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• Branch of biology dealing with the study of tissue is called

• The term ‘tissue’ was introduced by Bichat who is also known as
the ‘Father of histology’.
• Mayer coined the term ‘histology’ and the founder of histology
is Marcello Malpighi.
• Histological study of an organ called Microscopic
Anatomy. Marcello Malpighi is the father of microscopic
• The formation of tissues from germinal layer is called as
A group of one or more types of cells having a similar origin and specialized for a
specific function or functions is called tissue.

The tissues are classified into four main groups on the basis their location and

1) Epithelial tissue

2) Connective tissue

3) Muscular tissue

4) Nervous tissue
S. No. Name Origin Main Functions
1. Epithelial Ectoderm, Protection, secretion, absorption,
Tissues Mesoderm, excretion, reproduction
2. Muscular Mesoderm Movement of parts & locomotion
3. Connective Mesoderm Attachment, support, protection,
tissues storage, transport
4. Nervous Ectoderm Control and coordination by nerve
tissues impulse induction
Epithelial tissue
● An epithelial tissue or epithelium (plural is
epithelia) consists of cells arranged in
continuous sheets, in either single or multiple
● Because the cells are closely packed and are held
tightly together by many cell junctions, there is little
intercellular space between adjacent plasma
● Epithelial tissue forms coverings and linings
throughout the body. It is never covered by another
tissue, so it always has a free surface.
● Epithelial tissues have three major functions:

(1)selective barriers that limit or aid the transfer of

substances into and out of the body
(2)secretory surfaces that release products produced by
the cells onto their free surfaces
(3)protective surfaces that resist the abrasive influences of
the environment.
● The basement membrane functions as a point of attachment
and support for the overlying epithelial tissue.
● Epithelial tissue has its own nerve supply, but is avascular, that
is, it lacks its own blood supply.
● The blood vessels that bring in nutrients and remove wastes
are located in the adjacent connective tissue.
● Exchange of substances between epithelium and connective
tissue occurs by diffusion.
• On the basis of structural modification of the cells, simple epithelium is further
divided into three types. These are (i) Squamous, (ii) Cuboidal, (iii) Columnar
• Free Surface of Epithelial cells may bear:

Microvilli: They are minute finger-like processes

which increase the absorptive surface area of the cells.

Stereocilia: They are long, non-motile processes

found in epithelium of epididymis, vas deferens and in
the hair cells of internal ear.

Cilia and flagella: They arise from the basal

granules and their outer covering is continuous with
the cell membrane. Cilia are present in the
epithelium of respiratory tract, oviducts, etc. In human
body, spermatozoan has flagella.
• Simple Squamous Epithelium
● The squamous epithelium is made of a single thin layer of flattened cells with
irregular boundaries.
● They are found in the walls of blood vessels, lymph vessels, Bowman’s
capsule and air sacs i.e. alveoli of lungs and are involved in a functions
like forming a diffusion boundary.
● The simple squamous epithelium that lines the heart, blood vessels, and
lymphatic vessels is known as endothelium, the type that forms the
epithelial layer of serous membranes such as the pericardium, pleura, or
peritoneum is called mesothelium.

● Unlike other epithelial tissues, which arise

from embryonic ectoderm or endoderm,
endothelium and mesothelium both are
derived from embryonic mesoderm.
● It is also called Pavement Epithelium.
• Simple Cuboidal/Cubical Epithelium

● It is composed of a single layer of

cube-like cells.
● This is commonly found in ducts of glands
and tubular parts of nephrons in kidneys
and its main functions are secretion and
● The epithelium of proximal convoluted
tubule (PCT) of nephron in the kidney has
microvilli (brush-bordered Epithelium).
● It is also found in ducts of small glands,
follicles of thyroid gland, pigment layer of
retina, surface epithelium of ovary, anterior
surface of lens capsule.
Simple Columnar Epithelium

● The columnar epithelium is composed

of a single layer of tall and slender
cells.Their nuclei are located at the
base. Free surface may have microvilli.

