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158 Chapter 4 Unsteady conduction

temperature of the plate at time t. Assume that the lumped method can be used. The initial
uniform temperature of the plate is Ti .
(a) Write the differential equation for the temperature TðtÞ of the plate.
(b) Solve the differential equation for TðtÞ.
4-2 A sphere of radius ro is initially at a uniform temperature Ti . It cools by radiation and
convection to the surroundings at Tsurr and the adjacent fluid at TN : The convective coefficient
is h and the emissivity of the surface of the sphere is ε. Assume the lumped method can be
used. Write the differential equation for the temperature TðtÞ of the sphere.
4-3 A wire has a radius ro and is initially at the same temperature as the surroundings ðTN Þ Current
suddenly starts flowing through the wire, resulting in a uniform and steady volumetric heat
generation rate of qgen : The surface of the wire convects to the surrounding fluid at TN with a
convective coefficient h. Assuming the lumped method is appropriate.
(a) Write the differential equation for the temperature TðtÞ of the wire.
(b) Solve the differential

equation for TðtÞ. 
4-4 An aluminum sphere r ¼ 2700 kg = m3 ; c ¼ 900 J = kg C; k ¼ 240 W = m C of 3 cm
diameter is initially at a uniform temperature of 300 C. It is suddenly placed in a 75 C air
stream. The convective coefficient at the sphere’s surface is 50 W/m2 C.
(a) How long does it take for the sphere to cool to 150 C?
(b) How much heat
goes into the
air during the cooling? 
4-5 A copper cylinder r ¼ 8900 kg m3 ; c ¼ 380 J kg C; k ¼ 400 W m C has a diameter of
5 cm and a length of 3 cm. It is initially at a uniform temperature of 250 C. It is suddenly
placed in a fluid whose temperature is 100 C. The convective coefficient at the cylinder’s
surface is 150 W/m2 C
(a) How long does it take for the center of the cylinder to reach 200 C?
(b) How much heat
goes into the fluid during the
4-6 A large iron plate r ¼ 7800 kg m3 ; c ¼ 450 J kg C; k ¼ 80 W m C is being heated in an
oven. The plate is 1 cm thick and has a cross-sectional area of 3 m2. The plate is initially at a
uniform temperature of 20 C. The oven is at 800 C and the convective coefficient at the plate’s
surfaces is 150 W/m2 C. The plate stays in the oven for 2 min.
What is the temperature
of the plate when it leaves the oven? 
4-7 A large copper plate r ¼ 8900 kg m3 ; c ¼ 380 J kg C; k ¼ 400 W m C is 2 cm thick.
The plate is initially at a uniform temperature of 30 C. It is then subjected to convective
cooling on both of its sides. The adjacent fluids on both sides of the plate are at 90 C and the
convective coefficients are 110 W/m2 C on both sides.
How long will it take
for the plate to reach 55 C? 
4-8 A large copper plate r ¼ 8900 kg m3 ; c ¼ 380 J kg C; k ¼ 400 W m C is 2 cm thick.
The plate is initially at a uniform temperature of 30 C. It is then subjected to convective
cooling on both of its sides. On one side of the plate, the adjacent fluid is at 70 C and the
convective coefficient is 45 W/m2 C. On the other side of the plate, the adjacent fluid is at 90 C
and the convective coefficient is 110 W/m2 C.
How long will it take for the plate to reach 55 C?
4-9 A mercury/glass thermometer initially at 20 C is suddenly immersed into oil that is kept at
120 C. After 4 s, the thermometer reads 90 C.
What is the time constant of the thermometer?
4.7 Problems 159

4-10 In a lab experiment, a large horizontal flat plate is heated to a constant temperature by
electrical heating tapes under the plate. It is desired to see how uniform the temperature is on
the surface of the plate. A handheld surface probe is used to measure 20 different points on the
plate. The probe has a time constant of 5 s, and temperature readings are taken at the different
points every 5 s. The results are reviewed, and they do not make any sense.
(a) What is going wrong?
(b) What are two possible

ways to
remedy the problem?

4-11 An aluminum cube r ¼ 2700 kg m3 ; c ¼ 900 J kg C; k ¼ 240 W m C is 2 cm by 2 cm
by 2 cm. It is initially at a temperature of 200 C. It is suddenly put into an air stream that is at
40 C. In 1 minute, the temperature of the cube drops to 80 C.
(a) What is the convective coefficient at the surface of the cube?
(b) Using the results of Part (a), how long does it take for the cube to reach the 40 C
temperature of the air stream?
4-12 A temperature sensor has a time constant of 1 second and performs as a first-order system. The
sensor is initially at 50 C and is then immersed in a fluid that is at 85 C.
What temperature does the
sensor indicate 10 s after it is immersed?

