Watson Fundamentals L1 - Attempt Review

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Started on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, 12:05 PM

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Completed on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, 12:52 PM
Time taken 47 mins 27 secs
Grade 16.00 out of 25.00 (64%)
Feedback A minimum of 19 correct answers is required to pass.

Sorry, you did not pass the quiz for the IBM Watson Fundamentals Level 1. 

Question 1 You are prepping for a client engagement where you've been asked to speak on the topic of AI and how it can help their
organization. What is likely one of the challenges the organization will face when thinking about leveraging AI?


1.00 points out

of 1.00 Many organizations today are working in a hybrid work model. AI requires significant teaming and doing so in a
hybrid work model can be challenging.
Corporate buy in. Many organizations are still struggling with the value proposition of AI.

Organizations need to leverage the Public Cloud AI but only 22% of organizations have moved their workloads to

Data. 90% of an organizations data is inaccessible, untrusted, or unanalyzed.

Question 2 You see an AI credit scoring model that is built using training data that's composed of 90% men.  When the model is put
into production females are consistently scored lower. This is an indication of what phenomenon?

1.00 points out

Since the data source is known, the model's outcomes can easily be explained. This is an example of explainability.

of 1.00
This is an example of a potential improperly calibrated AI model that is exhibiting biasness and therefore is not fair.

This is a surprisingly common occurrence and is an indication the source of the training data was not kept confidential
and therefore represents a data privacy breach.

This is an example of an AI model that does not reflect real-life circumstances and therefore is not robust.

Question 3 A client has approached you out of great concerns around the use of AI from an ethics perspective. You talk to them about
how IBM defines trustworthy AI using three dimensions. As you delve into the AI Ethics dimension, you note that "AI must
be transparent". The client asks you to be more specific, and you respond ...

0.00 points out

of 1.00
Transparency refers to making the source code available so that others can benefit from the work done

Transparency refers to ensuring that the developers understand the outcomes of the AI models

Transparency refers to an ability to the invoke a 'see source' command in any and all portions of the AI model

Transparency refers to the disclosure of the underlying AI system. The AI system can show how the service works,
evaluate its own functionality in terms of drift and fairnes, and the model's strengths and weakness can be easily
understood and explained

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Question 4 What do most Chief Information Officers (CIOs) think is today's #1 game-changing technology?

Quantum encryption to protect the future of computing

1.00 points out

of 1.00 Cybersecurity tools to fend of ransomware attacks

AI to make full use of your data

Storage Class Memory (SCM) to process transactions faster than ever

Question 5 You're having a virtual meeting with a client about IBM's Hybrid Cloud strategy and it's time to wrap things up; you want to
ensure the client walks away with the strategy's critical tenets, so you write on the Mural what four words to finish off?


1.00 points out

Automate, Secure, Modernize, and Predict

of 1.00

Secure, Modernize, Announce, and Automate

Automate, Secure, Scale, and Predict

Modernize, Predict, AI, and Secure

Question 6 The ability to contextualize how and why an AI system arrived at a particular result or conclusion is referred to as what?

Openness. The AI system must be open.

0.00 points out

of 1.00 Transparency. The AI system must be transparent. 

Trustworthiness. The AI system must be trusted.

Explainabilty. The AI system must be explainable.

Question 7 According to a study from the IBM Institute of Business Value (IBV), what are some of the benefits organizations are seeing
by infusing AI into their workflows?


0.00 points out

Organizations are seeing a 50% reduction in operational expenditures (OPEX) and capital expenditures (CAPEX).

of 1.00

Organizations are seeing 60% shorter call times and within business operations and a 40% increase in employee
productivity within business operations.

Organizations are seeing 6x faster response to IT incidents and 60% increase in operational expenditures  (OPEX)

Organizations are seeing a 60% drop in customer and employee engagement.

Question 8 There are a number of dominant use cases where applying AI can result in significant benefits. You are about to visit an
organization that wants to leverage AI to help their employees and managers interact with HR in an efficient manner. What
use case do you plan to recommend?

1.00 points out

of 1.00
Regulatory Compliance

Customer Service

Employee Experience

Financial Planning

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Question 9 You're talking to a client about AI and get into the topic of automation. Someone in the room remarks in front of your
sponsor that they see no value in AI as their organization has already deployed automation across their supply chain. How
do you explain the value of AI and Automaton?

0.00 points out

of 1.00
AI and automation are the same thing ... so perhaps there's another organization within the enterprise that could 

benefit from an AI project

The benefits of AI are for specific supply chains only and this is why automating your supply chain feels like you've
done all you can with AI

The integration of AI and automation, or intelligent automation, allows organizations to digitize and automate virtually
any type of work at scale – whether it is for business automation, IT automation, or automation of AI

If the customer has Automation in place they do not need any AI functionality

Question 10 What is the amount that AI is expected to contribute to global GDP by 2030?

