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MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity

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National Occupational

This unit is about developing plans for basic entrepreneurial activity .

MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity
Unit Code MEP/N9996
Unit Title
National Occupational Standard

Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity

Description This unit is about identifying opportunities and developing plans for basic
entrepreneurial activity
NSQF Level 3
Scope This unit/ task covers the following:
 Identify and assess Entrepreneurial opportunity
 Develop a basic, rudimentary Business Plan
 Plan to acquire knowledge and develop skills for Entrepreneurship

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Identify and assess To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
Entrepreneurial PC1. identify different types of Entrepreneurship and Enterprises
opportunity For-Profit/Business Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, etc.
Types of firms/types of Enterprises - Small, Medium, Large
PC2. use various techniques and approaches to discover opportunities for
potential business
PC3. develop and assess ideas and opportunities for potential viable business,
suited to own capabilities
PC4. undertake competition analysis to assess business opportunities

Develop a Basic To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:

Rudimentary PC5. create a basic, rudimentary business plan involving 4 Ps of marketing -
Business Plan product, price, place, & promotion
PC6. research and identify sources of funding for the proposed business
Sources: eg. formal schemes, loans and micro-loans, personal borrowings,
PC7. identify risks related to the business and develop plans to minimize risk
PC8. identify regulatory/statutory and other rules or guidelines applicable to
proposed line of business and include in the basic business plan
PC9. develop a resource plan for the business and estimate costs for the same
Resources: eg. human resources, raw materials, machinery, equipment and
PC10. define customer base, key value proposition and targeted customer

Use effective To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:

approaches to PC11. use success and failure stories of other Entrepreneurs and ventures to extract
acquire knowledge relevant lessons for self-development as an Entrepreneur

MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity
and develop skills for PC12. identify avenues for relevant skills and knowledge development for oneself, in
Entrepreneurship preparation for entrepreneurial activity
PC13. identify personnel who can support own development, by providing guidance
and feedback

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. purpose of the proposed organisation
(Knowledge of the KA2. key value proposition and offering of the proposed organisation
company KA3. targeted customer segments
/organization and KA4. organisation capabilities and resources
its processes) KA5. capital sources of the organisation and quantum of capital that is accessible
through these
B. Technical The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. the concept of entrepreneurship
KB2. types of entrepreneurship and enterprises
KB3. difference between self-employment and entrepreneurship
KB4. techniques and methods to discover, develop and evaluate opportunities for
potential business
KB5. purpose, requirements, tools and techniques and importance of competition
KB6. 4 Ps of Marketing - Product, Price, Place, & Promotion
KB7. purpose, importance and elements of a good Business Plan
KB8. sources of information on various schemes for funding and other support
KB9. various sources of capital and related considerations
KB10. importance, elements of, and tools and techniques for - risk analysis and
KB11. sources of learning and developing own skills and knowledge for
KB12. basic business terminologies
KB13. fundamentals of accounting
KB14. various types and categories of costs
Costs: Fixed vs Variable
KB15. concept, purpose and use of Balance sheet, P&L, working capital, etc
KB16. concept of regulatory compliances (income tax, Goods and Sales Tax (GST),
shop & establishment act/ Employees’ State Insurance (ESI)/labour act, etc.)
KB17. concept, importance and principles of Customer Relationship Management
and related good practice
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. write paragraphs in a coherent and logical manner
SA2. prepare a professional CV
SA3. fill forms and applications accurately

MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity
Reading Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. read information on websites and in advertisements to extract relevant
information correctly
SA5. read stories and news items to extract relevant meaning and information
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. speak in a respectable pitch and tone

B. Professional Skills Decision Making

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. collect relevant information within a time frame to make an informed
SB2. use prioritisation based on importance and urgency to make timely decisions

Plan and Organize

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. create short and focused personal development and learning plans for
SB4. use time management principles, goal setting and to do lists to create action
plans for days, weeks, months and years

Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. identify customer need that is proposed to be met by product or service

Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. identify sources of support that can be useful in resolution of problems

Analytical Thinking
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. breakdown relevant a process into its constituent activities/stages for ease of

Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. evaluate own strengths and areas of improvement by accurately matching
results of own efforts to actions/approaches taken

MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity

NOS Version Control

NOS Code MEP/N9996

Credits TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Entrepreneurship and Drafted on 26/08/2018
Professional Skills
Industry Sub-sector Professional Skills Last reviewed on 04/09/2018
Occupation Generic Next review date 03/09/2022

MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity

Criteria For Assessment Of Trainees

Compulsory NOS
Total Marks: 100 Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Skills
outcomes Assessment Criteria for outcomes Marks Out of Theory Practical
MEP/N9996 Plan 100
PC1.identify different types of
for Basic
Entrepreneurship and Enterprises 5 2 3
PC2.use various techniques and approaches
to discover opportunities for potential
business 6 3 3
PC3.develop and assess ideas and
opportunities for potential viable business,
suited to own capabilities 10 4 6
PC4.undertake competition analysis to
assess business opportunities 10 4 6
PC5.create a basic, rudimentary business
plan involving 4 Ps of marketing - product,
price, place, & promotion 10 4 6
PC6.identify various schemes available for
supporting the business and include in the
basic business plan 10 4 6
PC7.research and identify sources of
funding and include in the basic business
plan 10 4 6
PC8. identify risks related to the business
and develop plans to minimize risk 10 4 6
PC09.identify regulatory/statutory and
other rules or guidelines applicable to
proposed line of business and include in the
basic business plan 6 2 4
PC10.develop a resource plan for the
business and costs the same 6 2 4
PC11.define customer base, key value
proposition and targeted customer
experience 6 2 4
PC12.use success and failure stories of other
Entrepreneurs and ventures to extract
relevant lessons for self-development as an
Entrepreneur 3 1 2
PC13.identify avenues for relevant skills and
knowledge development for oneself in
preparation for entrepreneurial activity 4 2 2

MEP/N9996 Plan for basic entrepreneurial activity
PC14.identify personnel who can support
own development, by providing guidance
and feedback 4 2 2

Total 100 40 60

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