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The Effects of

Sle e p D e p riva t io n
Student 1’s Sle e p s c h e d u le

Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 2

Sleep 12am - 1am- 2 am- 3 25 am - 12 am- 1 am- 10 12 am -

time 8am 10am 12 pm 11 am 9 am am 9 am

Hours 8 hours 9 hours 10 hours 7 hrs 45 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours

slept mins
Student 2’s Sleep Sc h e d u le

Tue 11/26 Wed 11/27 Thru 11/28 Fri 11/29 Sat 11/30 Sun 12/1 Mon 12/2

Sleep 11pm - 2am - 5:40 12am - 3am - 9am 1am - 3am - 3am - 9am
Time 9am am 9am 11am 11am

Hours 10 hours 3 hours 9 hours 6 hours 10 hours 8 hours 6 hours

Slept 40 mins

Weekday average: 29% of the time is sleep

Weekend average: 37.5% of the time is sleep

Reasons and Solutions

● My two most active days are Friday

and Monday where I have only gotten
6 hours of sleep.
● I could just go to sleeping 8 hours
because on those days I was actually
awake longer than those days where
I’m most active.
● Then again on these days I didn’t get
have to do much since it was the
Thanksgiving Break
Sleep Deprivations of Americans in General

The odds of being sleep deprived (less than 6 hours

a night for adults) has increased significantly over
Mental disorders and work schedules are
the past 30 years as the lines between work and
the main reason for sleep problems
home have become blurred and digital technology
affecting 70% of Americans. Although sleep
has firmly become part of our lifestyles.
problems can happen to anyone there are
more sleep problems in minorities and
underserved populations.Sleepiness affects
vigilance, reaction times, learning abilities, “The State of SleepHealth in America.” SleepHealth,
alertness, mood, hand eye coordination,
and the accuracy of short term memory. sleephealth-in-america/.
Sleepiness has been identified as the
cause of a growing number of on the job
accidents and car accidents. 25% of adults
suffer from poor sleep or just sleep well 15
out of every 30 days.
College Students Losing Sleep

On average, most college students get 6 - 6.9 hours of sleep per night, and the college years
are notoriously sleep-deprived due to an overload of activities. Recent research on college
students and sleep indicates that insufficient sleep impacts our health. Americans overall, are
sleeping less, and if you are like most college students, chances are you are not getting
enough sleep. On average, most college students get 6 - 6.9 hours of sleep per night, and the
college years are notoriously sleep-deprived due to an overload of activities. Recent research
on college students and sleep indicates that insufficient sleep impacts our health, our moods,
our GPA and our safety. Sleep really matters.

“Sleep Rocks! ...Get More of It!” University Health Center | Managing Stress | SleepUniversity Health Center |
University of GeorgiaUniversity Health Center, average, most
college students,our GPA and our safety.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Grades

50% of students report daytime sleepiness and 70% of students reported insufficient sleep; this could
affect their grades and ability to learn. Sleep deprivation leads to you not being able to remember
things, this is seen in people who have morning classes since they don't get to get there last period of
sleep out of the 5 periods you should have when you sleep (REM sleep). When students decide to
pull an all nighter to get studying for the test actually do worse than students who get a good night's
rest. Students ages 10-14 years old who are only sleeping 5 hours a night have an impaired
vocabulary and abstract thinking.

Hershner, Shelley D, and Ronald D Chervin. “Causes and Consequences of Sleepiness among
College Students.” Nature and Science of Sleep, Dove Medical Press, 23 June 2014,
Ranked from 1 - 4
1 being the most important and 4 being the least important

Student 1 Student 2

School/Study 2 3

Work 3 4

Sleep 4 2

Family/Friends 1 1

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