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How an AI-powered

Virtual Assistant can

help your NHS Trust hit its
elective recovery targets

The Problem
Six million patients NHS Trusts don’t Low capacity
are now waiting for have the admin utilisation and poor
NHS treatment resources to cope patient experience
45% increase in waiting lists
since January 20191
5WTE 10% of patients on waiting lists
to validate an average waiting list no longer need treatment
36% of patients wait more than
18 weeks without any two- 19% 10 million patients cancelled
way communication with turnover rate for NHS admin staff2 or did not attend in 2020-13
their hospital

5% of patients wait more than

a year for treatment
to recruit and train new staff
£ Millions of pounds are wasted
through unused appointment slots

Va lidates your oo s
waiting lists
Reb k

The EBO Solution automatically

slots instantly
Powered by AI ,

Res on s to patient-
p d

initiated follow-up
our Virtual Assistant : intelligently
Opt imis es

C onverses like a human with clinic and theatre

th o s n so
u a d i n s simultaneously
f pat e t
ersonalises each conversation Update s your EPR

system automatically

to the in i i l i n s n s
and in real time
d v dua pat e t’ eed

o i s
Pr v de

C ommunicates in 100 l n + a guage s information to

e uires minim l i i l s ills from the patient patients a out local

R q a d g ta k

Get s deplo yed

Supports patients 24/7/365 on within 1 week for

your we site, SMS, and WhatsApp Com l s p ete
1 specialty assessments in
conversation form

Improve your lective Recovery E E xpected benefits

Operational Response with EBO

Digitalise patient engagement while maintaining £125k admin cost savings per waiting list
validation cycle
1 empathy with AI-powered waiting list validation
and IFU.P
10 % reduction in referral-to-treatment
Keep patients on waiting lists informed and
2 engaged, improve patient experience, and clean
up your waiting lists.
50% reduction in diagnostic waiting lists

Progress to full ooking automation of last-

minute cancellations to minimise wasted slots.

80% reduction in follow-up appointments
for patients on IFU pathways

Harness BO’s deep elective recovery domain

knowledge to guide you every step of the way.

90% of patients who have used the Virtual
Assistant report a positive experience

To learn more about how can help your Trust clear its waiting list backlog,

contact us for a free consultation.

Neil Taylor
Senior Healthcare Consultant

+44 (0)7966 541 308

+44 (0)1875 825 841

EBO is trusted by

Institute of Fiscal Studies 2021, ould the NHS Waiting lists really reach 13 million? [online] Availa le from: lications/15557
C b b

NHS Digital 2020, NHS Workforce Statistics (Septem er 2020) [online] Availa le from: lications/
b b b

NHS Digital 2020-21, Hospital Outpatient Activity 2020-21 [online] Availa le from: lications/
b b


©E BO 2022. All rights reserved. BO refers to BO Ltd. (in Malta) and BO.AI Ltd. (in the UK). You are not permitted to use or distri ute the contents herein without the
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consent of BO. This document has een prepared for general guidance on matters of interest and doesn’t constitute professional advice.
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