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Open Access Protocol

Theory of change for the delivery of

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
talking therapies by lay workers to
survivors of humanitarian crises in low-
income and middle-income countries:
protocol of a systematic review
Grace Kathryn Ryan,1,2 Andreas Bauer,1,2 Judith K Bass,3,4 Julian Eaton1,2,5

This article has received a Abstract

badge for Pre-registration. Strengths and limitations of this study
Introduction  There is a severe shortage of specialist
mental healthcare providers in low-income and middle-
To cite: Ryan GK, Bauer A, ►► The review will help to inform research on scalable
Bass JK, et al. Theory of change
income countries (LMICs) affected by humanitarian crises.
psychological interventions for communities
for the delivery of talking In these settings, talking therapies may be delivered by non-
affected by adversity, a current priority of the WHO.
therapies by lay workers to specialists, including lay workers with no tertiary education or
►► The review includes qualitative, quantitative and
survivors of humanitarian crises formal certification in mental health. This systematic review
mixed-method study designs, allowing for a
in low-income and middle- will synthesise the literature on the implementation and
comprehensive overview of the current state of the
income countries: protocol of a effectiveness of talking therapies delivered by lay workers in
systematic review. BMJ Open
LMICs affected by humanitarian crises, in order to develop a
2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/ ►► While studies are not excluded on the basis of
Theory of Change (ToC).
bmjopen-2017-018193 language, search terms for this review have not
Methods and analysis  Qualitative, quantitative and
been optimised for languages other than English.
►► Prepublication history and mixed-methods studies assessing the implementation or
►► Results of narrative synthesis are largely qualitative
additional material for this effectiveness of lay-delivered talking therapies for common
and therefore transferable, but not generalisable.
paper are available online. To mental disorders provided to adult survivors of humanitarian
view these files, please visit crises in LMICs will be eligible for inclusion. Studies set in
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​ high-income countries will be excluded. No restrictions will
org/​10.​1136/​bmjopen-​2017-​ be applied to language or year of publication. Unpublished economic or environmental losses which
studies will be excluded. Seven electronic databases will exceed the ability of the affected community
Received 13 June 2017 be searched: MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, PsycEXTRA, or society to cope using its own resources,
Revised 13 December 2017 Global Health, Cochrane Library and ​ClinicalTrials.​gov. necessitating a request to national or inter-
Accepted 14 December 2017 Contents pages of three peer-reviewed journals will be hand- national level for external assistance’.1 The
searched. Sources of grey literature will include resource number of people affected by humanitarian
directories of two online mental health networks (​MHPSS.​
crises has nearly doubled in the past decade.2
net and ​MHInnovation.​net) and expert consultation. Forward
As of 2017, almost 129 million people are in
and backward citation searches of included studies will be
performed. Two reviewers will independently screen studies need of humanitarian assistance.3 By 2030,
for inclusion, extract data and assess study quality. A narrative the share of the global poor living in fragile
synthesis will be conducted, following established guidelines. and conflict-affected situations is estimated to
Department of Population A ToC map will be amended iteratively to take into account reach 46%.4
Health, London School of the review results and guide the synthesis. The mental health consequences of
Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,
Ethics and dissemination  Findings will be presented in humanitarian crises, compounded by the
London, UK
2 a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal cyclical relationship between poverty and
Centre for Global Mental Health,
London, UK and disseminated through a coordinated communications mental illness,5 are pressing challenges in
Department of Mental Health, strategy targeting knowledge generators, enablers and users. low-income and middle-income countries
Johns Hopkins University, PROSPERO registration number CRD42017058287.
(LMICs), where the mental health workforce
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Center for Humanitarian Health,
shortage already exceeds 230 000 workers.6 In
Johns Hopkins University, Introduction  a multisite study of LMIC populations affected
Baltimore, Maryland, USA Background by armed conflict, the prevalence of common
CBM International, Bensheim, Mental health and humanitarian crises mental disorders (CMDs), excluding alcohol
Germany A humanitarian crisis is a natural or man-made and substance use disorders, ranged from
Correspondence to disaster characterised by ‘a serious disrup- 23.6% (Ethiopia) to 60.5% (Algeria).7 A
Grace Kathryn Ryan; tion of the functioning of a community or a global meta-analysis of surveys carried out
​grace.​ryan@​lshtm.​ac.​uk society causing widespread human, material, in postconflict populations estimated rates

Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 1

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
LMICs.25–30 However, less is known about the delivery of
Table 1  Criteria for probably efficacious treatments
(adapted from Chambless et al49) talking therapies by lay workers, a subset of non-special-
ists with no tertiary education or formal professional or
1. Two wait-list controlled experiments paraprofessional certification in mental health.31 This
►►Demonstrated effectiveness in comparison with is a challenge in humanitarian settings, where even
wait-list control non-specialist health professionals such as nurses and
OR 2. One between-group design experiment general practitioners are often spread thin. In 2014, the
►►Demonstrated (1) superiority over a WHO called for partnerships with governmental and
psychopharmacological agent, psychological non-governmental organisations to develop and test
placebo or other treatment; or (2) equivalence to scalable psychological interventions, including lay-de-
an established treatment in an adequately powered livered talking therapies, in communities affected by
study adversity.18 As a result of this initiative, Problem Manage-
►►Used treatment manuals ment Plus has since been manualised and trialled in
►►Characteristics of the client sample clearly specified Kenya using community health workers with high school
OR 3. Series of three or more single-case design diplomas.17 32
►►Demonstrated superiority over a Rationale
psychopharmacological agent, psychological While new research into scalable psychological inter-
placebo or other treatment ventions is expected to contribute significantly to the
►►Conducted with good experimental design evidence base for lay-delivered talking therapies in LMICs,
►►Used treatment manuals there is still a need to take stock of the existing literature.
►►Characteristics of the client sample clearly specified Several recent systematic reviews of psychological inter-
ventions for survivors of humanitarian crises are limited
to controlled trials,20 23 24 33 although others do include
of 15%–20% for depression and post-traumatic stress uncontrolled studies and,34–37 in some cases, qualitative
disorder (PTSD) alone, mirroring projections from other or mixed-methods studies as well.21 22 38–42 Many of these
crises.8 9 While the evidence from LMICs is weak, the reviews have identified examples where talking therapies
WHO recognises that both the prevalence and risks asso- are delivered by non-specialists who could be classified
ciated with drug and alcohol use may also be elevated in as lay workers; however, few differentiate between lay
humanitarian settings.10 11 workers and other non-specialists, despite lay workers’
The mental healthcare needs of survivors of humani- comparatively low level of qualification.
tarian crises are significant, yet specialist care in LMICs is The psychological interventions included in recent
often weakest in the aftermath of a crisis.12 For example, reviews are not only delivered by different types of workers
Liberia and Sierra Leone—two West African countries (eg, lay workers vs other non-specialists); frequently, they
which have both experienced years of protracted violence are also delivered in different formats (eg, group vs indi-
and a recent Ebola outbreak—each has just one trained vidual sessions), with different durations and frequencies
psychiatrist currently practising.13 14 Researchers and (eg, single vs multiple sessions), in different environ-
policy makers are therefore responding to the escalating ments (eg, acute vs protracted crisis), to different popu-
number of humanitarian crises in LMICs by developing lations (eg, refugees vs internally displaced persons) and
and testing non-specialist mental health interventions in target different disorders (eg, PTSD vs depression). Given
order to produce evidence-based guidelines.11 15–18 the diversity of approaches used to implement psycholog-
ical interventions in different contexts and the scarcity
Lay-delivered talking therapies of resources for mental health research in LMICs,43 it is
Talking therapies are psychological interventions that are especially important that new research be guided by a
delivered primarily through dialogue between a provider clear understanding of what has already been tested, how,
and an individual recipient or group of recipients.19 where and for whom. There has not yet been a review that
Several meta-analyses have shown that talking therapies synthesises the available literature from LMICs on the
can be effective for the treatment of CMDs in populations delivery of talking therapies to survivors of humanitarian
affected by humanitarian crises,20 21 including survivors crises by lay workers specifically.
of torture and mass violence.22–24 Consequently, talking We therefore propose to undertake a narrative
therapies are recommended in much of the normative synthesis of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method
guidance on mental health and psychosocial support studies of the implementation or effectiveness of lay-de-
(MHPSS), such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee livered talking therapies for adult survivors of humani-
(IASC) guidelines on MHPSS in emergencies and the tarian crises in LMICs. One key output will be a Theory of
Sphere Handbook.15 16 Change (ToC) describing the general pathway by which
There is also a growing body of evidence indi- these interventions seek to achieve impact (ie, a reduction
cating that talking therapies can be delivered effec- in mental health-related morbidity), as well as the variety
tively by non-specialist mental healthcare providers in of approaches that have already been used to implement