● Lines the gastrointestinal tract (from

the stomach to the anus), ducts of
many glands, and gallbladder.
Ciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium

● It contains columnar epithelial cells with cilia at

the apical surface.
● In certain parts of the smaller airways
(bronchioles) of the respiratory tract, goblet
cells are interspersed among ciliated columnar
● Mucus secreted by the goblet cells forms a film
over the airway surface that traps inhaled
foreign particles.
● It lines uterine (Fallopian) tubes, uterus,
efferent ducts of the testes, some paranasal
sinuses, central canal of spinal cord, and
ventricles of the brain.
• Pseudostratified Columnar epithelium

● It appears to have several layers because the

nuclei of the cells are at various depths.
● Even though all the cells are attached to the
basement membrane in a single layer, some cells do
not extend to the apical surface.
● When viewed from the side, these features give
the false impression of a multilayered tissue— thus
the name pseudostratified epithelium (pseudo-
● The cells that extend to the surface either
secrete mucus (goblet cells) or bear cilia.
● The secreted mucus traps foreign particles and
the cilia sweep away mucus for eventual
elimination from the body.
● Pseudostratified nonciliated columnar epithelium
contains cells without cilia and lacks goblet cells.
• Stratified Squamous Epithelium

● Apical layer of this type of epithelium are flat;

those of the deep layers vary in shape from
cuboidal to columnar.
● The basal (deepest) cells continually undergo
cell division.
● As new cells grow, the cells of the basal layer
are pushed upward toward the apical layer.
● As they move farther from the deeper layers and
from their blood supply in the underlying
connective tissue, they become dehydrated,
shrunken, and harder, and then die.
● At the apical layer, after the dead cells lose their
cell junctions they are sloughed off, but they are
replaced continuously as new cells emerge from
the basal layer.
• Types of Stratified Squamous Epithelium
● Stratified squamous epithelium exists in both keratinized and
nonkeratinized forms.
● In Keratinized epithelium, the apical layer and several layers deep to
it are partially dehydrated and contain a layer of keratin, a
tough,fibrous protein that helps protect the skin and underlying
tissues from heat, microbes, and chemicals.
● The keratin fills the cells and the organelles die.
● It forms the superficial layer of the skin.
● Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, which is found, for
example, lining the mouth and esophagus, does not contain keratin
in the apical layer and several layers deep to it and remains moist.
● The organelles remain in this epithelium.
● Both types of stratified squamous epithelium form the first line of
defense against microbes.
• Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

● This is a fairly rare type of epithelium in

which cells in the apical layer are cuboidal.
● Stratified cuboidal epithelium mainly serves
a protective function, but it also has a limited
role in secretion and absorption.
● It is found in ducts of adult sweat glands
and esophageal glands and part of male
• Stratified Columnar Epithelium

● Like stratified cuboidal epithelium,

stratified columnar epithelium also is
● Usually the basal layers consist of shortened,
irregularly shaped cells; only the apical layer
has cells that are columnar in shape.
● This type of epithelium functions in
protection and secretion.
● It is found in lines part of urethra, large
excretory ducts of some glands, such as
esophageal glands, small areas in anal
mucous membrane, and part of the
conjunctiva of the eye.
• Transitional Epithelium

● It is a type of stratified epithelium present only

in the urinary system and has a variable
appearance. In its relaxed or unstretched state,it
looks like stratified cuboidal epithelium, except
that the cells in the apical layer tend to be large
and rounded.
● As the tissue is stretched, its cells become
flatter, giving the appearance of stratified
squamous epithelium .
● Because of its elasticity, transitional epithelium
is ideal for lining hollow structures that are
subjected to expansion from within, such as the
urinary bladder.
● It allows the urinary bladder to stretch to hold
a variable amount of fluid without rupturing.
Types of Epithelial tissue
- These are specialized epithelial cells
capable of synthesizing substances like
enzymes, hormones, sweat, oil, etc.
- These secretions are carried into ducts
(tubes) on the surface or into blood.
- The structure formed by these specialized
epithelial cells is commonly called a

- Glands are further classified as:

a)Endocrine glands
b)Exocrine glands
Endocrine Glands:
- These glands pour their secretion directly into the blood
stream. Such glands lack ducts and are thus called ductless
- e.g.: pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, ovary, testis, adrenal,
islets of Langerhans.
Exocrine Glands:
- These glands are with ducts. Their secretion is carried by
means of a duct or tube to the site of action. They are
responsible for body secretions.
- e.g.: tear glands, salivary glands, gastric and intestinal glands.
• Some of the columnar or cuboidal cells get specialised for secretion and
are called glandular epithelium
• Exocrine Glands
• Compound epithelium is made of more than one layer (multi-
layered) of cells and thus has a limited role in secretion and

