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cVIEW ‘SYNOPSIS: A. Meaning 1 Modes of acquisition oS territorial sovereignity . Plebiscite . Loss of territorial sovereignity * Moves of ACQUISITION oF TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNIT Y: which does ‘Original mode ™ International law generally recognise. 190 of acquiring territorial sovereignity by a state —, (1) Occupation (2) Annexation (3) Accretion |. and (5) Prescription 1, Occupation: When a particular territory is not under the ais. of any other state, a state can establish its sovere,, over such territory occupation. Such territory uninhabited. For e.g., an island or it may be inhal persons whose community is not considered as a Ss» The Permanent Court of International Jus: explained the elements of effective occupation acquiring sovereignity. The occupation to be effe must consist of the following two elements. i. An intention the part of the occupying state to « sovereign called ‘Animus’ ii, The adequate exercise of sovereignty by such S# The effective administration should be estab! within a reasonable time. There is no ™ International Law that requires notificati®? occupation to other States as a condition © validity. As soon as a territory has bee? occu? a by a State, it becomes a subject of Intern: Law ate i$ 7 Thus mere act of discovery by one S18 or wax #9 enough to confer a title by occupation the islands of Palmas Arbitration Ca: a = eandomyesa-e34eD UE PUES) as9¢q aouts ‘uiseq eH uonednss0 UPIPUT Jo wTeTD 4, man 2u2 50 Sue pue eIpul weaMaq aindsIp ey) uo ysapeisury semdsid PUBS] 200% 94 yy A1UO spuetay, © ued sem semeg jo pURs| ay Tey Play vonenigry 20 409 au ‘og “OLT aouIS 1aAa ‘spueysy 9 2 Jo 2Wdoad ay sano A1uBias9A0s pasiozaxa ose pue SiDeIU09 Poustaess pey puey sayi0 aya uo spuepayiay PUEIS] Ot) Ut LoNENstump: BEY Siowiuos poystiqeiss pue 1 patdn 990 sprewued: atl 304d ou sem s191 ‘uredg Sq pasaroasi Sem snow spuee seuTea vein PRY ioenasy ayy Swemne Tense jo uoniqiyxe pe GUuBIozan08 jo asioraxa ay wsnw e st uonedne» PB 4200 SyuStazaa: 409 uoneinigze auL spuryssy PaPLAP LUNES oH UQIe oy pasrajar nu 94 UY “POUDUY OF yy IsueL oy Soy ds pur utedg J0 LoNnas6 109 ayy TaYION “s9N9% yo GUA & JapEM Dury uy 1980) YORDAs gy svul oq SPU PoXOUUE AOU & UayA\ -UONUXaUUR Aq A10;LLI01 Bipno AVUBI212008 [eLs0r4149) samboe aysiu aieig y . 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This view was expres,” nt of the League of Nations, th. Ket, Pact of 1928, the Charters and Jug Mens, ional Military Tribunals Created a, , World War Il, to try the accused of war ¢ Charter of the United Nations, and num Multipartite Treaties, Declarations, and R Coven eToys, Solu, The territories annexed and subju aggressive wars are now denied le, other nations. This is known by th Doctrine,(1932) The doctrine was subsequently afin, of Nations Gated th, gal Tecognitio. © name the by the assembly of the League As per the Article XI of the “Draft Declaratio: Rights and Duties of States” (1949) forwarded 5; “International Law Commission of the UN”, the sw are obligated not to Tecogniz, € territorial acquisiti achieved by aggressive war, Although conquest by Y 888ressive wars are outlat som ! Ste the declaration and en in aggressive wars For eg., in 1975 the former Portugue: 1990, the Iraqi gov and attempted to » Indonesia invaded and anné SE Colony of ‘Ast Timor, an ernment of Saq, Waseca ual! annex Kuwait, ae In general, conquest and i rs : NEB ation are now significant, as it once was, because 1 a i 0 3 'S no longer a common ambition ame,"9Pial expat States, ~~ 197 ppEBISCITE: ¢ : 4 plebiscite is a direct vote by eligible voters to je an important public question, such as a change tution, secession, or a similar issue of ne consti onal or regional importance. The synonym to plebiscite is referendum. The term ‘plebiscite’ suggests that it is a type of 2 to change the constitution or government of a it isa direct vote in which the entire electorate is ed to accept or refuse a proposal: for eg., The new constitution was ratified in a cite. + is often used in Government, Politics, Diplomacy, + is a direct vote by the electorate of a ‘state, etc, on some question of usually national ance the name “plebiscite” nodern constitutional law. to a vote of the entire people eligible to aginst a proposed ent. submitted to them. If the people vote radical change in powers of the g their choice for or agi will work a or which Is beyond the and is generally “eeding is extraordinary ts character Y 198 in the plebiscites submiy, Louis Napoleon, whereb, i lished. / For example, French people by Empire was estab! it is important that the rules, 9 In plebiscite, p in advance so tha, , the plebiscite are drawn U) knows what they are. Types of plebiscite: : There are two types of plebiscite. : Mandatory plebiscite - meaning the governz must do what the result says. Advisory plebiscite - meaning the result of is only to help the government make the final cho It usually depends on the country’s history = constitution as to what sort of referendum / plebiscite is Problems with plebiscite: The benefit/advantage of plebiscite is that political problems can be solved by asking the Pe? their opinion,because the supporter: : 7 rgunt? will be forced to accept the aes 's of the a e The defects / disadvantages of plebiscite we i 1. The electorates do not have , knowledge to truly understang eau po for. hat they are vo" 2. Philosophers Plato and Madison , 7 are too easily persuaded by theimed that vo" z 'r own inte! a over Trespond exactly overeignity. These met abandonment), by condi f termtory. by operation of natu) fannate occupations as a mode of acquinng serntorial overeignity with the help of decided oases. the various modes of acquisition of state temtory under International Law. Refer to case laws. What is plebiscite? Explain the provisions regarding plebiscite. kk

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