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Overall Reflection for Statistics and Probability

For the series of the 4rth quarter modules in this subject, there are three modules in
total for this quarter. In module 1 we illustrated some basic and key concepts in Hypothesis
Testing, such as null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, level of significance, rejection region
and types of errors in hypothesis testing. In module 2, The resource focuses on topics under
Correlation Analysis which include constructing scatterplot, computing the Pearson product
coefficient and solving problems involving correlation analysis. In module 3, it will assist you in
understanding the slope and y-intercept of a regression line, Prediction of the value of the
dependent variable given the value of the independent variable and solving problems involving
regression analysis, etc.
My whole learning experience in this subject as a student who choose to attend the face-
to-face classes was wholesome, I didn’t expect how advantageous being able to learn with a
teacher explaining and making you understand the complicated concepts in the said topic for
this subject just easily, clearly, and naturally. I must say, the teacher was indeed an effective
passionate educator, as she delivers her explanations in relations with real life situations and
problems that we can surely relate into. Her style of making us learn efficiently like active
learning, which requires us to participate in class, as opposed to sitting and listening quietly.
Strategies include, but are not limited to, brief question-and-answer sessions, discussion
integrated into the lecture, impromptu writing assignments, and hands-on activities, etc.
As what I’ve experienced in face-to-face classes for this subject, engaging students in the
learning process increases their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher-level
critical thinking skills, and promotes meaningful learning experiences. Teachers who adopt a
student-centered approach to instruction increase opportunities for student engagement,
which then helps everyone more successfully achieve the subject’s learning objectives. So
according to some research they found that students who displayed engagement as measured
by being prepared for and participating in class work, and making the effort to complete
assignments and homework were more likely to be academically successful, have passing
grades throughout high school, and graduate on time.
Based on my observation above, I’ve just found out one of the best learning efficiency
strategies that a teacher and students can be used to engage and implement with. And it is to
promote active learning, it is a method of asking students to engage in their learning
by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating, and this action needs the participation both
parties. As our teacher already implemented it already, I will try to do my part then, so I will do
my best to participate in any other way, for as long as I can. I will give more time in studying
and doing the assignments given to be able to participate in class for the next meeting and to
accurately answer questions and quizzes properly, practice skills, solve problems, struggle with
complex questions, make decisions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in my own words
through writing and discussion.
In this module, we are asked to read and understand some terminologies, ideas,
processes and computations. we will also be asked to identify population parameters, illustrate
null and alternative hypotheses, level of significance, critical region, and types of errors in
testing hypothesis, identify appropriate test statistic when a parameter is known, unknown and
using Central Limit Theorem, formulate appropriate null and alternative hypotheses, compute
critical values, construct or sketch the critical and acceptance region, draw conclusion about the
population based on the test statistic and rejection region, and solve real-world problems .
This module is the first topic that we have tackled for the 4rth quarter and the back of
face-to-face classes, being able to come at school with the statistics and probability subject as
the first period first thing in the morning, I was overwhelmed and nervous at the same time. As
the class of this subject goes on for a longer time, I’ve just then realized that I was actually
having fun on being able to understand the lessons well as the strategy of the teacher on
teaching her students were engaging and could really influence the students to participate in
class well.
Being able to have fun in class indeed is effective for learning the lessons well. Having fun
and being excited about learning increases brain-activity of neurons that use Oxytocin (pleasure
hormone), Dopamine (reward, motivation, learning, senses, thinking hormone), and
Norepinephrine (energizing, attention hormone) which improve learning and memory. After all,
fun has a positive effect on motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we
retain. If the experience is fun, learners will stay curious and keep coming back for more.
So, based on my observations about my experiences above, I could say that the easiest
way to learn something that can be an unforgettable lesson, is to have fun while doing so. With
these realizations, I could improve my self’s learning capacity, and so, I will take it as an
advantage to implement this on myself. I will do my best to always have fun in learning, I will
encourage myself to participate in class through sharing my understandings and thoughts, and
by sharing, that means you have learned something, and when you know that you’ve
understand something, it will make you happy and have fun till the classes’ hours ended.
In this module the resource focuses on topics under Correlation Analysis which include
constructing scatterplot, computing the Pearson product coefficient and solving problems
involving correlation analysis. Correlation analysis is a method of statistical evaluation used to
study the strength of a relationship between two numerically measured, continuous variables
(e.g., height and weight). A scatterplot is a mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates
to display values for two variables in a set of data.
In this week’s learning session, we have been doing a lot of activities first class in the
morning, and I was devasted by the outcome of my performance. I did not do well in my quiz
and I was ashamed. Because unfortunately, I forgot to do my assignment on searching the
definitions and the coverage for our quiz, and so that’s how I faced my consequences.
Being successful on any exam not only involves preparation and utilization of resources,
it is also indirectly linked to the student's confidence level. Having confidence helps eliminate
test anxiety caused by fear and uncertainty of the subject material. The more prepared
candidates are, the more confident they become. In able to make a satisfying result, you need
to do some preparations and actions to gain confidence regarding to an upcoming exam/quiz.
With the means of having confidence, it indicates that you've done some actions to not fear
and be uncertain with your answers.
And by this thorough self-reflection, I have found out that confidence is the key to
success in terms of taking an exam. For many students the biggest problem with exams is a lack
of confidence, or what some people might call “test anxiety”. While knowing the content of the
exam is, obviously, of importance, being able to put yourself in the proper mental state to excel
and show off your learning is also significant, and that’s what I am encouraging myself to do so,
in preparing for more exams to come.