4-13 A long aluminum cylinder r ¼ 170 lbm ft3 ; c ¼ 0:22 Btu lbm F; k ¼ 140 Btu h ft F has
a diameter of 3 inches. It initially has a uniform temperature of 600 F. It is suddenly quenched
in a water bath for 2 min. The water bath is at 120 F and the convective coefficient is 100 Btu/h
ft2 F.
What is the temperature of the cylinder when it leaves the water bath?
4-14 An orange can be considered to be a sphere of 8 cm diameter. The orange is initially at a
uniform temperature of 10 C when the air temperature quickly falls to 5 C and remains at
that temperature. Assume that the orange has the properties of water and that the convective
coefficient at the surface of the orange is 15 W/m2 C.
(a) How long will it take for the surface of the orange to freeze, i.e., reach 0 C ?
(b) How long will
it take for the center of the orange to freeze, i.e.,
reach 0C?
4-15 A long hot dog r ¼ 950 kg m3 ; c ¼ 3400 J kg C; k ¼ 0:41 W m C has a diameter of
2.5 cm. It is initially at 5 C and is dropped into boiling water that is at 100 C. Assume that
h ¼ 2000 W/m2 C.
How long will it take for the center of the hot dog to reach a safe temperature of 65 C?
your answer to the recommendations
of a cookbook.

4-16 A ham r ¼ 1030 kg m3 ; c ¼ 3500 J kg C; k ¼ 0:48 W m C is in the shape of a short
cylinder: 20 cm diameter and 15 cm long. The ham is initially at 5 C and is placed in a 190 C
oven. The convective coefficient for the oven is 30 W/m2 C.
(a) How long will it take for the center of the ham to reach 65 C?
Compare your answer to the recommendations of a cookbook.
(b) If the ham had been modeled as a sphere having the same volume as the cylinder, what
would have been
the answer to Part (a)? Compare
the two results.

4-17 A 3 kg roast beef r ¼ 950 kg m3 ; c ¼ 3400 J kg C; k ¼ 0:45 W m C is initially at a
temperature of 4 C. It is being cooked in a 200 C oven where the convective coefficient is
25 W/m2 C. The roast beef can be considered to be a sphere.
(a) How long will it take for the center of the beef to reach 75 C?
(b) What is the surface temperature at the time found in Part (a)?
160 Chapter 4 Unsteady conduction

4-18 A furniture company wants to char the surface of some wood rods by passing them through an
oven. The rods are 6 cm diameter
and 5 m long. Their properties are
r ¼ 420 kg m3 ; c ¼ 2700 J kg C; k ¼ 0:15 W m C. The rods are to stay in the oven for
30 min. The rods will char if their surface temperature reaches 300 C. The rods are initially at
20 C before they enter the oven, and the convective coefficient is 40 W/m2 C.
What should the oven temperature be?
4-19 Same problem as 4e18 except the company wants to speed up the process and keep the rods in
the oven for only 10 min.
What should the oven temperature be?
4-20 A large wood sheet (r ¼ 420 kg m3 ; c ¼ 2700 J kg C; k ¼ 0:15 W m C) is 10 cm thick.
It is at 20 C when it enters an oven. The convective coefficient on both sides of the wood sheet
is 40 W/m2 C. The wood will ignite if its surface temperature reaches 350 C.
(a) If the oven is at 360 C, how long will it take for the wood to ignite?
(b) If the oven is at 450 C, how long will it take for the wood to ignite?
4-21 A thick slab of wood (r ¼ 400 kg m3 ; c ¼ 2800 J kg C; k ¼ 0:15 W m C) is heated on
its surface by hot gases in an oven. The gases are at 600 C, and the convective coefficient at the
surface of the wood is 40 W/m2 C. The wood is at 20 C when it enters the oven.
How long will it take for the wood to ignite if the ignition temperature
is 380 C?
4-22 A large steel plate (r ¼ 7800 kg m3 ; c ¼ 480 J kg C; k ¼ 50 W m C) is 15 cm thick and
initially at a uniform temperature of 500 C. The plate is horizontal and on an insulating pad so
there is no heat flow through its bottom surface. An air stream at 20 C is blown across the top
surface to cool the plate. The convective coefficient at this top surface is 150 W/m2 C.
(a) What is the temperature at the top surface of the plate after 10 min of cooling?
(b) What is the temperature at the bottom insulated surface after 10 min of cooling?
(c) What is the temperature at the midpoint of the plate after 10 min of cooling?
(Hint: Take a close look at the geometry and boundary conditions. This can be solved with the
Heisler method for a plate.)

