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Data breaches

On November 2021, there was a data breach. Gaff, an exclusive UK jeweler, suffered a data breach that
exposed several of its renowned customers. Conti, a Russian cybercrime gang, was behind the invasion,
which included the use of ransomware (ransom software).

Conti began posting several of the theft files on the deep web after snatching Gaff's confidential material
and encoding their internal network, convincing to stop only if a ransom of up to ten million pounds is
compensated. Conti posted 11,000 data on the deep web to verify they weren't lying, which by Russian
computer hackers symbolizes only 1% of the overall files snatched. Client identities, addresses, receipts,
invoices, and accounts payable were among the stolen documents. This breach is said to have effected a
number of high-profile clients, including:

 David Beckham
 Donald Trump
 Sir Philip green
 Oprah Winfrey
 Alec Baldwin

Efficient ransomware avoidance necessitates the use of good tracking software, regular file backups,
anti-malware tools, and user documentation. Even though no cyber-defense can entirely remove
danger, you can immensely decrease the incidence that intruders will be effective.

The CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) is a prototype for guiding security policy within a
company. When searching at ransomware attacks through the lens of the CIA Triad security
architecture, it's clear that these attacks jeopardize not only data access, but also data secrecy and

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