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Ronald Fopossi

05 May 2022

History 1301-6026

CRN 20191

When the Mississippi Ran Backward Writing Assignment

1- This book is both a primary and a secondary source.

2- Tecumseh’s great journey was intended to spread the message of intertribal unity.

3- Two of the devious methods the federal government used to obtain massive native land

cessions were bribing tribal leaders and/or plying them with liquor and striking deals with

individuals who had no authority to represent their tribe.

4- The name “Tecumseh” translate to shooting star or blazing comet.

5- Tecumseh prophecy was that when he arrives at Detroit, he will stamp his foot on the ground

and shake down every house in tuckhabatchee.

6- The Lewis brothers were nephews of Thomas Jefferson.

7- The family emigrated to Kentucky in search of new farmland to work.

8- George broke the pitcher lilburne gave him to fetch water from the spring of the property.

9- It is true that the maiden voyage of the New Orleans was the first steamboat trip ever on the

Ohio and Mississippi rivers.

10- The assertion, “Nicholas and Lydia Roosevelt were the great-grand-uncle and great-grand-

aunt of Franklin Roosevelt” is false.

11- Explanation of sweeping: Taking a rope from one of the boats, a gang of rowdies would go

ashore. One half of the bunch took one side of the street, and the other half went across. With the

rope stretched taut between them, the two groups advanced up the road, bringing down whoever

and whatever was unfortunate enough to be in their path.

12- The man who named New Madrid is George Morgan.

13- George Morgan’s covert rival was James Wilkinson.

14- It is true that land speculation was the main investment scheme of the age.

15- The Spanish ambassador that was dispatched to New York in an attempt to counter

America’s westward expansion was Don Diego de Gardoqui.

16- It is true that George Morgan resented Congress for thwarting his two grand colonizing

schemes in the west.

17- George Morgan ask the Spanish Crown to grant him 2 million acres of land for a colony.

18- The falls of Ohio was a stretch of rapids that dropped twenty-six feet in about three miles.

19- The two types of snags, the worst of the wooden hazards on the river were Swayers and


20- The most dangerous of the man-made hazards was shoddy boatbuilding.

21- It is True that George Morgan laid the foundation for the modern system of rectangular

survey of public lands.

22- The two issues that Kentuckians were most incensed over were:

- The failure of Virginia and later the federal government to protect Kentucky’s isolated settlers

from increasingly intensifying Indian attacks.

-The struggle with Spain over the control of the Mississippi river and the government’s failure to

protect Kentucky’s interests, since her economy survival depended on being able to ship produce

and receive goods via the river.

23- The deal James Wilkinson offer Esteban Miro in his First Memorial was that in exchange for

a monopoly on Kentucky produce sold at New Orleans, he would use his influence to steer

Kentucky toward separating from the United States and joining Spain.

24- The assertion “Morgan’s proposed colony put Wilkinson’s scheme in jeopardy” is true.

25- The two provisions in the King of Spain’s response that all but ended Wilkinson’s hopes for

making a big killing in his dealings with Spain were:

- The Spanish monarch refused to finance any espionage efforts aimed at separating Kentucky

from the United States.

- He opened the Mississippi river to all Americans citizens on the condition they pay a 15

percent duty on goods transported.

26- Two problems with New Madrid’s location that made it less-than-ideal:

- The flatness of the prairie, lacking drainage, caused rainwater to collect in stagnant ponds

-Putrid fevers and agues were very prevalent from June to November.
27- The two distinct groups of white immigrants in New Madrid were ethnic French and Anglo-


28- The two men who became the principal adversaries in the U.S.-Indian struggle for the

frontier that met for the first time at the town of Vincennes in August of 1810 were Tecumseh

and William Henry Harrison.

29- The name of Tecumseh's younger brother was Tenskwatawa.

30- Two things the establishment of Prophetstown accomplished:

- It puts the brothers further away from the reach and influence of the U.S.

- It sent a message to the government that indicated their determination to defend their remaining


31- The statement “The Randolph family was riddled with mental and physical instability,

including retardation, insanity, epilepsy, alcohol abuse, morphine addiction, and criminal

behavior” is true.

32- Gouging consisted in allowing the finger-nails to grow so long, that, by cutting them, you

could give them the form of a small sickle, and this strange weapon was used, in the broils that

constantly occurred, to cut out the eyes of the hostile party.

33- It is true that Nicholas Roosevelt had invented the method of propulsion that would later be

proven the most efficient way of moving steamboats at age 13, and by age 30 was acknowledged

as the premier engine maker in the U.S.

34- Two alternative names that flatboats were known as: broadhorns and arks.

35- The largest of keelboats were sometimes called barges.

36- The four types of earthquakes are tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, collapse

quakes and explosion earthquakes.

37- The New Madrid earthquakes were highly unusual in that they were intraplate quakes.

38- A shallow-focus quake has an initial rupture of less than forty miles deep.

39- It is false that Earthquakes in themselves usually kill people.

40- The two types of faults found in the New Madrid fault system were strike-slip fault and

thrust fault.

41- The assertion, “A common misunderstanding about the Richter Scale is that an increase of

one unit on the scale represents a tenfold increase in size” is true.

42- The phrase “a true-bill” indicated that the members of the grand jury regarded the evidence

convincing enough to recommend that the brothers be bound over for trial.

43- It is true that Tecumseh used the earthquakes to his advantage and they were a determining

factor in many tribesmen’s thinking.

44- It is true that the capture of Detroit marked the high point of the pan-tribal movement’s


45- The claim, “Colonel Richard Mentor Johnson is, without a doubt, the man who killed

Tecumseh” is false.

46- It is true that the decisive battle of the Creek War was at Horseshoe Bend in March of 1814.

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