
to conform with the Triskelion Doctrines such that whatever disposition
we have that doesn’t harmonize with the Triskelion
Principles must be corrected.
4.Preserve yourself, Brain, Brawn and Blood.
The fourth tenet is another challenge for
the Triskelions. It is a challenge to portray the authentic image
of a Triskelion. This tenet does not mean that we have to preserve
whatever we are today, but rather it conveys a challenge to achieve
the highest form of Triskelionism and that we have
to preserve. Yet it may be impossible to achieve this highest form, but
with this constantly in our minds, it will guide us to the path of righteousness.
5.Brothers I shall love and respect their counsel I shall heed.
The fifth tenet considers the fact that each human
being shall eventually experience troubles and difficulties
in life. As an answer to this, each Triskelion is given the
duty to comfort and assist any Triskelion in need as well as each
Triskelion is given the duty to seek for guidance and counsel from prominent
Brothers in times of problems. We must not forget that
the Triskelion is a light over darkness as shown in our official
color. That is why whenever we see a person in darkness, let us
always try to offer him some light to guide him regain his confidence.
So if we are the ones in darkness, then we must seek
for light, and that light is your fellow Triskelion.
6.______________________________ is my alma mater, to cherish
and to honor, by it’s rules be governed and be guided.
Literally, the sixth tenet simply signifies
to always follow the policies of your School and of your Chapter
but in a broader essence there is much more about this tenet.
The implication of this tenet is very vital for each Triskelion
because it is a duty to always adhere to the laws provided for in the
place where your feet are set. Just as a Filipino who migrated
to the USA cannot anymore exercise some of the Filipino practices
if they are against the law of the USA. A Triskelion must
always be aware of his surroundings especially the do’s and
don’ts. Triskelions are survivors, they can’t easily be defeated because
they always study the rules of the game.
7.The Grand Triskelion is righteous, just and
strong. He shall be obeyed. The Grand Triskelion is the heart of the Chapter
that is why all Triskelion members must give all respect and
obedience to him.
On the other hand, this tenet is also a challenge
for the Grand Triskelion himself. A challenge to be always
Righteous, Just and Strong. You can’t be considered a good Grand
Triskelion if you cannot maintain the said qualities. So for all
of us, if we are to elect a Grand Triskelion, be sure to select
the one with these three  Righteous, Just and Strong.
8.A Triskelion is a brother to his fellow
The Triskelion Brotherhood is extra-ordinary,
that is why the last tenet emphasizes the bond between Triskelions. It is
a "mortal sin" to socially discriminate a fellow Triskelion and it is intolerable
to offend a fellow Triskelion. One of the greatest reasons why we
became supreme among Fraternities is the kind of Brotherhood we practice.
We are the only Fraternity who practice Universal Brotherhood as explained
in the second tenet. We are the only Fraternity that other people can mingle
with in times of parties and other celebrations. We are the only Fraternity
where the young and the olds can commune with each other without discrimination……
Therefore let us not tarnish this wonderful essence of Triskelionism
because this what makes the BIG DIFFERENCE