This will discuss and assist you in understanding the slope and y-intercept of a regression line,
Prediction of the value of the dependent variable given the value of the independent variable and
solving problems involving regression analysis, etc.

This week has been a chaos, all of us are starting to get busy, with all the requirements and
activities going on, we were on the verge of breaking down. In result, I was kind of distracted a bit with
our learning session, I was too immense with my busy schedule for the rest of the week that I even got
my average performance show up rather than the best one.

With so many things to do and think about, being disorganized will only make studying much
harder and even impedes your ability to focus and be productive, especially when you are trying to learn
something, which I already had experienced above.

Being organized is particularly important since it helps us learn how to prioritize activities, set and
achieve goals and reduce stress. Having good organizational skills also makes it easier to collaborate
with others and helps increase productivity and efficiency. So, I would try to improve my time
management and daily routine to avoid being disorganized again. I will maybe start with implementing a
morning and night routine, keep a checklist/to do list, and make a schedule planner.

This learning material will provide you with information and activities that will deepen your
understanding about Antiderivative of a Function. Antiderivatives are the opposite of derivatives. An
antiderivative is a function that reverses what the derivative does. One function has many
antiderivatives but they all take the form of a function plus an arbitrary constant. Antiderivatives are a
key part of indefinite integrals. Indefinite Integrals (also called antiderivatives) do not have
limits/bounds of integration, while definite integrals do have bounds.

This module is the first topic that we have tackled for the 4rth quarter and the back of face-to-
face classes, being able to come at school with the BASIC CALCULUS subject as the first period first thing
in the morning, I was overwhelmed and nervous at the same time. As the class of this subject goes on
for a longer time, I’ve just then realized that I was actually having fun on being able to understand the
lessons well as the strategy of the teacher on teaching his students were engaging and could really
influence the students to participate in class well.

Being able to have fun in class is indeed effective for learning the lessons well. Having fun and
being excited about learning increases brain-activity of neurons that use Oxytocin (pleasure hormone),
Dopamine (reward, motivation, learning, senses, thinking hormone), and Norepinephrine (energizing,
attention hormone) which improve learning and memory. After all, fun has a positive effect on
motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain. If the experience is fun, learners
will stay curious and keep coming back for more.

So, based on my observations about my experiences above, I could say that the easiest way to
learn something that can be an unforgettable lesson, is to have fun while doing so. With these
realizations, I could improve my self’s learning capacity, and so, I will take it as an advantage to
implement this on myself. I will do my best to always have fun in learning, I will encourage myself to
participate in class through sharing my understandings and thoughts, and by sharing, that means you
have learned something, and when you know that you’ve understand something, it will make you happy
and have fun till the classes’ hours ended.

In this module, you will be provided with information and activities that will help you learn how to
compute the antiderivative of a function using substitution rule. The process of integration can be made
easier by using a method called “Integration by Substitution”. This method is used when an integral
contains some functions and its derivatives. We can compute the antiderivative of a function using
substitution rule, by recalling basic rules for integrals, use of differentiation formulas, and use of
substitution to evaluate integrals.