• Their main function is to provide protection against chemical and mechanical

stresses. They cover the dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of buccal
cavity, pharynx, inner lining of ducts of salivary glands and of pancreatic ducts.
All cells in epithelium are held together with little intercellular material.
• In nearly all animal tissues, specialised junctions provide both structural and
functional links between its individual cells. Three types of cell junctions are
found in the epithelium and other tissues. These are called as tight, adhering
and gap junctions.
• Tight junctions help to stop substances from leaking across a tissue. Adhering
junctions perform cementing to keep neighbouring cells together. Gap junctions
facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the cytoplasm
of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes big
• Origin: -
• Arise from the mesoderm of the
• Most abundant type of animal
- The connective tissues consist of variously shaped cells lying wide apart in a large,
amount of non-living intercellular or extracellular material called the matrix.
- The matrix is also called ground substance. It is usually secreted by the
connective tissue cells themselves.
- This ground substance permits diffusion of food materials, water, gases and
wastes to and from the cells.
- Thus, connective tissue usually comprises of two components: matrix and cells.
- The nature and proportion of these two components vary in different kinds
of connective tissues.
- Almost all connective tissues are highly vascular in nature
- In all connective tissues, except blood, the cells secrete fibres of structural proteins
called collagen or elastin.
• Areolar connective tissue
-It is found below the skin, muscles and
- The areolar tissue, also called loose
connective tissue, is essentially
connective in function.
- It fixes the skin with the muscles,
attaches the blood vessels and nerves
with the surrounding tissues, fastens
the peritoneum to the body wall and
viscera and keeps the muscle fibres
Areolar connective tissue
Structure: The transparent jelly-like, sticky matrix contains numerous
fibres and cells and abundant mucin.

Fibres: The fibres are white and yellow.

White fibres:
- unbranched, wavy and arranged in bundles.
- also called collagen fibres as they contain proteinous substance
called collagen
- These collagen fibres give tensile strength to the tissue. Collagen
fibres are formed at the site of injury for tissue repair (healing).
Yellow fibres:
- Thin, slender and singly arranged.
- These are flexible, elastic and branched, the branches joining with
one another to form an irregular but large network.
- They possess elastic property due to the presence of a protein
called elastin.
• Areolar connective tissue
Cells: The cells in the matrix are of 4 main kinds: Fibroblasts,
macrophages, mast cells and adipocytes

- Main cells of the areolar tissue. They are large, flat and star-shaped
cells with long and branched processes.
- They secrete the matrix and the material of which the fibres are
formed (both white and yellow fibres).
- Fibroblasts migrate to the site of injury and
secrete more fibres to seal off the wound.
Macrophages or Histiocytes:
- The macrophages are almost as numerous
as the fibroblasts.
- They are large, long-lived and irregular cells.
- They engulf the microbes, foreign particles and damaged cells.
- Hence, they are phagocytic in action.
Mast Cells:
- The mast cells are also called mastocytes
and they are small oval cells in mammals.
- They produce heparin and histamine.
- Heparin prevents blood clotting in the uninjured vessels.
- Histamine is useful in dilating blood vessels, an
inflammatory response to injury or infection. Histamine is
also involved in allergic reactions. Its release from the
mast cells helps in body defence by attracting the
phagocytes to the site of injury.

- These are useful in storage of fats.
• Adipose connective tissue
- The adipose tissue is found in the subcutaneous tissue (under
the skin), in the covering of the heart and around the blood
vessels and kidneys.
- It also forms the yellow bone marrow.

- Adipose tissue is primarily a food reserve.
- The subcutaneous fat prevents heat loss from the body,
particularly in polar animals and also rounds off the body
contour (shape).
- It forms a shock absorbing cushion around the kidneys and the
- It also produces the blood corpuscles.
- Adipose tissue is found in association
with the areolar
connective tissue.
- It is modified areolar tissue consisting
of a large number of adipocytes i.e.
cells specialised for fat storage. A fat
cell first develops in it small fat
droplets, which later fuse to form a
large fat globule. These globules push
the cytoplasm with its organelles to
the periphery and the nucleus to one
• Adipose connective tissue

White Adipose Tissue:

- These appear opaque due to the
presence of a large number of
- It is commonly seen in adults.

