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6/25/22, 6:58 AM Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice_Test 121 of 150)- Examrace

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Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice_Test 121 of

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1. Who is considered the guardian of the Public Purse?

a. Parliament

b. Comptroller and Auditor General

c. Public Accounts Committee

d. The President

Answer: b

2. All moneys received by or on behalf of the Government of India are credited to

a. the Consolidated Fund of India

b. the Public Account of India

c. the Contingency Fund of India Codes:

i. 1 2,3

ii. 1 3

iii. 1 only

iv. 1 2

Answer: c

3. Members of Rajya Sabha are not associated with

a. Public Accounts Committee

b. Estimates Committee

c. Committee on Public Undertakings


a. 1 2

b. I

c. II

d. 1 3

Answer: c

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6/25/22, 6:58 AM Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice_Test 121 of 150)- Examrace

4. Which of the following is concerned with the regularity and economy of expenditure of
a. Public Account Committee

b. Estimates Committees

c. Business Advisory Committee

d. Committee on Offices on Profit

Answer: a

5. Which of the following are a function of Parliament in India?

a. Providing the cabinet and holding them responsible

b. Critically analysing government policy

c. Grievance ventilation

d. Securing relevant information on government


a. 1 2,3, 4

b. 1 2,4

c. 2 3,4

d. 1 2,3

Answer: a

6. The Parliament in India consists of

a. President

b. Rajya Sabha

c. Lok Sabha

d. Vice President


a. 1 2 and 3

b. II and 3

c. 2 3 and 4

d. 1 2,3 and 4

Answer: a

7. The members of the Rajya Sabha are

a. Elected indirectly

b. Mostly nominated

c. Elected directly as well as indirectly

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d. Elected by the members of the Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils of States

Answer: a

8. As a result of prorogation which of the following is not affected?

a. Resolutions

b. Bills

c. Motions

d. Notices

Answer: b

9. Which Union Territories are represented in Rajya Sabha at present?

a. Delhi

b. Pondicherry

c. Lakshadweep

d. Chandigarh


a. 1 2 and 4

b. II and 3

c. 1 2,3 and 4

d. 1 2

Answer: d

10. An Appropriation Bill

a. Is necessary to draw money from the Consolidated Fund of India

b. Cannot be amended to vary the amount of any charged expenditure

c. Includes only the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India

d. Is required to withdraw money from the Contingency Fund of India Codes:

i. I and 3

ii. 1 2 and 3

iii. 1 2

iv. 1 2,3 and 4

Answer: c

11. Which of the following are means by which Parliament controls the financial system?
a. Parliament has to authorize the levy or collection of any tax

b. Money can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India only if Parliament sanctions it

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c. Through the financial committees that scrutinize Government expenditure

d. It causes the Budget to be laid before it every year


a. 1 2,3, 4

b. 1 2 only

c. 2 3,4

d. 1 2,3

Answer: a

12. At a joint sitting of Parliament a bill has to be passed

a. By a simple majority of the total number of members of both Houses

b. By a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of both Houses

c. By a simple majority of the total number of members of both Houses present and voting

d. By a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of both Houses present and voting

Answer: c

13. Which of the following States sends the maximum number of members to the Rajya Sabha?
a. Uttar Pradesh

b. Bihar

c. West Bengal

d. All equal

Answer: a

14. Representatives of Union Territories in Lok Sabha are chosen by

a. Direct election

b. Indirect election

c. Nomination

d. All the above

Answer: a

15. The term of Rajya Sabha members was fixed by the

a. President

b. Constitution

c. Parliament

d. Cabinet

Answer: b

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16. The Estimates Committee

a. Consists of 30 members appointed by the Speaker

b. Consists of 15 members each from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

c. Has its members elected according to the system of proportional representation

d. Has a Union Minister as its Chairman

Answer: a

17. Whose function is it to see that no money is spent out of the Consolidated Fund of a State without
the authority of the legislature?
a. Public Accounts Committee

b. Comptroller and Auditor General of India

c. Finance Commission

d. None of the above

Answer: a

18. The functions of the Estimates Committee of Parliament include

a. presenting annually to Parliament an Economic Survey report on the country՚s state of

b. reporting on what economies, improvement in organisation, or administrative reforms can

be effected

c. examining whether the money is well laid out within the limits of the policy implied in the

d. suggesting the form in which estimates should be presented to the Parliament Codes:
i. 2 3

ii. 2 3,4

iii. 1 3,4

iv. All the above

Answer: b

19. Which of the following are the circumstances under which an elected member of Parliament may
be disqualified on the ground of defection?
a. If he voluntarily gives up his membership of a political party

b. If he votes or abstains from voting contrary to any direction issued by his political party
without prior permission of the political party

c. If he is expelled by the party for anti-party activities

d. If he joins a political party other than the party on whose ticket he contested and got elected

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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a. 1 2,3, 4

b. 1 2,4

c. 1 3,4

d. 2 3,4

Answer: b

20. The Constitution of India provides that a bill passed by the Union Parliament cannot become a law
until the President accords his approval to it. Normally, the President accords his approval but he
can withhold his assent and can ask the House to reconsider it. This power is applicable to the
a. Money Bills

b. Ordinary Bills

c. Financial Bills Codes:

i. 1 2

ii. 2 only

iii. 2 3

iv. 1 2,3

Answer: c

21. If the speaker of the Lok Sabha wants to resign, he is required to send his resignation letter to the
a. Prime Minister

b. Deputy Speaker

c. President

d. Parliament secretariat

Answer: b

22. Which of the following offices have been provided by the Constitution?
a. Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

b. Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

c. Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assembly

d. Deputy Prime Minister Codes:

i. 1 2,3

ii. 2 only

iii. 1 2

iv. 1,2 3,4

Answer: a
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6/25/22, 6:58 AM Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice_Test 121 of 150)- Examrace

23. In the removal of which of the following officials does the Parliament play no role?
a. Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission

b. Judges of the High Courts

c. Judges of the Supreme Court

d. Comptroller and Auditor General of India


a. 1 only

b. 2 3,4

c. 1 2

d. 3 only

Answer: a

24. Expenses incurred out of the Contingency Fund of India are

a. subsequently recouped by transferring savings from other heads of budget

b. recouped through supplementary, addition or excess grants by Parliament

c. not recouped till the whole fund is exhausted

d. recouped by collecting contributions from various states

Answer: b

25. The Consolidated Fund of India is a fund in which

a. all taxes collected by the Union as well as State governments are deposited

b. all money received by or on behalf of the Government of India is deposited

c. the Union as well as State Governments make equal contribution to this fund and out of this,
all charged expenses are met

d. savings of the Union and State Governments are deposited to meet unforeseen expenses

Answer: b

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