2 Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
which may refer to either an acute or protracted crisis.
Box 1  Outcomes of interest
Our scoping search revealed that exposure to protracted
Patient outcomes (adapted from van Ginneken et al51) crises is not always described in text, perhaps because
►► Improvement of symptoms (eg, level of anxiety). these crises extend over long periods of time and may
►► Psychosocial functioning (eg, level of self-esteem). come to be accepted as the status quo in some countries.
►► Disability (eg, level of dependency). For studies that do not explicitly describe a humanitarian
Implementation outcomes (adapted from Proctor et al52) crisis in text, we will refer in the first instance to the list of
►► Acceptability (ie, satisfaction). protracted crises compiled by the Food and Agriculture
►► Adoption (ie, initial implementation, intention to try, uptake, Organization of the United Nations and then contact
utilisation). corresponding authors for clarification in case of any
►► Appropriateness (ie, compatibility, perceived fit, practicability,
lingering ambiguity (see the Selection process section).46
relevance, suitability, usefulness).
We will exclude studies of interventions provided
►► Feasibility (ie, actual fit or utility, practicability, suitability for
everyday use). primarily to children or adolescents (<18 years), adults
►► Fidelity (ie, adherence, delivered as intended, integrity, quality of who were not alive at the time of the disaster (ie, expo-
programme delivery). sure was before birth), and individuals who were incarcer-
►► Implementation cost (ie, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, marginal ated or serving in the military at the time of study.
►► Penetration (ie, level of institutionalisation, service access, spread). Interventions
►► Sustainability (ie, continuation, durability, incorporation, We include talking therapies (eg, cognitive behavioural
institutionalisation, integration, maintenance, routinisation, therapy, narrative exposure therapy) delivered by lay
sustained use). workers, which we define as psychological therapies
involving talking in person with a trained lay worker,
these interventions to different subpopulations and in either one-on-one or in a group format. We adopt the
different contexts. definition for lay worker proposed by Lewin et al47 as ‘any
health worker carrying out functions related to health-
Aims and objectives care delivery; trained in some way in the context of the
Aim intervention; and having no formal professional or para-
The review aims to describe the current state of the professional certificated or degreed tertiary education’.47
research literature on the implementation and effective- In order to be considered for inclusion, interven-
ness of lay-delivered talking therapies targeting CMDs tions should explicitly target one or more CMDs. As the
among survivors of humanitarian crises in LMICs. authors are unaware of any universal definition of CMDs,
we include the following categories from the 2016 Inter-
Objectives national Classification of Diseases that are most relevant
1. to conduct a systematic review of qualitative, quantita- to survivors of humanitarian crises: depressive and other
tive and mixed-methods studies on this topic mood disorders (excluding manic episode and bipolar
2. to identify key similarities and differences among the affective disorder); phobic, dissociative, somatoform,
studies identified, using techniques of narrative syn- obsessive-compulsive and other neurotic disorders; adjust-
thesis ment disorders and reactions to severe stress, including
3. to develop a ToC specific to this topic, by mapping PTSD; and alcohol and substance use disorders. Studies
common interventions, indicators, assumptions, ratio- including subthreshold cases of CMDs may be included,
nales and outcomes onto a pathway of change. provided that the intervention is delivered for the express
purpose of treating CMD symptoms.
Methods and analysis We will exclude self-help therapies, telephone and
This systematic review protocol was developed in accor- computerised therapies, and any other intervention
dance with the Preferred Reporting Items for System- in which the main mode of delivery is not inperson
atic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocol guidelines and dialogue with a trained lay worker. We will also exclude
registered with the International Prospective Register of Psychological First Aid and other general psychoeduca-
Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; CRD42017058287).44 45 tion or psychosocial interventions that do not provide an
The protocol in PROSPERO will be updated to reflect evidence-based talking therapy.48
any amendments. For the purposes of this review, evidence-based talking
therapies will be identified using the criteria for empir-
Eligibility criteria ically supported therapies outlined by Chambless and
Participants Hollon. Accordingly, the therapeutic component of the
We will consider studies that provide treatment to adults intervention should at minimum meet one of the three
(≥18 years) who have first-hand experience of a humani- criteria for ‘probably efficacious treatments’, as shown
tarian crisis that occurred during their lifetime, including in table 1.49 50 If, at the stage of full-text screening, the
former soldiers and prisoners. We use Warren et al’s1 defi- evidence base for a given therapy is not obvious from
nition of a humanitarian crisis, referenced previously, the text, reviewers will conduct a brief literature search

Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 3

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2  Five core components of Theory of Change (adapted from De Silva et al57)
Terminology Definitions Examples
Outcomes (ie, ‘Pre-conditions’ or ‘Milestones’)
 Short-term, intermediate The intended results of the interventions; Change in knowledge, attitudes and skills of lay
things that do not exist now, but need to exist health workers to enable them to successfully
in order for the logical causal pathway not to deliver talking therapy
be broken
 Long-term The final outcome the programme is able to Reduced prevalence of CMDs in the population
change on its own receiving talking therapy
 Ultimate  The real-world change you are trying to affect Reduced prevalence of CMDs among survivors
(ie, ‘Impact’ or ‘Goal’) of humanitarian crises
Interventions (ie, ‘Strategies’) The different components of the complex Training of lay workers on the delivery of talking
intervention therapy
Indicators Things you can measure and document to Reduction in symptom severity for CMDs
determine whether you are making progress
towards, or have achieved, each outcome
Rationale Key beliefs that underlie why one outcome… Humanitarian responders need to be educated
(leads to) the next, and why you must do about signs and symptoms of CMDs in order
certain activities to produce the desired for CMDs to be detected during crises.
Assumptions An external condition beyond the control of Task-sharing with lay workers is socially and
the project that must exist for the outcome to politically acceptable.
be achieved
CMD, common mental disorders.

in order to make a final judgement. If the literature the interventions are delivered in a high-income country
identified is insufficient to make a judgement, then the setting.
corresponding author will be contacted to clarify (see
the Selection process section). Report characteristics
To be considered for inclusion, the study must be
Comparators published by the time the search has concluded. No
No comparator is required for a study to be considered restrictions on language will be applied. The research
for inclusion. In the case of between-subject designs, no group responsible for this review at the London School of
restrictions on type of comparator will be applied. Hygiene & Tropical Medicine includes Albanian, Arabic,
English, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Punjabi and
Spanish speakers, who may assist with screening. If neces-
Studies must report one or more patient outcomes or
sary, we will recruit additional bilingual screeners from
implementation outcomes of a relevant intervention
among the highly diverse staff and student population at
targeting CMDs in order to be considered for inclusion.
the school. Studies in languages other than English that
Outcomes may be measured quantitatively or described
are deemed fit for inclusion will be translated into English
qualitatively. We will adopt the three categories of patient
by a bilingual translator with experience using medical
outcomes used by van Ginneken et al26 51 and the eight
terminology in both languages. The translation will then
categories of implementation outcomes outlined by
be used as the source material for quality appraisal and
Proctor et al,52 as shown in box 1.26 51 52
data extraction.
Study designs
Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method studies eval- Information sources
uating the implementation or effectiveness of relevant Searches in the following bibliographic databases
interventions are eligible for inclusion. Study designs that were performed in May 2017: Ovid MEDLINE(R) (1946–
do not comply with these criteria (eg, ecological or prev- 2017), Embase (1974–2017), PsycINFO (1806–2017),
alence studies) will be excluded. PsycEXTRA (1908–2017), Global Health (1910–2017)
and Cochrane Library (all years). We will also search the
Setting trial registry ​ClinicalTrials.​gov. Additional approaches to
We will include studies conducted in LMICs, based on identify literature will include forward and backward cita-
the classification of the World Bank during the financial tion searches of included literature, screening of included
year in which the study was published. Studies of interven- studies of existing systematic reviews on related topics,
tions delivered to refugees from LMICs will be excluded if and hand searches of contents pages of the following