Brown Adipose Tissue:

- These are reddish brown in colour due
to the large number
of blood vessels.
- It is mostly found in developing foetus
and infants.
• White fibrous tissue

White Fibrous Tissue:

- The white fibrous tissue is especially rich in white
collagen fibres.
- These are similar to but thicker than those found in
the areolar tissue.
- This tissue is very tough and inelastic. It appears as
cords or sheets.
- As cords, the white fibres run parallel to form cords
called tendons.

Tendons connect the skeletal muscles with the bones.

- They are specialized extensions or
prolongations of
- They are formed of bundles of collagen fibres
(white fibres).
- At one end, they are formed from the core
of the muscles and the other end is
attached to a bone.
- They play an important role in various

As sheets, it occurs in the pericardium of the

heart, dura mater of the brain and spinal cord,
capsule of the kidney, etc.
• Yellow elastic tissue

Yellow Elastic Tissue:

- The yellow elastic tissue consists mainly of a loose
network of yellow elastic fibres.
- These elastic fibres are much thicker but similar to
those of areolar tissue.
- This tissue combines strength with great flexibility. It also
has 2 forms: cords and sheets.
- The cords formed by this tissue are called ligaments.
Ligaments serve to bind the bones together.
- They are formed of bundles of yellow fibres
- They bind two different bones at the joints.
- They play a very important role in preventing
dislocation of bones and at the same time
providing flexibility to joints.

- As sheets formed by this tissue, they occur

in the walls of the blood vessels, lungs and
- Recovery of these organs after expansion is
due to this tissue’s presence.
• Reticular Connective tissue

- The reticular tissue consists of star- shaped

reticular cells, the protoplasmic processes of
which join to form a cellular network.
- Reticular fibres are superimposed on the
reticular cells. They are composed of a protein
called reticulin.
- They are branched and inelastic.
- This tissue forms the supporting framework of
lymph glands, spleen and bone marrow.
- The reticular cells are phagocytic and
form defence mechanism of the body.
Skeletal Tissue Cartilage
The cartilage is a solid, semi-rigid connective tissue. It is tough, flexible tissue which forms the
endoskeleton in large number of vertebrates.

- The cartilage is enclosed in a sheath of white fibrous tissue called
perichondrium. It consists of blood vessels and nerve fibres.
- The perichondrium encloses a semi-solid matrix called
- Towards the periphery or the inner margin of the perichondrium, a
layer of small immature cartilage cells called chondroblasts are seen.
The matrix is secreted by the chondroblasts.
- A chondroblast lies in a fluid-filled space, the cartilage
lacuna, in the matrix.
- During growth of the cartilage, the chondroblasts divide and the cells
formed by division keep lying in groups of two or more in the same
• Cartilage
- In the matrix near the perichondrium, the chondroblasts are small and
young and they lie close together. Later, they become large, rounded, and
mature and occur in groups. Here, they are called chondrocytes.
- These chondrocytes are enclosed within lacunae and are seen scattered in
the matrix.
- Each lacuna contains 2 to 8 chondrocytes.
- The exchange of materials (nutrients) between the chondrocytes and the
matrix takes place with simple diffusion from blood vessels present in the

Depending on the nature of the matrix, cartilage is classified as:

1.Hyaline Cartilage
2.Fibrous Cartilage
3.Elastic Cartilage
4.Calcified Cartilage
• Bone - The matrix is arranged in concentric circles called
- These lamellae contain a large number of living cells
called osteoblasts or osteocytes which are present
Structure: in a fluid filled cavity called lacuna.
- Bone is enclosed in a thin layer of white fibrous connective tissue - Osteoblasts are active bone cells and osteocytes are
(i.e. collagen fibre) called inactive bone cells. Each lacuna has fine cytoplasmic
periosteum. extensions called canaliculli which pass through the
- Blood vessels and nerves pierce through the periosteum. The lamellae and makes connection with the adjacent
periosteum is internally lined by endosteum which surrounds the lacunae
marrow cavity.
- The structural unit of bone is the Haversian
system or osteon.
- Presence of a Haversian system is the
characteristic of a mammalian bone.
- Haversian system shows a Haversian canal in
the centre.
- Haversian canal consists of blood vessels of
arteries and veins, lymph vessels and nerves as
- Lacunae containing osteoblasts or osteocytes
are arranged in concentric circles around the
Haversian canal.
- The two adjacent Haversian systems are
interconnected by transverse channels, the
Volkmann’s canal.
- It is the supporting and protective tissue of vertebrates
which protects the internal
soft and delicate tissues.
- Besides providing support, bones have a metabolic and
protective role too.
- It forms the base for attachment of muscles.
- In long bones, the yellow marrow cavity helps in storage of
reserve food material.
- The red marrow cavity in the long bones is useful in
Skeletal Tissue
• Bone
Spongy bone:
It is seen in the expanded ends
(epiphyseal region) of long bones.

The matrix or ossein is web-like containing columns of bones called trabeculae with
many small spaces between them. These spaces contain a soft tissue called red
bone marrow which is responsible for heamopiosis. It lacks the Haversian system.

The spongy bones provide considerable strength with minimum of weight.
• Compact bone:

Origin: It is seen in the shaft (diaphysis) of long


Structure: The matrix is hard, solid, and dense

and without spaces in-between. It is filled with a
fatty tissue called the yellow marrow which
stores fat cells. It has many Haversian systems.

Functions: The compact bone stores fat and

produces blood corpuscles in emergencies.
Bone Cartilage
1. Matrix is composed of a tough, 1. Matrix is composed of a firm, but
inflexible material, the ossein. flexible material, the chondrin.
2. Matrix is always impregnated with 2. Matrix may be free or impregenated
calcium salts. with calcium salts.
3. Cartilage cells lie in lacunae singly or
3. Bone cells lie in lucunae singly.
in groups of two or four.
4. Osteocytes are irregular and give off
4. Chondroblasts are oval and devoid
branching processes in the developing
of processes.
5. Lacunae give off canaliculi. 5. Lacunae lack canaliculi.
6. There are outer and inner layers of
special bone forming cells, the 6. There are no special cartilage-
osteoblasts, that produce new forming cells. Cartilage grows by division
osteocytes, which secrete new lamellae of all chondroblasts.
of matrix.
7. Matrix occurs largely in concentric 7. Matrix occurs in a homogenous
lamellae. mass.
8. Bone is highly vascular. 8. Cartilage in nonvascular.
9. Bone may have bone marrow at the
9. No such tissue is present
Blood: Blood is made up of various cells present in the
plasma. The blood contains red blood cells (RBCs), white blood
cells (WBCs) and platelets.
RBCs have haemoglobin and transport oxygen.
WBCs form a defence system and protect from foreign
Platelets are important for blood clotting.
Plasma contains proteins, water, hormones, salts, etc. to
transport to different parts of the body.

Lymph: Lymph drains into the blood and transports

absorbed fat to the blood, which cannot enter the bloodstream
directly. Lymph has white blood cells in the liquid matrix. They
help in getting rid of toxins and waste materials. They contain
WBCs, which help in fighting infection

Plasma (55%) Cellular Elements (45%)

Cell Type Number Per Mm 3 Function

Constituents Function Of Blood

Water Solvent for carrying Defense and

substances Leukocytes 6,000-8,000
Albumins, Maintains osmotic
Ions such as balance and blood
Na+, K+, Cl‾ pressure
Mg+2 etc.
Platelets 150,000-350,000 Blood clotting
Globulins and Defense mechanism Thrombocytes
Fibrinogens and blood clotting

Substance transported by blood, gases, Erythrocytes 5-6 million Transport of

amino acids, glucose, vitamins, fatty (RBC) O2 and CO2
acids, nitrogenous metabolic waste,
Granulocytes Function

Neutrophils ✓ Neutrophils are the most abundant cells (60-65 percent) of the total WBCs
✓ Neutrophils are phagocytic cells which destroy foreign organisms entering the body.

