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Storytelling for Change


Module 3
1 HR

As Greta explained in the video, we are For this module’s assignment, we invite you
moving on to storytelling techniques which to revisit your previous assignment, your
will be very important for this module’s story, and revise the content based on the
assignment. storytelling techniques introduced in this
The techniques that equip you to be a
powerful storyteller are: Take a moment to reflect on your previous

for Change
+ Viscerally re-experience the assignment and go through the checklist

for Change
moment: relive the moment below. Take notes of your responses as it will
and allow you to be emotionally be helpful as you complete your assignment
connected to the content and the this week.

experience + Does my story include any sensory
details? If not, how/where can I

+ Provide lots of sensory details: i.e.
include more?
show how things tasted, smelled,
looked, sounded, felt + Was I crafting my story using

present tense? Where should I
+ Use the present tense to draw us
change it?
into the action
+ Am I using ‘bullet phrases’ and
+ Use “bullet phrases” and avoid
avoiding connecting words to keep
using connecting words, as a way
the story short, to the point?
to keep the story, short, to the
point and captivating + Is there any role playing that takes
place in my story – to bring the
+ Play different roles without lots
characters to life? If not, how can I
of “she said/he said” – bring the
add that?
characters to life, even if only in a
small and subtle way

All use, reproduction and distribution of this work is subject to a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Another important component that passion, or building trust through deeply

Greta introduced in this module is your empathizing in a one-on-one meeting.
expressiveness and vocal range as a
storyteller. Read a blog article: Creating Engaging
Presentations: Hop Off the Monotone
In professional settings we tend to keep to a Monorail (5min). This article not only
narrow range of emotions. As leaders in your illustrates the importance of being

for Change
organizations or communities, however, you expressive and being considerate of your

for Change
are expected to inspire others and to convey vocal range, it also introduces you to the
how you feel on a range of issues. concept of ‘passionate purpose’, which we
will discuss in later modules.

You have a much wider range of emotions
to draw on than you realize, and you can OPTIONAL: Dry Content? Find Your Passion

use your voice and body to express these and Your Purpose. Some concrete ideas to
emotions fully. This is all part of learning to support you in finding your passion in this
bring your full self to professional situations, particular situation.

whether it’s inspiring an audience with your

All use, reproduction and distribution of this work is subject to a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Think about the voice as pure sound. What Then, go back to your story again. Identify
we usually think of as emotion or energy in components within your story in which you
the voice is actually expressed as changes in might be able to explore these different
pitch, volume, rhythm or speed, and sound aspects of voice during your storytelling.
quality. Again take notes of your thoughts.

+ Pitch: from high to low (from the

for Change
highest notes of a violin to the

for Change
lowest notes of a cello), you have
a wide range of possibilities when
using your voice

+ Volume: loud or soft, both are

possible when presenting your
stories and can be used to great
effect depending on the impact

you want to have and the content

+ Rhythm/Speed: you can speak

slowly and thoughtfully or fast
and with excitement, and you can
use pauses to create impact, to
underline a point or allow your
audience to catch up

+ Sound Quality: do you tend to

speak with a narrow, nasal sound
or do you have a round, broad
sounding voice and can you bring
more variety to your voice by
trying on whatever is not your
default style?

All use, reproduction and distribution of this work is subject to a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Now that you’ve been introduced to the + Have some emotional content
concept of expressiveness/vocal range
+ You can also use the example here
in this module, you might be wondering:
“How can I possibly practice bringing more
emotion into my storytelling? How can I STEP 2: Practice and rehearse.

practice using more of my vocal range?“ Practice and rehearse before meeting with
your team, and bring your story to the

for Change
We believe the easiest way to unlock both meetup (no need to memorize the story) It

for Change
(expressiveness and vocal range) is to will be fun!

practice telling stories to children. When we

speak to children and tell them stories as For this module’s assignment, you will be

adults we become less self-conscious and asked to revise a) your key message and b)

always more animated. So this activity is for a short personal story (a moment) you’ve

you to practice turning up your emotion and submitted in Assignment 2. If you want to

expressiveness. change your story now, that is okay too but

make sure you incorporate all the things you

Try these: Sample Stories for Children learned in this module!

STEP 1: Find a children’s story to read.

Content does not matter: Feel free to choose
something from your childhood or child’s
bookshelf, in any language you choose. The
story should meet the following criteria:

+ About 3-4 minutes long (no more)

+ Contain two or more characters

where you can play the roles,
modifying your voice, facial
expressions and body language
accordingly in order to bring each
character to life

All use, reproduction and distribution of this work is subject to a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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