Essay Study Guide

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Personal Expository Essay Study Guide

1. Deconstruction of prompt – Thesis Construction

Once you have created a thesis you can then begin completing other parts of your
1. Read the prompt (3x’s)
2. List unknown/important or key words by circling/listing, then clarify.
3. Strike out unimportant words / cross out what is not important
4. Underline controlling idea
5. Circle the key word(s) for the controlling idea
6. Create a simple question
7. Create a thesis

2. Planner
Your planner should contain fragments of ideas. You do not have enough time to
write complete sentences. Should you finish your planning THEN you can return
and begin writing out your topic sentences.

Main Idea 1: Main Idea 2:

• Synonyms for main idea -Synonyms for main idea
• Support 1 – • Support 1 –
• Elaboration 1 – (WT) • Elaboration 1 – (WT)
• Support 2 – • Support 2 –
• Elaboration 2 – (WT) • Elaboration 2 – (WT)
• Support 3 – • Support 3 –
• Elaboration 3 – (WT) • Elaboration 3 – (WT)
(Note any writing techniques that you (Note any writing techniques
could use for each support / elaboration) that you could use for each
support / elaboration)
- Topic Sentence? -Topic Sentence?
-Note any points of insight that connect to -Note any points of insight that
this main idea. connect to this main idea.
Main Idea 3: Key Word(s) C.I.:
-Synonyms for main idea Notes:
• Support 1 – List synonyms for key words in
• Elaboration 1 – (WT) controlling idea.
• Support 2 –
• Elaboration 2 – (WT) Insight – what is the importance of
• Support 3 – the controlling idea?
• Elaboration 3 – (WT)
(Note any writing techniques that you Background info – define and
could use for each support / elaboration) explain the controlling idea

-Topic Sentence? Jot down ideas for a hook /

-Note any points of insight that connect to clincher
this main idea.

3. Introductory Paragraph – Elements & Purpose

Hook, the purpose of a hook is to instantly grab a reader's attention.

Background Information, the purpose of the background sentences is to connect from

your hook to your thesis. The background should first explain the hook. It should then
define the broad concept / context of your essay. It should also state why this concept
is generally important. The background should move from broad perspective to a
narrow, personalized perspective.

Thesis, the purpose of the thesis is to present the controlling idea, the answer to the
question and the main ideas to the reader. It should be the last sentence of your
introductory paragraph.

4. Elements of Topic and Closing Sentences

A topic sentence requires the following features:
o Paragraph to paragraph transition.
o Main idea + modifier (adjective/adverb).
o Controlling idea: the key word(s) (insightful verb)
*(if possible synonyms for the controlling idea, however they must retain the original meaning)

A closing sentence requires the following features:

o Closing transition.
o An insightful connection between the main idea and controlling idea (Insightfully
rephrase the topic sentence)

o Body Paragraph – Elements & Purpose

Body Paragraph Organization (Order of Parts with purpose)

• Topic Sentence – transition from paragraph to paragraph, presents the controlling idea and main idea.

• (repeated 3 times): Supporting statement – Strong supporting point for the main idea / Develops main

• (repeated 3 times) :
Elaboration – gives more specific information that clarifies/explains & gives
examples for the support statement (often includes writing techniques)

• Closing Sentence – restates the main idea connecting to the controlling idea with insight

Topic Sentence
Your body paragraphs provide support for your main ideas. The topic sentence
transitions to the paragraphs main idea, and it presents both the main idea and
controlling idea.

Support Statements
The purpose of each support is to back up / explain / demonstrate why your main idea
is important. Each main idea is required to have at least three supporting statements
that directly connect to the main idea. Think of these supports as labels. You are telling
the reader what you are going to elaborate.

The purpose of elaboration is to provide specific information that clarifies/explains the
supporting statement. It provides the reader with insightful examples / explanations
that demonstrate how the support connects to the controlling idea. Each elaboration
should contain a variety of writing techniques that clearly illuminate why the
supporting statement is important to understanding the main idea.

Closing Sentence [closing transition, insightful connection of main idea to controlling

The purpose of the closing sentence is to complete the paragraph by summarizing the
main idea and insightfully connect it to the controlling idea. The closing sentence
closes/finishes the paragraph with insight.

Writing Techniques
The types of writing techniques used in the support and elaboration include:
similes, metaphors, personification, hyperboles, anecdotes, rhetorical questions,
idioms, sensory details, conversational tone (personal expressions: "Wow!" "Yes."),
quotes, statistics.

Transitions (internal)
Each of your support statements, except for the first, should have clear transitions.
Your elaborations should also begin with a transition that indicates to the reader
that you are elaborating on a different supporting statement.

Controlling Idea
Each support / elaboration should connect to the controlling idea of the essay
without being repetitive.

Remember the 'why'. Insight explains connections or why your support and
elaboration are important. Insightful points can be philosophical, insightful
wonderings about the main idea and controlling idea. Writing techniques like
metaphors often provide an insightful comparison.

6. Conclusion – Elements & Purpose

Insightfully restate controlling idea, the purpose of restating the controlling idea is to
remind the reader of the purpose of the essay in an insightful way.

Insightful summaries of your main ideas, the purpose of presenting your main ideas
again is to insightfully demonstrate how they connect to the controlling idea.

Clincher - The purpose of the clincher is to leave the reader with a powerful
summarizing insightful thought / and or action to complete, regarding the purpose of
your essay. This should clearly link to your controlling idea (call to action, link to hook,
answer an objection).

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