I am bad at math. I know I was going to get single digits for every test. I remember the time our
teacher announced that we will have a quiz, I brushed it off thinking I could do it without studying. But
when I saw the results, I felt sad and disappointed of myself. Thinking that I’m doing good, I felt
confident and at ease when my classmate taught me. I was so sure that I will get a high grade.
Unfortunately, I didn’t. No matter how my friend taught me, or memorize the step-by-step process, I still
can’t solve problems by myself. Though I understand the concept, I just can’t do it by myself. As time
goes by, my scores on quizzes, and exam were incredibly low. I tried helping myself, but maybe it’s not
enough. Seeing my low scores on quizzes and exam made me demotivated. 
And these experiences thought me that in mathematics, reviewing your old quiz and memorizing
the step-by-step process isn’t the ideal method to get better. It is by practicing just like what sir said.
Beyond the academic and intellectual value, this course taught me real values. Challenged me in every
possible way, made me feel unworthy and stupid. But I am still grateful, for I know I can overcome
challenges like this then I can overcome bigger challenges life’s going to give me.
As per for my observation on my experiences above, I realized that practice is indeed effective
just like what sir have said. Doing mathematics is a bit like playing sport or learning a musical instrument.
You can't do it well immediately, it requires practice. Think of having a mathematical muscle in your
mind that with practice gradually gets stronger. And that’s what I’m aiming to implement on myself too, I
will try to practice as much as I can, starting by solving examples but not the complex problems, clear all
my doubts, and to not lose touch with the basics.
Honestly, I do really understand the concept and the flow of this topic,
thinking that I’m doing good, I felt confident and at ease when the teacher
announced that we will have this activity as I luckily understand it when
the teacher taught us in the board. I was so excited that I can solve it by
myself. Unfortunately, I didn’t. No matter how someone taught me, or I
have memorized the step-by-step process, I still can’t solve the problem
by myself, which I honestly admit that we’ve got a help from a friend on
how to solve this and I truthfully admit too that I really did learn after he
explained it patiently to me on how did they came up with that solving
process. But as usual, I understand the concept and its flow, I just can’t do
it by myself, but maybe it’s not enough. But thankfully, there is one
classmate who consistently pushed me on going further. She helped with
my understandings and gave samples to solve.

In this subject, we have discussed about the different geological hazards, analyzing the causes of
geological hazards, recognizing signs of impending geological and hydrometeorological hazards,
interpret different geological and hydrometeorological hazard maps, applying mitigation strategies to
prevent loss of lives and properties, uses of available tools for monitoring hydrometeorological hazards,
applying basic response procedures during a fire accident, follow fire emergency and evacuation plans.
We also tackled the key concepts, principles, and elements of DRRR, what was its importance on one’s
life, the different community-based practices for managing disaster risk to specific hazards, develop a
community preparedness plan, preparing of survival kits and materials for one’s family and for public
information and advocacy and explain DRR-related laws and practices.

The start of 4rth quarter of this subject were also the time for the return of face-to-face classes,
being able to come at school with the DRRR subject as the first period first thing in the afternoon, I was
overwhelmed and nervous at the same time. As the class of this subject goes on for a longer time, I’ve
just then realized that I was actually having fun on being able to understand the lessons well as the
strategy of the teacher on teaching her students were engaging and could really encourage the students
to participate in class well.

Being able to have fun in class is indeed effective for learning the lessons well. Having fun and
being excited about learning increases brain-activity of neurons that use Oxytocin (pleasure hormone),
Dopamine (reward, motivation, learning, senses, thinking hormone), and Norepinephrine (energizing,
attention hormone) which improve learning and memory. After all, fun has a positive effect on
motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain. If the experience is fun, learners
will stay curious and keep coming back for more.

So, based on my observations about my experiences above, I could say that the easiest way to
learn something that can be an unforgettable lesson, is to have fun while doing so. With these
realizations, I could improve my self’s learning capacity, and so, I will take it as an advantage to
implement this on myself. I will do my best to always have fun in learning, I will encourage myself to
participate in class through sharing my understandings and thoughts, and by sharing, that means you
have learned something, and when you know that you’ve understand something, it will make you happy
and have fun till the classes’ hours ended.

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