4 Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  Synthesis process and Theory of Change (ToC) development (adapted from Popay et al55). Solid box: step in the
process of narrative synthesis; solid arrow: progression between steps of narrative synthesis; dashed box: parallel process of
ToC development; dashed arrow: feedback loops between narrative synthesis and ToC development.

journals: Conflict  and Health, International Journal of Mental are used to adjust for variations in spelling and pluralisa-
Health Systems and World Psychiatry. We will also contact tion of individual search terms. Search terms, headings
a minimum of 15 experts from academic research insti- and syntax have been adjusted for each database. No
tutions, United Nations agencies and non-governmental restrictions were placed on language, year of publication
organisations working on MHPSS in LMICs affected or publication status in the search strategy. The search
by humanitarian crises. Finally, resource directories of strategy for MEDLINE is presented in online supplemen-
mental health networks including the Mental Health tary appendix 1.
Innovation Network (MHIN, ​mhinnovation.​net/​innova-
tions) and the MHPSS Network (​mhpss.​net/​resources) Study records
will be searched to identify relevant grey literature, such Data management
as reports of programme evaluations. The search strategy The reference management software EndNote V.X7.5 will
was developed, piloted and refined in consultation be used to manage bibliographies, citations and refer-
with a qualified information specialist and informed by ences throughout the review. Data extraction sheets will
published systematic reviews on related topics.26 30 The be stored as Word documents in Microsoft Word 2016.
search strategy was further adjusted for syntax and search NVivo V.11 will be used to organise, analyse and synthe-
terms for use in different databases; however, it has not sise extracted data.
been optimised for other languages besides English.
Selection process
Search strategy Two reviewers will independently screen all titles and
A scoping search identified five key domains that were abstracts, and assess full-text articles against the inclu-
then used to develop the search strategy: LMICs, talking sion criteria. A third reviewer will be engaged to resolve
therapies, lay workers, CMDs and humanitarian crises. discrepancies between the two reviewers at any point in
For each domain, relevant subject headings and search the screening and assessment process. If disagreements
terms are combined with Boolean operators. Subject persist, we will contact study authors to seek additional
headings are exploded where relevant. Suitable wild cards information. Up to two attempts will be made to contact

Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 5

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the corresponding author at 2-week intervals. If there is Data synthesis
no response 2 weeks after the second attempt, the study Methods of narrative synthesis will be used for the
will be excluded. The number of excluded full-text purposes of this analysis, following guidance produced
articles and reasons for exclusion will be recorded and by Popay et al55 for the Economic and Social Research
presented in a flow diagram. Council UK Methods Programme (2006). A narrative
synthesis is ‘an approach to the systematic review and
Data collection process synthesis of findings from multiple studies that relies
A data extraction sheet will be developed, piloted and primarily on the use of words and text to summarise and
refined with particular attention to the working draft explain the findings of the synthesis’ (p5).55 A narrative
of the ToC map to be agreed at an early stage of the synthesis is desirable where the included studies are not
narrative synthesis (see the Developing a theoretical similar enough to allow for a specialist synthesis (eg,
model section). One reviewer will extract data from meta-analysis or meta-ethnography), as is expected to
all included studies. A second reviewer will verify the be the case in this review. Popay et al divide a narrative
extracted items. A third reviewer may be engaged to synthesis into four main elements:
resolve disagreement. As in the selection process, if there 1. developing a theoretical model of how the interven-
are missing data, study authors will be contacted at 2-week tion works, why and for whom
intervals. If there is no response after two attempts, the 2. preliminary synthesis
data will be recorded as missing. 3. exploring relationships in the data
4. assessing the robustness of the synthesis.
Data items
Developing a theoretical model
As described above, the data extraction sheet will be final-
As Popay et al55 note, a ToC ‘is concerned with how the
ised after the working draft of the ToC map is agreed
intervention works, why and for whom’ (p12).55 Although
(see the Developing a theoretical model section). At a
reviewers are increasingly being encouraged to use ToC,
minimum, we expect the data extraction sheet to include
there is no universal definition of ToC and little guid-
the following items:
ance on the development of ToC maps for systematic
1. publication details (title, author(s), publication year
reviews.55–58 Therefore, this review will adopt the defini-
and journal/source)
tion proposed by De Silva et al in an influential methods
2. study details (country, setting, target population, tar-
paper commonly cited by researchers conducting
get condition, study design, patient outcomes, imple-
ToC-driven evaluations of complex mental health inter-
mentation outcomes, results)
ventions57 59 60:
3. intervention details (type of talking therapy, descrip-
tion of talking therapy, type of lay worker responsible ‘ToC is ‘a theory of how and why an initiative
for delivery, qualification(s)/training of lay workers). works’…It is visually represented in a ToC map which
is a graphic representation of the causal pathways
Study quality through which an intervention is expected to achieve
Quality will be assessed using the Effective Public its impact within the constraints of the setting in
Health Practice Project (EPHPP) Quality Assessment which it is implemented’.57 61
Tool for Quantitative Studies and the Critical Appraisal
Skills Programme (CASP) Qualitative Research Check- The ToC map for this review will include five of the
list.53 54 The EPHPP tool produces a global rating of core components (table 2) identified by De Silva et al.57
‘strong’, ‘moderate’ or ‘weak’, for each study. Although Outcomes will be mapped onto a causal pathway, and
the CASP checklist does not produce a global rating, the indicators attached to the corresponding outcomes. The
reviewers will take into consideration the criteria from interventions that lead to each outcome, the rationale for
the checklist in order to assign a global rating of ‘strong’, why each outcome leads to the next and the assumptions
‘moderate’ or ‘weak’ to each qualitative study as well, in attached to each outcome will also be mapped onto the
order to enable disaggregation by study quality in the causal pathway.
narrative synthesis (see the Assessing robustness section). The ToC map for MHPSS interventions published in a
For mixed-methods studies, both tools will be applied previous review by Bangpan et al21 will serve as the initial
separately. The EPHPP and CASP ratings will then be point of departure for ToC development.21 This ToC
taken into consideration by the reviewers when assigning draws on the IASC guidelines on MHPSS in emergency
a single global rating. settings as well as prior reviews of MHPSS.15 21 However,
Two reviewers will conduct these assessments inde- as the authors note, ‘there is no single theory of change
pendently. Any disagreements will then be resolved that can be applied for all possible types of MHPSS
through discussion until consensus is reached. If disagree- programme’ (p3).21 This ToC is not specific to psycho-
ment persists, a third reviewer will be consulted. As the logical therapies or lay-delivered interventions, nor does
aim of the synthesis is to describe the current state of the it follow the same conventions as De Silva et al.57 There-
literature, studies will not be excluded on the basis of fore, it will first be adapted by the lead reviewer, drawing
quality. on seven existing reviews of non-specialist-delivered