$16 Trillion dollars

1.00 points out
of 1.00 $61 Trillion dollars

$12 Billion dollars

$120 Billion dollars

Question 11 The first dimension of trustworthy AI is AI Ethics which are based on IBM's principles for Trust and Transparency. One of
these principles describes the purpose of AI. Select the best statement you would use to best describe the purpose of AI to
a client.

0.00 points out

of 1.00
The purpose of AI is to deliver value to only a subset of the population.

The purpose of AI is to begin to automate everything.

The purpose of AI is to augment human intelligence.

The purpose of AI is to replace human intelligence.

Question 12 A client is new to AI and tells you they understand what machine learning (ML) is ... machines that learn. But is confused
with the term deep learning (DL), and asked you to explain what the word 'deep' means in DL. You tell them that DL is:

0.00 points out

of 1.00 Learning that goes beyond the operating system (OS) level and actually focuses on kernel development.

Refers to the best practice of always checking and testing your models to ensure they are still accurate.

Learning that took a significant time to train and develop.

A subset of machine learning based on artificial neural networks that uses multiple hidden layers to extract features
from data.

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Question 13 Recently a customer of a bank applied for an online credit approval and was rejected. That customer then called the help
desk to see how the decision on the loan application could be reversed. What characteristic of the AI model underpinning
the credit application needs to be present so that support agent can provide the necessary details to this customer?

0.00 points out

of 1.00
Equality. The AI system needs to treat every customer according to their standing with the bank.

Robustness. The AI system should be built in a way that not only provides a decision, but also suggests to get
approved for the credit they applied for.

Explainability. An AI system should be able to explain and contextualize how and why it arrived at a particular decision
or conclusion. So that in this case, the agent could explain why the customer scored in a particular way and what
actions they could take to remedy the situation.

Fair. An AI system should be built in a way so that there is no biasness built into the model. Therefore a situation 
such as this would not happen because this person is an existing customer and even if they were not automatically
approved they could get the credit approval by visiting the branch.

Question 14 What is the largest benefit that CVS saw after they delivered a customer care application with Watson Assistant?

By handling more customer questions through Watson Assistant, CVS was able to increase sales in their website in 
0.00 points out
of 1.00 the face of vicious competition for Amazon's PillPak pharmacy.

By deflecting millions of calls that would have otherwise gone to live agents, CVS live agents can now focus their
attention on higher-value tasks or complex issue resolution.

CVS has been able to successfully open more drive-thru stations across the continental United States.

CVS has successfully freed up significant operational expenditures (OPEX) funds which will pave the way for additional
services including groceries and stationary items.

Question 15 IBM has defined three critical ingredients for successful enterprise AI projects. One of these key ingredients is 'Language'.
What does Language mean in this context?


1.00 points out

of 1.00 Ensuring that the AI models are delivered in the target audience's preferred language, with all translations handled by
AI and not a human translator.

AI deployments require significant documentation and direction for end-users.

Language is about unlocking deeper intelligence by understanding the language of business through analysis of 

sentiment, summarizations, briefs, extracts (and documents of all types) by discovering, extracting, translating,
and correlating insights.

Ensuring that the developers choose the correct language model to increase the frequency of correct predictions.

Question 16 One element that underpins IBM's AI framework refers to the concept of 'Open and diverse ecosystem'. What exactly is this
phrase referring to?


0.00 points out

of 1.00 This refers to the notion that organizations need to ensure that the Business Partner ecosystem they use to distribute
the AI technologies have to represent all countries globally and cannot be North America focused.

AI models need to be built primarily by leveraging Open Source software to ensure that the everyone has equal access
to the technology.

This element refers to the fact that organizations need to ensure that any groups building or maintaining AI models 
should be made of a collection of developers from different backgrounds and ethnicities.

To achieve trustworthy AI at scale, it takes more than one company or organization to lead a charge. Trustworthy AI
relies on an open and inclusive ecosystem – a community of users and contributors, businesses and institutions across
industry, academia and research; and a culture of diversity, inclusion, and shared responsibility.

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Question 17 You're talking to a client about IBM's Hybrid Cloud strategy and how the Red Hat Open Shift Container Platform (OCP) is at
its core. The clients asks you to give them the top 3 things OCP provides them as part of IBM's strategy. You say ...


