Philosophy of Education: Isabel Reyes Vasquez College of Southern Nevada EDU-201 Susan Bridges April 10, 2022

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Philosophy of Education

Isabel Reyes Vasquez

College of Southern Nevada


Susan Bridges

April 10, 2022


Philosophy of Education

Many people this day in age look down on people that choose Teaching as a career. Why

choose a career that doesn’t pay well? Why choose a career in which society knows to be

underappreciated? Why want to be an Educator seeing how much a global pandemic affected

those in the Education field? Well, let me tell you that for me, the answer is simple. I want to

show the world that humanity still exists. I want to be able to make an impact on someone’s life,

the way some teachers made an impact in my life. To be able to create a safe place in a

classroom in which students will be able to be who you want to be. A place in which students

will love coming to school every day! A place to learn discipline and academics. I know first-

hand, what it’s like to not have a great home life. My safe place was school. That place in which

I would be able to get to know people, to learn diversity, to accept people for who they were. All

while given the chance to learn and figure out who I wanted to be in the future. I have had many

jobs in my 29 years of life. I have worked in customer service, in the medical field, and in the

education field. Let me tell you, there is nothing more rewarding than wanting to go to work

every day, to know that there are students eager to tell me about their day. Eager to give hugs

and compliments, all while giving it their all into their class work. That is why I wish to pursue a

career in Teaching.

My philosophy of an effective educator is being able to create a balance between being a

friend to the student, as well as teaching discipline in a classroom. Teachers are the humans that

decide to teach, not only a curriculum, but to prepare students for the real world. To teach

manners and proper ways to treat one another. To be able to get the students to engage in the

classroom, and for them to be able to want to be at school. Yes, academics are very important,

but if a student isn’t engaged in what you are teaching, then chances are that they aren’t retaining

anything that you are teaching to them. Respect is earned and taught by example. Many people

think that students will respect you only because you are the adult. In most cases, that is very

wrong. Generations are changing, people keep evolving. We have to evolve with them. Not by

creating intimidation, but by being engaging and earning their respect. That doesn’t mean that to

do whatever the student wants, but to create a routine and set the boundaries in the very

beginning. Confidence is key when it comes to any career, you have to own what you are, what

you know! Expectations and procedures aren’t only supposed to be taped onto the wall, but

rather shown and followed each and every day.

Educators help shape and help students figure out who they truly want to be in the future.

Educators are the ones that don’t give up when the parents don’t know how to help their kids

succeed. Educators are the ones that work those long hours to prepare students for their future

school career. Many times, educators are the ones that the students confide in, because they have

nobody to listen at home. Educators are the ones that will always be involved in helping

everyone succeed. Educators help mold the future generations, all while being underpaid and

underappreciated. It is the most rewarding career in my eyes. Hopefully I can make an impact on

at least ONE person’s life, the way many educators made an impact on mine.

I am currently a Paraprofessional at an elementary school, and I have subbed for a couple

teachers now and it has really helped me get a feel of what it is like to be a teacher. Not only do I

gain experience for when I become a teacher, but it allows me to be sure of my career choice.

Working with students and helping them learn is where I want to be. I can seriously say that I

can see myself being a teacher for the rest of my working life. It is the most rewarding job I have

ever had. So, I will continue my education and I will get my degree to be able to be a teacher one


The field observation helped me tremendously because I was able to sit back and actually

observe without being hands-on and I was able to see things I hadn’t noticed before. It showed

me how important it is to have smooth transitions as well as being able to keep little to no down

time in between transitions. The more down time, depending on the age of the students, the more

distraction and less control management occurs. I was able to see how much work and discipline

it takes to be able to manage a classroom. To be an effective teacher I really do believe you have

to love your career, and be in the profession for the right reasons. If you love your job, it wont

even feel like a job! I hope to be as great as the educators I have met, and have worked with, one


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