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Going Through the Fire

1 Peter 1:6-7 In this you greatly rejoice, though

now for a little while you may have to suffer all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold,.

Meng Choo

Copyright All Rights Reserved Meng Choo In His Presence Ministries International


Going Through the Fire

1 Peter 1:6-7 In this you greatly rejoice, though

now for a little while you may have to suffer all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold,.

Meng Choo

All Scripture is from the King James Version Bible unless otherwise noted.


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Meng Choo


Table of Contents Refined by Fire6 Can We Truly Rejoice?..10 Seeing His Hand of Grace..13 I Will Soar15 Examples of the Faith..18 Perseverance..27 The Ingredient of Hope.31


Refined By Fire Many times we find that even as Christians, we face many storms of life which comes in the form of trials and testings. In I Peter 1:6-7, Peter says, In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may

be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. None of us like to go through trials and sufferings for it is as though we are Going through the Fire and Im not talking about the Fire of God or the Anointing of God here. I am talking about the trials and testings that we will need to go through as His children.

Can We Truly Rejoice? Peter tells us to rejoice when we suffer all kinds of trials. Can we truly rejoice? None of us like to go through painful experiences, do we? But you know something? God sees it necessary for us to be tested if we call ourselves His sons and daughters. Our faith will most certainly need to be tested as Peter has said so that our faith may be proved genuine.

If you say that you believe He is your Healer, He may allow you to go through sickness so that your faith in Him as a God who heals is proved genuine. If you ask Him for the ability to love people, He may bring some of the unlovable people into your life.. in order for you to be tested. If you tell Him I need more patience in my life, He will put
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you into situations where your patience is being tested. So you see, the Lord deems it necessary so that when we go through the fire we will come out of it stronger and more matured in Him.

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Seeing His Hand of Grace Have you been going through the fire lately? Is it as though He is allowing you to go through from one fire to another fire to the point where it seems unbearable? Are you missing the purpose why you need to go through it that you fail to see the bigger picture? Are you failing to see His hand of grace as you go through the fire?
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How then should you respond when the storms of life comes against you?

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I Will Soar It is possible for us to rejoice when we suffer trials.. because we know that the His hand is upon us and He will see us through! I am reminded of the chorus of a song When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm.

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Father, You are King over the flood, I will be still and know You are God This song tells us that we are able to soar with Him when we go through the storms of life.. when we seem to be facing the fiery darts of the enemy. I know that it is not easy but when we fix our eyes upon the Almighty God and upon the One who we call
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King of Kings and Lord of lords, we know that His hand will see us through no matter what may come against us. The next time when God put you through another fire, you can lift your head up high and see His mighty hand bringing you out of that fire and you will come out of it a stronger Christian.

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Examples of the Faith I list down below some of the people in the Bible Who had to go through the fire in their lives : 1. Joseph - He was sold as a slave by his brothers, tempted by Portipars wife and put into prison. He truly went through the fire but the Lord was good to Joseph because of Josephs devotion to God, He found favor with
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Pharaoh because he could interpret dreams. We know that he later governed the whole nation of Egypt. He was a God-fearing man, and even forgave his brothers for betraying him. God certainly turned things for Joseph, but not before he seemingly went through hell.

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2. Job What about Job? Here was a man who went through much suffering. God allowed Satan to carry on with his crafty thrust to inflict Job and his family. It came to the point where his body was afflicted and yet Job never gave up trusting in God. Even his wife couldnt bear it anymore and in Job 2:9 asked him to curse God and
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die but Job answered in Job 2: 10 told her You are talking like a foolish woman shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? In all this, Job did not sin in what he said. What a man of faith! He saw the greater purpose of God in the midst of his sufferings and he endured!
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3. The Woman with the Issue of Blood. In Mark 5:25, we read about the story of the woman with the issue of blood. She was subjected to bleeding for twelve years and we were told that even after spending all her money, she did not get better, but instead grew worse.