1.00 points out

of 1.00 Red Hat OCP delivers lots of value to clients, but the top three are:

• Works on IBM Cloud only

• Command Line Interface (CLI) only

• Full integration into GIT

Red Hat OCP delivers lots of value to clients, but the top three are:

• Containerization for IBM Cloud only

• Single Management view for admin

• End to end fault detection

Red Hat OCP delivers lots of value to clients, but the top three are:

• Full integration into GIT

• Seamless 2-Factor Authentication

• Ease of Management

Red Hat OCP delivers lots of value to clients, but the top three are:

• Virtualizes and orchestrates data and apps on any cloud

• Delivers repeatability and agility with containerization

• Eases management, integration and adaptability

Question 18 AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep learning (DL) feel like buzz words these days because you hear about them so often in
data strategy discussions. What's the best way to describe the relationship between AI, ML, and DL?


1.00 points out

of 1.00 AI is the category term for technology that enables machines to learn and act from data and improve over time. AI 
includes ML and DL methods.

AI is a subset of ML but is a synonym for DL.

These terms are a hierarchy of features around modern analytics. ML is the top level in this hierarchy, followed by DL,
followed by AI.

AI, ML, and DL are all terms that have the same meaning and therefore can be used interchangeably.

Question 19 A client remarks to you that they hear about Watson all the time from IBM; in fact, they hear about it so much they candidly
remark that they're not even sure what it is, so they ask you to explain it. You say...


1.00 points out

of 1.00 The IBM Watson portfolio helps put AI to work anywhere at scale, enabling more intelligent and trusted workflows 
that propel smarter business through business-ready tools, applications, and solutions. It is designed to reduce
costs and hurdles of AI adoption, ensuring the responsible use of AI.

Watson refers to a legacy IBM acquisition. IBM is required to maintain its name per the terms of the acquisition
contract (Watson) for an additional 10 years.

Watson refers to IBM's AI-based competitive chess team, who are coached how to play chess by Watson.  While the
team currently has a number of the top 10 players in the world,  it's innovations are available beyond the chess world
for IBM clients to use the AI for their business needs.

Watson is one of IBM's most successful branding strategies. The term 'Watson' is no longer used for any technology
focused areas, it's simply used to generate an emotional attachment to the IBM brand.

Question 20 Today more than ever, fairness matters. Why does an AI system need to be fair?

So that everyone that is effected by the AI system is treated equally.

1.00 points out

of 1.00 An AI system should be fair so it can help counter human biases and promote inclusivity and equitable treatment.

To ensure that everyone gets access to the same benefits provided by AI.

To truly deliver an AI model that is fair, there needs to be 'winners' and 'losers' be it credit approval, sentencing
guidelines, and so on...because that is how life works.

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Question 21 How many data sources does a typical company leverage?


1.00 points out
of 1.00 500+



Question 22 Without an AI and hybrid cloud strategy that solves issues related to data and infrastructure, security and trust, and
strategy and skills... how many companies will fail at their digital transformation plans?


1.00 points out

of 1.00 56%




Question 23 The themes behind IBM AI FactSheets 360 are akin to mandatory food nutrition labels in the 1990s which did what for


1.00 points out

of 1.00 Paved the way to enable consumer to begin to track calories in their meals.

Provided a mechanism for good traceability due to an increase in global food poisoning deaths.

Recognized the need for transparency in the food production business.

Ensured that independent farmers were being given credit for key ingredients.

Question 24 Analyst validation can be a powerful sales tool. What award has IDC recently awarded IBMs AI portfolio?

Recognition for IBM inventors who have consistently led the pack in granted AI patents, receiving more than 2,300 AI
1.00 points out
of 1.00 patents in 2020 alone

Market leader in AI by IDC’s Artificial Intelligence Market for 2020

Acknowledgment of the $240M ten year commitment to AI research through the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, founded in
2017, as a true industrial-academic collaboration

Watson ecosystem growth in 2020 through partners such as Gainsight, Medallia, Veritas, Lexis Nexis, Teladoc, and

Question 25 You are with a prospect and they suggest to you that they don't need AI as they have recently rolled out Automation.
How do you respond?

1.00 points out

Defer the client question until an expert can be brought in to explain the difference.

of 1.00
Since the client has rolled out Automation you should change tactics and move away from an AI discussion.

Suggest to the client that AI is often closely associated, or used interchangeably, with automation. There is nuance 
between the two terms. Automation is the application of technology, programs, robotics, or processes to achieve
outcomes with minimal human output. So not all forms of automation are – or incorporate – AI.

Quickly suggest to the client that IBM Automation is significantly better than the Automation that they currently rolled
out and they should begin an aggressive replace strategy.

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