Eosinophils ✓ Eosinophils (2-3%) resist infections and are also associated with allergic reactions.

Basophils ✓ Basophils are the least (0.5-1 percent) among them.

Agranulocytes Function

Lymphocytes ✓ Lymphocytes (20-25 per cent) are of two major types – ‘B’ and ‘T’ forms.
✓ Both B and T lymphocytes are responsible for immune responses of the body.

Monocytes ✓ Monocytes (6-8 percent) are phagocytic cells which destroy foreign organisms entering
the body.
Lymphatic system
The nervous tissue arises from the
ectoderm of the embryo.
Special Properties:
- The cells of the nervous tissue (i.e. neurons) provide the quickest means of
communication within the body and help the body to give response to the
external stimulus.
- Thus, the cells of the nervous tissue (i.e. neurons) are considered as impulse
generating and impulse conducting unit.
- Neurons possess two important basic properties: excitability and conductivity.
- Excitability is excitation by external stimulus by changing the action potential
of their membrane.
- Conductivity is to carry a wave of electric impulse from the dendron to axon.

General structure:
- Nervous system is made up of nervous tissue.
- Nervous tissue is composed of nerve cells or neurons and supportive cells called
neuroglia or glia cells.
• Structure
Neuron is covered by neurilemma and is made up of two distinct regions:
cyton and cytoplasmic extensions

- Cyton or cell body is also called perikaryon or soma

- contains granular cytoplasm with large number of network of
neurofibrils, various cell organelles like mitochondria, Golgi complex,
RER (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum) and centrally placed nucleus.
- The granules present in cytoplasm are conical, rich in RNA and are
involved in protein synthesis. These are called Nissl's granules

cytoplasmic extensions seen arising from the cyton

dendrons and axon.
- Dendrites are thin, small cytoplasmic extensions seen in the
periphery of the cyton.
- These are many in number and break into numerous fine branches
which help to carry impulse towards the cell body and are provided
with few of the neurofibrils.

- Axon is the single, longest cytoplasmic process useful in conduction

of impulse away from the cell body.
- It is lined by axonal membrane and encloses cytoplasm called
- It contains large number of mitochondria, RER and neurofibrils but
lacks Nissl's granules and Golgi complex.
- The axon, throughout the length is wrapped by
Schwann cells. The Schwann cells secrete a lipid
covering which forms an insulating myelin sheath.
- The terminal end of the axon in both myelinated and
non-myelinated neurons shows presence of many
swollen knob-like structures called telodendrons
- They are filled with neurosecretory material
(acetylcholine and adrenaline) which acts as a
Neuroglia cells:

- In the central nervous system, the inter-neuronal space is

filled with large amount of supporting non-nervous cells
called neuroglia cells (or microglial cells or
- These cells are more in number as compared to the
- They are capable of regeneration and division which is
lacking in nerve cell.
- The glial cells are useful in supporting the neurons,
providing nourishment of neurons and provide
protection to neurons by engulfing foreign particles
Neurons Classification


Structure Function Medullary sheath

1. Unipolar 1. Sensory 1. Medullated

2. Bipolar 2. Motor 2. Non- medullated
3. Multipolar
Multipolar neuron
• One aon and 2 or more dendrons
• Found in the cerebral corte

Bipolar neuron
• One aon and one dendron
• Found in the retina of eye

Unipolar neuron
• One aon only
• Found in the embryonic stage
Myelinated or Medullated Non-myelinated or non-
nerve fibre: medullated nerve fibre:
- Schwann cells secrete an insulating fatty layer - The axon of this nerve fibre lacks the myelin
around the nerve fibre which forms myelin sheath as the Schwann cells present around
sheath. the nerve fibre does not secrete the sheath.
- It is interrupted at regular intervals called
Nodes of Ranvier. - These are present in the autonomous
- A thin delicate membrane called neurilemma nerves of vertebrates and invertebrate
surrounds the axon. nervous system.
- Cranial nerves of vertebrates are of this type. - These nerve fibres also help in the
- Myelinated or Medullated nerve fibres are conduction of impulses but at much
useful in conducting impulse at a faster rate.
- As the impulse jumps from one Node of Ranvier slower rate as compared to myelinated
to another, it is called Saltatory conduction. nerve fibres.

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