6 Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 on 17 February 2018. Downloaded from on June 15, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
psychological therapies and psychological therapies for consulted during the literature search, for feedback. The
populations affected by humanitarian crises in LMICs reviewers will also be asked to critically reflect on the
identified during our scoping review.20 23 26 27 30 36 42 A process of conducting the synthesis, both independently
second reviewer with knowledge of the relevant litera- through a written log maintained by the reviewers
ture will critically evaluate this adapted ToC map, and a throughout the process and also at the conclusion of the
working draft will be agreed between the two reviewers. A process through group discussion.
third reviewer will be consulted in case of disagreement.
This ToC map will then be amended iteratively by two
reviewers working collaboratively, as described in figure 1, Limitations
in order to incorporate the results of the review. Based on our initial scoping review, we expect to iden-
tify a small number of controlled studies, with substantial
Preliminary synthesis heterogeneity. As such, we do not believe that a meta-anal-
We will conduct a summative content analysis of the full ysis will be appropriate, and have instead proposed a
texts of included studies. Using the working draft of the narrative synthesis, the results of which are primarily
ToC map and data extraction sheet to derive the initial qualitative and therefore transferable, but never general-
categories, a draft coding framework will be developed isable. The resulting ToC, for example, would need to be
and amended iteratively by two reviewers during a prelim- locally adapted before it could be meaningfully used to
inary phase of data immersion. The two reviewers will inform the design of a study.
agree on a final coding framework after discussing their Further, the exclusion of unpublished literature limits
individual drafts, develop a shared codebook and then the transferability of the results, particularly to non-re-
double-code the data deductively. Through this process, search contexts. While studies are not excluded on the
qualitative data can be transformed into quantitative data basis of language, the search terms for this review have
and used to calculate summary statistics. Any discrepan- not been optimised for languages other than English.
cies in coding between the two reviewers will be discussed This could also limit transferability to non-Anglophone
and referred to a third reviewer, if necessary, for reso- contexts.
lution. A similar process was recently used by another Finally, our motivation for conducting this review is
ToC-driven synthesis published by the Campbell Collab- to provide a fine-grained synthesis of the literature on
oration.62 63 a more narrowly defined category of interventions than
is commonly used in systematic reviews of psycholog-
Exploring relationships ical interventions for survivors of humanitarian crises.
Relationships will initially be explored by tabulating the Accordingly, we have excluded several groups of people
quantitative data from the preliminary synthesis, in order (ie, children and adolescents, people who are incarcer-
to identify any notable patterns (eg, which lay workers have ated or serving in the military) who are likely to have
delivered which talking therapies). Then, idea webbing different needs from the general adult population and
and conceptual mapping will be employed, as recom- who commonly access services through institutions (eg,
mended by Popay et al.55 This will involve visual diagram- schools, prisons, military hospitals) as opposed to general
ming of the various ToC components captured through community-based programmes. We would recommend
the content analysis as well as the insights recorded previ- that future reviews target these vulnerable and often
ously in memos. The resulting diagrams will be compared underserved groups, who can also benefit from talking
with the working draft of the ToC map, which will then be therapies.
amended as necessary, in order to take into account the
observed relationships. While the two reviewers involved
in coding will be mainly responsible for this process, any Ethics and dissemination
amendments to the ToC will be discussed and agreed by This research relies on previously collected and anony-
all reviewers. mised data and does not require ethical approval. We plan
to present our results in a manuscript to be submitted for
Assessing robustness publication in a peer-reviewed journal. We will make use of
Summary statistics will be presented for each component existing links with MHIN, a partnership between the Centre
of the ToC map, based on the quantitative data generated for Global Mental Health and the WHO, and with the Center
through the content analysis. These statistics will indi- for Humanitarian Health and Center for Global Health of
cate, for example, how many studies report on a partic- Johns Hopkins University, in order to develop and execute
ular outcome or use a particular intervention, and will a knowledge exchange strategy involving generators (eg,
be disaggregated by study design and quality. This will researchers, innovators), enablers (eg, media, advocacy
enable the reviewers to critically assess the quality and groups) and users (eg, policy makers, service users). This
quantity of studies underpinning the ToC, and to suggest will include the dissemination of knowledge exchange
areas where new research is needed. products (eg, webinars, policy briefs, research summaries)
The ToC map will be circulated to the corresponding both online and at live events such as meetings and confer-
authors of the included studies and to the experts ences. The aim of this strategy is to help inform the rapidly

Ryan GK, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e018193. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018193 7

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