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Workout Plan

Coach : Abhinav Mahajan

Online Personal Coaching Anshul Suryan


Warmup before workout :

Warm-ups serve as a way to increase muscle activation. Doing dynamic

warm-ups (exercises and drills which take you through a range of motion) can
improve performance and force output. Don’t view your warm-up as just “going
through the motions.” The goal is to always be very mindful about the muscles you
are contracting and the bodily movements you’re doing. A proper and complete
warm up helps strengthen this mindfulness.

Warmup between exercises :

The number of sets assigned to each exercise refers only to working sets. It is
important you warm-up sufficiently prior to doing these working sets. Specifically,
we recommend performing 2-3 warm-up sets of the first exercise performed in a

These three warm-up sets should be performed with progressively heavier weight:
~30%, ~50%, and ~70% of the weight you use for working sets, respectively. For
subsequent lifts, perform only one warm-up set with approximately 70% of the
weight you plan to use for the ensuing working sets. Never perform more than 10
reps in a warm-up set, so as to avoid fatiguing the targeted muscles excessively
prior to performing your working sets. Keep the warmup movements slow and
controlled. As mentioned, be aware and mindful of each repetition. Use this time to
get your breathing pattern right for the heavier sets.

Online Personal Coaching Anshul Suryan

I would recommend to perform the following warmup drills before workout in

gym .

1. Bent Knee Iron Cross - 8 Reps

2. Fire Hydrant Circles - 8 Reps

3. Mountain Climbers - 8 Reps

4. Cat and Cow Stretch – 8 Reps

5. Band Dislocations - 10 Reps

6. Arm Circles - 20 Reps (Clockwise

and Anticlockwise)

7. Neck Circles - 10 Reps (Clockwise

and Anticlockwise)

8. Wrist Circles - 20 Reps (Clockwise

and Anticlockwise)

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Body Recomp phase 1 :

Monday - Bench Press Day

Tuesday - Pull Day

Wednesday - Squat Day

Thursday - Conditioning and Abs

Friday – Push/Pull Day

Saturday - Yoga Day

Sunday – Yoga Day

Repeat From Monday

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1. Barbell Bench Press - 4 Sets 8 Reps (Rest 90 sec)

2. Barbell/Dumbbell Decline Chest Press - 3 sets 15 Reps (Rest 1 Minute)

3. Seated Barbell/Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets 12 Reps (Rest 1 Minute)

4. Single/Both Arm Seated Dumbbell Side Raise - 3 sets 15 reps (Rest 45 sec)

5. Lying Single Arm Dumbbell Skull Crusher - 3 sets 15 reps (Rest 45 sec)

6. Weighted Decline Crunches (Half Movement) - 3 sets 12 reps (rest 45 sec)

Cooldown and Stretching


1. Wide Grip Pullups - 4 Sets 8 Reps (Rest 60 sec)

2. Seated Cable Lats Row/Close Grip Lat Pulldown - 3 sets 15 Reps (Rest 1

3. Cable Face Pulls/Reverse Pec Dec - 3 sets 15 Reps (Rest 45 sec)

4. Barbell Shrugs/Dumbbell Shrugs - 3 sets 15 reps (Rest 45 sec)

5. Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl/Dumbbell Spider Curls - 3 sets 15 reps (Rest

45 sec)

Cooldown and Stretching

Online Personal Coaching Anshul Suryan


1. Paused Back Squat - 4 Sets 8 Reps (Rest 90 sec)

2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift - 3 sets 12 Reps (Rest 90 sec)

3. Walking Dumbbell Lunges/Single Leg Extensions - 3 sets 15 Reps each leg

(Rest 1 Minute)

4. Leg Curl/Single Leg Curl - 3 sets 15 reps (Rest 1 min)

5. Seated/Standing Calf Raises - 4 sets 15 reps (Rest 45 sec)

6. Hanging Knee Raises/Lying Leg Raises on Bench - 3 sets 12 reps (rest 45


Cooldown and Stretching

Online Personal Coaching Anshul Suryan


Abs Training -

1. Hanging Knee Raises @3x10

2. Lying Leg Raises @3x10

3. Russian Twists @3x10

4. Machine Crunches @3x10

Conditioning Workout :

15 Mins HIIT (Use a Low Impact Cardio machine like crosstrainer, spinning
bike, stair master, rowing machine or combination of machines. Go for 30
seconds all in, then slow down for 1 minute and repeat it until 15 mins are over.
After that reduce the intensity and continue for 15 Mins)

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1. Standing Barbell Push Press/Seated Barbell Shoulder Press - 4 Sets 8 Reps

(Rest 90 sec)

2. Seated Arnold Press/Seated Single Arm Shoulder Dumbbell Press - 3 sets

15 Reps (Rest 1 Minute)

3. Inclined Barbell/Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 sets 12 Reps (Rest 1 Minute)

4. Bent over Cable Crossover/Dumbbell Decline Fly - 3 sets 15 reps (Rest 45


5. Standing Single Arm Cable/Machine Rows - 3 sets 12 reps (Rest 60


6. 6A. Paused Seated Overhead Dumbbell/Rope Triceps Extensions - 4 sets

10,12,15,18 reps (rest 60 sec).

