CH 5.5 Y8 GP Personal

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Name: Mona

Date: 15/3/2021
Score:…../21 pts
Chapter 5.5 Earthquake in Sichuan
Q1: (1)
Q2: write with 50words (5)
Sichuan is located in southwest China, it is on the Indo- Australian plate, its in china, its
located in Asia, north part of China country, it have mountains, the country got
earthquakes that kills a lot of people there by thestrai n got too much fault. Rock slipped
Q3: write with 30 words (3)
In my classroom I the afternoon I was just about to finish my class then suddenly the
ground started shaking, my school also begins to shake, books topple, walls say and
crack, the door frames splinter , the buildings collapse, the ceilings crushed down to my
body and the other students and teachers, I was awaiting for help. Then I got rescued by
getting pulled out from there.
Q4: (2)
The shaking point started at somewhere in chendgu strongly then followed up to
Beichuan between the light of 50-100 km. It was a really powerful earthquake.
Q5: (3)
a.that represent the severity of shaking red color mean it’s a severe shaking scale.
b. Because the color in that map shown that Ziyang only have an less strong earthquake
(green color), for Mianying it have a slightly Yellow color on the map and a bit of orange
u can see the spot there which meat is suffers more than Ziyang.
c. 50-100km
Q6: (2)

Because Sichuan is surrounded by plate Tetonic blocks that are seismically active.
Q7: how? explain with 50 words. (5)
I think just to prevent some of their deaths, by giving some buildings a bunker to say
inside so they could get preserved for a while during the earthquake and less ceilings
would kill the people, build a building that have flexible structure just like in Japan,
Because Japanese people they know how t adopt the earthquake shaking. And prevent the
buildings fromcollapsing.

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