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plastic items

Everyday plastic items harming our oceans. Which

ones have you used today?

plastic plastic fruit & plastic straws &

cutlery vegetable bags drink stirrers

plastic shopping plastic bottles

bags & lids

plastic takeaway plastic-lined coffee

containers cups & lids

food tray/ food disposable plastic

container cups, plates &

it's time to take action!

It is not the time for blaming the plastic. Plastic is a very

useful material for us. The advantages of plastics are;

cheapest price from other material, good oxygen

barrier etc. Say no to Plastic is a misleading champaign,

the correct one is; Say no to Plastic Waste. The

Government Policy in managing waste is the most

important thing, as well as public awarenss to dispose

of waste in its place, and change your conventional

plastic material into the GREEN one. Make your plastic

product becoming biodegradable using our Oxo

Biodegradable Technology, We are the real Oxo

Biodegradable, becaue We are

Please feel free contact us at or

+628976162058 ( Mr. Yoyo)

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