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grades “F” will be the failing grade. Equivalence between letter grades, grade points along with percentages shall be as follows: RIAIREADY RE NOR TABLE Letter | Remarks Numeric Remarks Equivalence | Point | Grade | peeling a ———j—_F_}_} Av | Excellent 33 B Good 7 A+ | Excellent B Good Excellent B Good | 7 Excellent B Good 96 40 [Av | Excellent 70 30 | B Good | 95 40 | A+ | Excellent i) 29 | C | Satisfactory | or 40 [A | Very Good @ 28 | C | Satisfactory 8 40 [A | Very Good a 27 | C_| Satisfactory R 40 | A | Very Good 6 26 | C_ | Satisfactory or 40 [A | Very Good 6 25 | C | Satisfactory 30 40 [A | Very Good a 24 | C_| Satisfactory 9 40 | A | Very Good eB 23 | C_| Satisfactory cy 40 | A_ | Very Good Q 22 | © _| Satisfactory 7 40 | A | Very Good ar ZI C__| Satisfactory 86 40 [A | Very Good oo 20 | © _| Satisfactory 5 40 | A | VeryGood 39 19 | D Poor cy 39 | BF ‘Good 58 a a) Poor 8 39 | BF Good 37 7 | D Poor @ 38 | BF Good 56 1 | D Poor a 37 | BF Good 35 is | D Poor | 80 37 | BF Good 34 ra) Poor 9 36 | iB Good 33 13 D Poor 8 as | B Good 32 iz | D Poor | 77 as | iB Good 3 TH D Poor 6 34 |B Goot 30 To | D Poor 5 a) Good 49 & Below | 00 F Fail i) Fraction marks obtained in a course is to rounded up to the next whole figure ‘such as 64.10 to 65.00. 10] Pe ce Scanned with CamScanner 20. 2. 22. 23. li) SGPA of a student will be calculated as below: "Marks: Course Obtained | Grade (| _| [1 = Aue “il 88 A al 70 8 W 67 c (Total 13 2 SGPA = Sum of QP / Sum of Credit Hours SGPA = 44.60/13 = 3.43 GPA Project/Thesis Report Students are normally required to embark upon research project during final exam in the programs where it is made compulsory for the partial fulfillment of the degree. Students are expected to prepare projectthesis report under the Points / Sum of Credit Hours of 'n’ semesters. sum of ‘n Qual guidance of a supervisor. The supervisor will be a full time faculty member and the thesis/report will be evaluated by the external examiner with vive voce. Internship The programs where internship (normally 6 to 8 weeks) in an organization is made mandatory for a specific period the college will arrange placement of the students and get the placement approved by the College Research Committee (CRC). Project/The: There will be a College Research Committee (CRC) with following composition. Evaluation 22.1 For Affiliated College/institution i, Principal of the college ji, Chairperson of the department of concerned college ii, Chairperson or his/her nominee teacher. iv. IUB Controller of Examinations or his/her nominee Note: Thesis or project report will be completed under the guidance of a supervisor. Functions of CRC (College Research Committee) The functions of the CRC will be to: i. Approve research project for each studen/Group. ii. Approve organizations for internship il, Approve supervisors iv. Recommend a panel of external examiners to evaluate projectithesis for approval by the Vice Chancellor. [Page Scanned with CamScanner

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