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HH3 EES 4850 Summer 2021

1. (70 points) A groundwater used as a source for supplying drinking water is contaminated with
chloroform (CF) and perchloroethylene (PERC).
Compound Concentration (ppb) Oral RfD (mg/kg/d)
Chloroform (CF) 215 0.01
Perchloroethylene (PERC) 85 0.01

You must evaluate granular activated carbon adsorption as a treatment alternative to decrease the
concentrations of CF and PERC in the groundwater down to 5 ppb each. The water flow rate must
still be 800 gpm, and the following Freundlich isotherm parameters are assumed to be applicable
for this treatment scenario:
For CF: K = 11 mg/g and 1/n
= .84
For PERC: K = 51 mg/g and 1/n =

Determine the carbon usage rate (in kg/day) assuming no adsorption competition between CF and
PERC for the following two treatment options:
(a) an ideal batch treatment operation, and
(b) an ideal continuous treatment operation.

Batch treatment—all carbon is loaded at effluent concentration.

Continuous treatment – all carbon is loaded at the influent

Isotherm equation carbon loading g chemical/g carbon is K∙Cn

First, calculate the mass (kg/day) of each chemical that must be removed (flow times
Cin- Cout)

Next for batch, calculate the carbon loading for each chemical at Cout.

Finally, divide the mass of each chemical that must be removed by the carbon
loading for that chemical to determine the amount of carbon required. (You
will get one amount of carbon for CT and another for PERC and you must
select the higher value.)
Repeat for the continuous flow option using carbon loading for each chemical as
determined using the influent concentration.

2. (30 points) Using the appropriate half reactions listed in Table 9-8 of our textbook. First,
write a balanced overall oxidation reduction reaction for each of the following cases.
Second, provide the potential of each half reaction. Third, determine if this reaction will
proceed as indicated by a positive value of the sum of the potentials.

(a) The oxidation of Fe2+ by O2(g), yielding Fe3+.

(b) The oxidation of Fe2+ by O2(g), yielding Fe(OH)3.

(c) The oxidation of Fe0 (also called Fe(s)) by O2(g), yielding Fe(OH)3.

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