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3.6 Memahami teks tulis dan lisan informasi dari teks dongeng/cerita rakyat
4.6 Menangkap makna teks teks tulis dan lisan teks dongeng atau cerita rakyat
dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar, bermain peran untuk mengekspresikan
watak masing –masing tokoh dalam cerita yang telah dibacanya

Materials : folklore, legend

Activities :
1. Look, say and write
2. Listen, repeat and read
3. Understanding the story
4. Let’s read
5. Complete the story
6. Look at each picture and describe
7. Arrange paragraps into correct order

PROJECT - Rewrite the favorite story

Activity 1
Look, say and write!
Do you know the title of folklores below?
Write the answers here!

Activity 2
Listen, repeat and read!
A Faithful Tiger
A long time ago, there were farmers lived with a faithful tiger. As usual the
couple went to the field everyday. Before they left, they asked the tiger to look after
their baby. “Please look after our baby, tiger!”.

The couple went home in the afternoon. They were schock. The tiger’s mouth
was full of blood. “Why was your mouth full of blood?”. “You must hurt my baby”. The
husband killed the tiger in anger.

Then, they both entered the room. The baby was sleeping peacefully in his
cradle. He was not eaten by the tiger. The couple found a large snake under the
cradle. The snake was dead and full of blood. “The tiger was not guilty. He saved our
baby”. The couple felt very guilty. They did not check the baby first, before they
killed their faithful tiger.

Since then, the farmers’ village was called Panyalahan. The word Panyalahan
derived from the word nyalahan, which means wrong guess.
Adapted from
Activity 3
Understanding the story
A. Write number on each picture based on the story!

B. True or False
1. The famers lived with a faithful lion T/F
2. The farmer family loved the tiger T/F
3. The tiger ate the baby when the farmers went to the field T/F
4. The tiger tried to save the baby from a crocodile T/F
5. The farmer felt guilty after killing their tiger T/F

C. Name the picture!

What is the message of the story?
Activity 4

Let’s read!

Once upon time on jenggala kingdom there was a king whose name Raden Putra He had
a beautiful queen and concubine, the concubine was jealous with the queen so she planned to
make the queen leave the palace. One day, the concubine pretended to be ill. “What is her
disease?” Raden Putra asked the royal healer.
“I’m sorry, My Majesty. She is sick because the queen put poison in her meal,” said
the royal healer lied.
Raden Putra was angry. He asked the queen about the story, she denied but Raden Putra
didn’t listen to the queen. The queen cried. He didn’t know that the queen was pregnant. Raden
Putra called one of his general to kill the queeen, but he didn’t have the heart to kill her. He built
a simple house in the woods for her.
Several months later, she gave birth to a baby boy named Cindelaras. He grew
up as a nice boy. One day, he found an egg and brought it home.
The egg hatched into a chick and then became a rooster wich could sing , “My master is
Cindelaras. And his house is in the woods. He’s the son of Raden Putra.”
Cindelaras though “Who is Raden Putra?” The queen told him the whole story.
Cindelaras decided to go to the palace to meet and tell the king what really happened. On his
way, he met some people who were involved in cockfighting. They challenge his rooster.
Cindelaras roosters won again and again.
The news spread quickly to Jenggala kingdom and made Raden Putra curious. So, he
invited Cindelaras to the palace. “What is your name, boy?” Raden Putra asked. “My name is
Cindelaras, My Majesty,” Cindelaras answered. He was happy to see Raden Putra.
Raden Putra challenged Cindelaras with one condition. If Raden Putra’s rooster won,
Cindelaras’ head would be cut off. Then if Cindelaras’ rooster won, Raden Putra would share
half of his wealth. Cindelaras accepted it. The competition was held in the front yard of the
palace. In a few minutes, Cindelaras’ rooster won .
Raden Putra said, “That rooster is not ordinary rooster, and he’s no ordinary boy too.
Who is he?” . Suddenly Cindelaras’ rooster sang the song, “My master is Cindelaras and his
house is in the woods. He’s the son of Raden Putra.”
Raden Putra was surprised. “Is it true?” he asked. “Yes, My Majesty. My name is
Cindelaras and my mother was the queen,” said Cindelaras. He immediately went to the woods
to pick up the queen. The concubine and the royal healer got a punishment because they are lied.
Ever since, Cindelaras and his parents lived happily together.
Moral value: we must get something in the right way
Activity 5
Taken from : Zafira Zata Amani Blog
Complete the story!