(From CDO Chapter, Brod. Mitchelle Flores, MDG)
T – Treat others as you would have them treat you.
This is simply a replica of the Golden Rule. From hereon, we have to always
remember that the interpretation of any of the Triskelion Principles must always
be implicated positively. Our Founding Fathers never intended for us to exploit
the Code of Conduct by making twisted
interpretation. Just as we can’t implicate the first code to inflict pain
to others just because you’re a masochist. So the best
approach of interpreting our Principles
in to interpret it with the same mind-set of Founding Fathers.
R – Rise to defend the name and honor of the Fraternity whenever
it is unjustly criticized.
What kind of defense is demanded
for the time being should be profoundly considered. There are many forms
of defenses, and only few of these will come out to be best. So let us always
relate this code of conduct to our second tenet
I – Inform and orient your fellow brothers on
every matter you consider vital to the Fraternity.
Let us always give attention even
to the smallest details of our surroundings and try to evaluate if it is vital
to our fraternity. There are things that we see, do or feel that may be of great
to our fraternity and we have to be always aware of these. In addition, this
code does not only require us to inform but there is also an implied duty for us
to inquire from our fellow Triskelions every time, specially when we are absent for
a period of time.
S – Salute and address your fellow brothers
in the proper manner.
The best way to know what is proper
is to know what is improper. So to name a few, it is improper to: 
1.turn your back while performing the handshake 
2.insult your fellow Triskelions specially in front of everybody’s eyes.< 
3.subject visiting Triskelions to insulting and tedious test before 
accepting them specially if they are obvious to be true Triskelions. 
4.reject a handshake from fellow Triskelions. 
K – Keep decorum in all fraternity meetings
and act accordingly outside the fraternity.
As a Triskelion, we are obliged
to always pay attention to the speaking in front during meeting and conferences.
K is probably one of the most violated Code of Conduct of our Fraternity. Examples
of violations to this Code are: 
1.Talking while the GT or Gen. Sec. is still speaking during a meeting. 
2.Leaving the room while the meeting is still in session. 
3.Arriving late in the meeting. 
4.Transferring from one seat to another while the meeting is in session 
5.Disrupting the teacher while having a class. 
6.And all misbehavior outside the fraternity.
E – Excel in your chosen field of interest
and endeavor.
To know the best field for you is
to know your strengths, talents and abilities. Don’t be contented of what you
have and what you are if it is not yet the peak of your potentials. Always take the
greater challenge of your life and try to be the best in what you do. In addition,
we have to consider that the biggest step to excel is to be good in your studies,
so if you are privilege to be studying, always aim to graduate, if possible with
L – Live a life of moderation, avoid gluttony,
vices and drunkenness, lest you forget your Family, Fraternity,
work, and studies.
Too much of anything is harmful.
We have to learn how to manage our time well and be aware of the things that
are not good for us. It must also be considered that there are things in this world
that must be absolutely avoided, like poisons, radio-active minerals, illegal
DRUGS and many more. So if we say to be moderate, we can’t include Drugs
to be among the things to be moderate about.
Drugs is absolutely prohibited.
We may be moderate in drinking alcoholic beverages and in smoking but not
on Drugs.
I – In your everyday life, take care of what
you write, do, of misinterpretation
and lasting misunderstanding.
It is a fact that no one can please
everybody but at least try not to deliberately displease anybody. In all we do
there is always a proper norm on how to do it.
May it be the way you speak, walk,
stare or laugh. Try to be always conscious with the people around you and
if ever somebody complained on the way you talk, stare or walk, then try to
correct it.
O – Obey all fraternity rules and regulations,
be guided in your daily ventures by the Tenets of the
N – Never reveal to anyone, not to your family,
nor to your friends, the concern of the fraternity.
This Code of Conduct needs to be
deeply understood. There are revelations that can exalt the reputation of our
Fraternity and there are also revelations that can be detrimental to our fraternity.
For example, revealing the kind of brotherhood we advocate will probably earn
praises from people in general. So it just a matter of judgement on what to reveal
and what not to reveal


- moderation in action, thought  or feelings. We are reminded of letter
L in the Codes of Conduct.
- accountability and trustworthiness. We must be responsible and
held accountable for all our actions.
- honesty, morality and uprightness. We must be true to ourselves
and to the ideals that we stand for, we must be true to others that we serve.
- renunciation of self for others. Without self-denial, we are encouraged to
give something for the sake, not only of our brothers and sisters, but also others.<
- wisdom and understanding. We are constantly reminded to seek wisdom
because it is only through knowledge that we understand the people and the
world around us.
- unblemished and flawless. We live and lead by example for how do we
expect others to follow if we do not know how to lead.
- devotion and allegiance to God and Fraternity. We are bound by a sacred
duty to serve God, first and foremost, and the Fraternity for without the Fraternity
and without God, we are nothing.
- pure, sacred and whole. Our intentions must be transparent to all and
clear to everyone, and above all personal motives and self-serving ambitions.
- tolerant, impartial and compassionate. We do not profess a monopoly of ideas and
We must< respect the feelings and the rights of others.
- love of country. We cannot turn a deaf ear to the needs and aspirationsof our country
and people for we are the people.

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