6B. Preacher Dumbbell Curls/Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls - 4 sets

10,12,15,20 reps


Yoga Session : (Side body and shoulders) –


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Yoga Session : (Healthy Spine) –


Online Personal Coaching Anshul Suryan


Perform 15 mins cooldown and stretching. Here are the cooldown exercises and
stretches (Hold each stretch for 60 seconds).

- Pec Stretch
- Childs Pose (30 Seconds)
- Cat Cow Stretch (8 times each slow and controlled)
- Dragon A (30 seconds Will open up your hips. Keep something soft like
a towel or extra mat below your knees)
- Sphinx Pose (30 seconds to strengthen your lower back)
- Glute Bridge (60 seconds hold)
- Spinal twist (60 seconds each side . This will decompress your spine
and help in alignment)
- Corpse pose (2 minutes)

Focus on the breath during all the stretches. Let the thoughts flow. Just relax
on the mat.

Online Personal Coaching Anshul Suryan


1. Progressive Overload – You should always be aiming to beat your last

workout. In every consequent workout, try to either increase 1-2 reps at the
same poundage on an exercise, or you can add 2 to 5 kgs in total to the exercise.
Progressive Overload should be your PRIMARY FOCUS always!

2. Grip/Welding the bar –Your grip is the strongest link between you and the
barbell/dumbbell. A weak grip will result in a weak set. You must focus on
making the iron one with your body. A tight grip with straight wrists can turn a
regular set into a PR (personal record) set. It ensures tightness and tension
throughout the body from the ground up, and that force is transferred into
moving the weight via the kinetic chain. For pushing movements, make sure to
keep the wrist in a naturally straight position in line with the rest of your
forearm. This puts the wrist in a safer position and allows for maximum force

3. Proprioception – Pick a spot and stare at that during the whole set. Do not let
your eyes wander or allow yourself to get distracted. Maintain your stare at a
point and focus on performing the movement with the right technique.
Example: on the bench press, fix your eyes on a spot at the ceiling and stare at

4. Breathing – Very important but often overlooked principle. You must breathe
in before starting the rep on compound exercises. Hold your breath during the
negative/eccentric/lengthening portion of the rep and then explode into the
positive/concentric/shortening part of the rep. Then you can breathe out and
breathe in deeply for the next rep and repeat the process. Example: On the
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bench press, before lowering the bar breathe in deeply. Hold your breath and
lower the bar. Upon touching the chest raise the bar back to the starting
position. Then breathe out and repeat the process.

5. Range of motion (ROM) – You must aim on performing every movement for
every muscle group through the full range of motion of that muscle group. This
action will recruit maximum amount of muscle fibers. Also, it will allow you to
become stronger, a.k.a. progressively overload faster as you will be using the
full capacity and function of the muscle as well as provide the CNS a reference
point to develop good neural pathways.

6. No assisted reps – Please do not allow the spotter to help you in finishing your
reps. A spotter should stand by for safety reasons only. Do not allow the spotter
to keep his/her hands on the bar/dumbbell/your body parts. If you cannot
complete the required number of reps for a particular set with proper form,
finish the set there.

7. Do NOT train to failure – Compound exercises are strenuous on the Central

Nervous System. Reaching failure on these would be detrimental, as it would
hinder recovery. Always leave 1 rep in the tank while performing compound
exercises. However, you can aim for failure on isolation movements such as
bicep curls, lateral raises, etc but not always.

8. Foundation/Grounding yourself – Your feet will determine stability and

ensure a strong foundation during the movement. On exercises where your feet
are on the floor, spread them evenly so that you have a firm, strong and
comfortable stance. There should be no unnecessary fidgeting. Example: on the
bench press, plant the feet firmly on the ground instead on dangling them in the
air or lacing them on the bench

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9. Tightness – Make sure you make your body rigid by tightening every muscle in
your body on all exercises. This will engage the core and activate the kinetic
chain ensuring that you perform each set with maximum effort and safety.

10. Music – Possibly the biggest aid to your training. The right kind of music will
allow you to get in the ZONE! You will find good results with music that has a
good rhythm such as heavy metal, rock, hip-hop, rap, commercial, etc. It helps
you tune out external distractions and you can use the beats to provide a tempo
for your reps. For best results, we have found that hip-hop or heavy metal kind
of music with solid beats and aggressive lyrics really gets our athletes in the
mood to break some PRs (Personal Records). Alternatively feel free to select
from your own personal favourites. Space Disco may not be a popular pick but
if it gets you in the zone then go for it!


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