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Cañete, Khyle B.

From the book "Catch 22":

1.How does the theme of individual integrity work in the novel? In your
response, consider Yossarian, Chaplain Tappman, and Milo Minderbinder.
- Personal integrity is a frequent concept in Catch-22, and it is important to
understanding Yossarian. A fight between the individual and the institution is
shown in the novel. Yossarian challenges military authority, but others join
him, such as the admirable Chaplain Tappman, who, under Yossarian's
influence, transforms from a timid soul to a true fighter. Milo Minderbinder is
the most noticeable representation of the novel's greed theme, but he is not
alone; Colonel Cathcart and General Peckem, among others, personify
excessive ambition as a form of greed.
2.What do you consider to be the most emotionally effective section or
passage in the novel? How does Heller make this section or passage work?
- Society. The struggle between the individual and society is one of the
central themes in Catch 22. Despite the fact that the book is set during
World War II, it is not about that conflict. It's about a country and its people,
and it's a simulation of life in any organization. Heller uses themes in the
way of a musical composer, introducing them briefly and then returning to
them as the novel unfolds, enriching and enlarging them as he continues.

From the book "For Whom The Bell Tolls":

1.One of the most frequent criticisms of for whom the bell tolls is that
Hemingway portrays Maria as too submissive and eager to please to be a
believable character. Do you agree with this critique? What is the role of
women in the novel?
-I agree with this critique because Maria slowly fell in love with Robert
Jordan and knowing that their respective backgrounds are not so different.
Jordan’s comments to her suggest that he hopes to help her overcome this
trauma, and that their love will be a restorative force in the midst of the
violence and injustice of war. The role of women in Ernest Hemingway’s
works For Whom the Bell Tolls is something that cannot be overlooked.
Despite the fact that only two women appear in the book, their personalities
and influence on the situation are clear from the start. Pilar has been
referred to as being like a guy since the beginning. She possesses the
confidence, wisdom, and appearance of a man, which is one of her most
distinguishing qualities and personality traits.
2.How does Hemingway go about giving the reader information as to what
sort of life the peasants led before the revolution?
- Hemingway provides the reader with additional information, some of which
has already been provided and is merely being emphasized here. For
example, we discover that Jordan is a capable writer who has had a book
published. We're told that he was a college professor, and that because of
his political views, he might not be able to teach again. And, in the scene
with the armored car, we see the peasants' unwillingness to die for the
Cause once more.

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