4-23 A long stainless steel rod r ¼ 7900 kg m3 ; c ¼ 480 J kg C; k ¼ 15 W m C of 12 cm
diameter is initially at 450 C and is being cooled by a 30 C air stream. The convective
coefficient at the rod’s surface is 200 W/m2 C.
(a) How long does it take for the center of the rod to reach 100 C?
(b) How much heat goes into the air during the process?
4-24 Table 4.1 gives eigenvalue l1 and constant C1 for a large plate. Determine the next three
eigenvalues and constants for a large plate with a Biot number of 3.5.
4-25 Table 4.1 gives eigenvalue l1 and constant C1 for a long cylinder. Determine the next three
eigenvalues and constants for a long cylinder with a Biot number of 3.5.
4-26 Table 4.1 gives eigenvalue l1 and constant C1 for a sphere. Determine the next three
eigenvalues and constants
for a sphere with a Biot number
of 3.5. 
4-27 An aluminum cylinder r ¼ 2700 kg m3 ; c ¼ 900 J kg C; k ¼ 240 W m C has a 40 cm
diameter and is 40 cm long. It is heated in an oven until its temperature is uniform at 900 C. It
is then taken out of the oven and cooled by convection to the 25 C room air. The convective
coefficient between the cylinder and the room air is 20 W/m2 C.
What is the temperature of the center of the cylinder 15 min after it is taken out of the oven?
4.7 Problems 161

4-28 A long concrete column r ¼ 2100 kg m3 ; c ¼ 910 J kg C; k ¼ 1:4 W m C of square
cross section (10 cm by 10 cm) is initially at a uniform temperature of 220 C. Cooling
suddenly starts to the 25 C surroundings with a convective coefficient of 45 W/m2 C.
(a) What is the temperature of the center of the column 40 min after the cooling begins?
(b) What is the temperature at an edge of the column 40 min after the cooling begins?
(c) How much heat leaves

the column
per meter length during the cooling

4-29 A thick concrete slab r ¼ 2100 kg m3 ; c ¼ 910 J kg C; k ¼ 1:4 W m C is at a uniform
initial temperature of 280 C. It suddenly starts cooling from its surface to the room air. The air
is at 20 C and the convective coefficient is 25 W/m2 C.
(a) What is the temperature at the surface of the slab after 30 min of cooling?
(b) What is the temperature at a depth of 5 cm from the surface after 30 min of cooling?
4-30 The surface of a thick block of wood is being subjected to 2
a heat flux of 3000 W/m . The
properties of the wood are r ¼ 400 kg m ; c ¼ 2500 J kg C; k ¼ 0:12 W m C. The

wood is initially at a uniform temperature of 25 C. The wood will ignite if its temperature
reaches 400 C.
Will the wood ignite if it is subjected to the surface heat flux for 20 min?
4-31 The surface of a thick block of wood 3is subjected to a heat flux of 3500 W/m

for 15 min. The
wood has properties: r ¼ 400 kg m ; c ¼ 2500 J kg C; k ¼ 0:12 W m C.
The wood is initially at a uniform temperature of 20 C.
What is the temperature at a depth
of 1 cm from the surface at the end of the heating?

4-32 The surface of a thick slab of iron r ¼ 8000 kg m3 ; c ¼ 450 J kg C; k ¼ 80 W m C is
subjected to a heat flux of 10,000 W/m2 for 1 hour. The slab is initially at a uniform
temperature of 30 C.
At the end of the heating

process, at what depth is the temperature 50 C? 
4-33 A stainless steel cube r ¼ 7900 kg m3 ; c ¼ 500 J kg C; k ¼ 15 W m C is 12 cm by
12 cm by 12 cm. It initially is at 50 C and is heated by hot gases at 900 C with a convective
coefficient of 150 W/m2 C on all six sides.
(a) What is the temperature at the center of the cube after 30 min of heating?
(b) What is the temperature at a corner of the cube after 30 min of heating?
(c) How much heat goes into the
cube during the 30-minute heating
4-34 A stainless steel rectangular solid r ¼ 7900 kg m3 ; c ¼ 500 J kg C; k ¼ 15 W m C is
6 cm by 15 cm by 20 cm. It initially is at 550 C and cools by convection to the room air, which
is at 25 C. The convective coefficient on the two 6 cm by 15 cm sides is 20 W/m2C. The
convective coefficient on the other four sides is 80 W/m2 C.
(a) What is the center temperature of the solid after 40 min of cooling?
(b) What is the temperature

at the center
of a 15 cm by 20 cm side after
40min of cooling?
4-35 A thick concrete slab r ¼ 2100 kg m3 ; c ¼ 910 J kg C; k ¼ 1:4 W m C is initially at a
uniform temperature of 50 C. The temperature of the surface of the slab is suddenly lowered to
10 C.
(a) What is the temperature at a depth of 5 cm from the surface 45 min after the surface
temperature was lowered?
(b) What is the heat flux at the surface 45 min after the surface temperature was lowered?

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