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Classroom Rules and Regulations

1. Come to school early. Do not be late, (especially during the flag ceremony for
the Basic Education students).

2. Wear neat and complete school uniform with ID.

3. Wear your PE uniform with rubber shoes only during your PE days.

4. Observe neatness and good grooming – short and clean fingernails, clean face,
well – shampooed hair, polished shoes.

5. Girls’ long hair should be tied at the back.

6. Classrooms should be kept clean and orderly.

7. Do not use cellphones during class hours. Cellphones should be in silent mode.
Expensive toys and gadgets are not allowed in the classroom.

8. Be respectful, courteous, and polite at all times.

9. Ask permission from your teacher if you want to go out of the room. Be back
right away after 5 minutes. Students must go out of the room one at a time.

10. Use the “Campus Pass” every time you go out of the room. The Campus Pass
is actually a section tag with sling to be worn by students who go out of the
classroom during class hours. There will be two Campus Passes for each section,
one for the boys and one for the girls. This will be created by the Adviser.

11. Take care of the things in school. Never practice vandalism.

12. Speak English during class periods and when talking to your teachers,
classmates and others in school.
Strategies in Monitoring the Presence of Textbooks

1. Advisers to make a list of student names in every section on a manila paper

with the subjects that signify the different books. This serves as a check list.

Each adviser posts this on the wall and checks the subjects where the
student has the books.

The principal, the TDS and the Program Coordinator monitor the status of
the checklist by dropping by every classroom and note the increase of the
number of procured textbooks to encourage advisers and students to increase
the number of books, particularly those students who lack the books.

2. Practice “No book – No entry” in the classroom every period. Students with
books are to log in a class list or notebook; those who do not have logged in
another class list or notebook. As soon as the books are bought, the name of
the student is transferred to the first class list or notebook.

3. Subject teachers check the presence of the book in their subject every period.

4. Advisers or Subject Teachers to write a letter to parents in the Student

Handbook about the need for their child to have the books and demand for a
reply or a conference.

5. Names of students with complete set of books are posted on the wall for

6. Subject teachers are reminded that pages of the books must be answered, and
all answers in the books are to be included in the grading.

7. Additional 10 pts. is given by subject teachers to students for bringing the books
everyday (per subject).

● Additional 5 pts. for answering the book activities aside from the
scores earned for the exercise.
● Additional 10pts. for answering homework found in the book; minus 20
pts. if no homework is answered.

English Speaking Drive

(For subjects taught in English like English, Math, English,

TLE, MAPEH, Values Ed, & Computer)

1. The Red Card

● The teacher prepares 5 Red Cards

● The student caught speaking continuously in the vernacular will be the
card holder.
● This goes on until the last period in the afternoon.
● The last card holders will be listed by the subject teacher. The list will be
given to the class adviser.
● At the end of the week, the number of times that a student becomes a
card holder will be summed up.
● Demerit points will be given to the student (card holder) from the oral
participation/ performance tasks in the subject where violations occur.

2. The English Drive Chips

● Each adviser prepares 25 pieces of chips

● Every student is given 100 points as a starter
● Each time a student speaks continuously in the vernacular, he/she will be
given a chip
● Before the period ends the students with the chips form their line to return
the chips to their teacher who in turn will record the number of chips each
student returned
● Students with the chips are deducted points from their 100 starter
points according to the number of chips returned

3. English Speakers of the Day and of the Week

● Students speaking English are to be made as the English Speaker of the
● This will continue from Monday to Friday which will become” English
Speakers of the Week”.
● Pictures of these students are placed beside their names.

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