Raden Putra had a Queen and who is jealous to
the queen. She wants to make the queen leave the by telling a
lie that the queen poison her. Raden Putra didn’t know that the queen
was pregnan and he was angry to the queen. He ask his general to
the queen but he didn’t do it. He built a in the wood.
The queen gave birth a boy named . One day
Cindelaras found an that became a rooster than can .
The queen told Cindelaras about Raden Putra and Cindelaras wanted to
see him and tell the truth about his mother.
On his way, Cindelaras met people who challenge his rooster. His
rooster won the race. The news quickly to the Jenggala
kingdom and made Raden Putra .
Finaly Cindelaras met Paden Putra, had competition and won it.
Raden Putra realized that Cindelaras is not ordinary boy and the rooster
told that Cindelaras is his son.
The King knew the truth and the concubine got
from the king. Cindelaras and his parent lived happily
ever after.
Activity 6

Look at each picture and describe!

Describe each picture below. What happened between Sura and Baya?

Adapted from

Activity 7
Arrange paragraphs into correct order!

The Legend of Surabaya

But one day, Sura broke the rule. He looked for food in the river that belonged Baya’s authority. Baya

In a short time, they began to fight again for the food and power. They bit, hit, and stabbed each othe

They decided to divide the area into two parts of authority. Baya had the land and watery area includ
Once upon a time, there were a shark (called Sura) and a crocodile (called Baya). The shark was str

The people at the river bank who watched it finally gave the name of the land Surabaya. It becomes

Answer these following questions!

1. What is the title of the story?

2. What does the story tell us about?

3. Who are the characters in the story of The Legend of Surabaya?

4. How were Sura and baya personalities?

5. Why did Sura and Baya fight?

6. What was the deal?

7. Who broke the rule first?

8. What can you learn from the story?

Rewrite the favorite story!
Do you like reading story?
Do you buy storybooks or borrow them at your school library?
Are they storybooks in your school library?
What story do you like most?
Now, write in your own words!

A. Circle a,b,c on the correct answers!

1. One of Indonesia folklores is ….
a. Cinderela
b. Rapunzel
c. Malin Kundang
2. “The Legend of Surabaya” is one of Indonesia’s folktales from ….
a. West Java
b. Central Java
c. East Java
3. The character in “The Legend of Surabaya” are …
a. shark and crocodile
b. fish and crocodile
c. shark and fish
4. “The Legend of Surabaya” teach us that ….
a. we have to fight to solve problem
b. problem can be solved without fighting
c. fighting is good for us
5. How was the character of Sura and Baya? …
a. kind hearted, smart, and strong
b. strong, smart, fierce, and greedy
c. smart, greedy, kind hearted
6. The characters in “Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih” are ….
a. Mother, Bawang Merah, and giant
b. Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, and mother
c. Bawang Putih, mother, and giant
7. “A Faithful Tiger” teaches us to ….
a. kill animal
b. check the truth
c. be angry to the tiger
8. The characters in “A Faithful Tiger” are ….
a. lion, farmer and his wife
b. tiger, farmer and his wife
c. tiger, fisherman and his wife
9. Cindelaras is son of …
a. Raden Putra and the queen
b. Raden Putra and his concubine
c. The Queen and the general
10. Bad character in “Cindelaras” is …
a. Cindelaras
b. The Queen
c. The Concubine

B. Answer these questions!

1. Write 2 folklores from Indonesia!
2. Write 2 legends from Indonesia!
3. Write the characters in “A Faithful Tiger”!
4. Write the good message you can find in “Cindelaras”!
5. Write the good message you can find in “The legend of Surabaya” !

90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. folklore = cerita rakyat

2. legend = legenda

3. character = tokoh cerita

4. message = pesan, amanah

5. storybook = buku cerita

6. tell = ceritakan

Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Inc, New
Jersey, 1992

Ling, Judy and Smith, Anne, My Pals Are Here, Marshall Cavendish, United Kingdom, 2006

Burt, Sally and Ridgard, Debbie, Cambridge Primary English Stage 5 Learner’s Book,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015

Boylan, Jane and Medwell Claire, Cambridge Global English Stage 5 Learner’s Book,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014

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