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Twelve years is a long time to suffer from a disease, and she must have endured much hardship and pain throughout the twelve years. It was as though She was going through hell for twelve long years changed but the everything

moment she touched Jesus! It was truly the kairos moment for her as her bleeding stopped!
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If the above people in the Bible had to go through the fire, what makes us think that we will be exempted?

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Going through the fire and enduring the trials and testings is never a pleasant experience and no one likes to suffer pain and hardships. When you know that God walks with you in the midst of the fire it is a different situation altogether. When we learn to see His Mighty hand in our situation and when we begin to see the bigger picture then we will understand the reason why
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He has allowed us to go through the fire. Could he be that He is seeking for our attention? Or could it be that He wants to tell us something or maybe theres a lesson that He wants us to learn through our bitter experience. Could it be that He is dealing with certain areas in our life?

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Perseverance I am reminded again of some of the pastors in China who were imprisoned for preaching the gospel. These pastors have gone through much hardships and sufferings and when they are thrown into prison, all they do is to read the Bible and preach to the prisoners. Wow! What a perseverance.. they never seemed to give up even when they are
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imprisoned. They begin to win converts while in prison.. and when they are released, they are even more determined than ever before to win the lost into Gods kingdom. What determination! What about us? Do we complain when God allow us to go through trials in our lives? Do we give up hope on the One who is walking alongside us as we face the storms of life? Or we feel as through we
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want to give up our faith? Then we are truly missing out on His greater purpose for us! Far be it.. for God has better plans and purposes for us. Let us persevere and see His purpose being fulfilled through the trials that we face. Oh.. He loves us too much to allow us to go through the fire alone!

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Let us know our position in Christ and stand upon His promises for us every time we face the fiery darts of the enemy. We are to rise up in the Spirit every time we go through the fire.. and see His mighty hand upon our life. The Holy Spirit is there to help us go through the fire when we cry out to Him. It is too easy for us as Christians to grieve the Holy Spirit when we reject the dealings that God allows in our life.
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The Ingredient of HOPE In Romans 5: 3-, Paul tells us Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character, and character, hope. What Paul is saying is that when we go through suffering and trials, we will learn to persevere in Him and we learn to press in to the
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greater things that God has for our life. When we go through the fire, we actually learn to trust Him more to see us through and we learn to see His hand upon us, and see Him walking along with us in the midst of our circumstances. When we have learnt to persevere He has not said that anyone of us will be exempted from going
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through the fire but He promised to be with us and to see us through while we are going through it. In Isaiah 4:2 He promises us When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. What an awesome and faithful God He is!
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How we respond to the trials that He allows in our life is important. When we begin to see those trials as His way of getting our attention and focus, then we are truly allowing the work of His Spirit in our life. Instead of complaining and wallowing into self-pity when we face the storms of life, we can ask ourselves a few questions:

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What is He speaking to us concerning my circumstances? Is there something that He is trying to teach me through this situation? Am I allowing this fire to burn? me out or to strengthen me instead? Is my faith being strengthened even though I am going through all these?

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Do I see His hand upon my life when Im going through the fire? Do I see my trials and testings bigger than God and something that He cannot handle? God is certainly bigger than our problems! Luke 1: 37 tells us that For nothing is impossible with God. Therefore, when we learn to see the Almighty God as bigger than our circumstances, we will know deep within us that He will see us through.
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Truly, we can rejoice in Him when we face all kinds of trials, because we know that it is when He wants to do a greater work in our lives. 2 Corinthians 5: 7 tells us that We walk by faith and not by sight. Remember that our faith is being strengthened every time we go through the fire, because God is revealing Himself to us and dealing with areas in our lives through our trials. We will only
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come out stronger through the fire, and the fire will not burn us because He promises to walk with us in the midst of the fire . What an awesome and mighty God!

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Other Books by Meng Choo:

Be sure to contact Meng Choo on her other free online e-books. You will be glad you did!

The Spirit of Meekness The Call to Holiness

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