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The skin is the largest organ of the body. It works as the protector
of the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments, and internal organs.
It also expels various types of toxins, including heavy metals, out of
the body. We all want to have younger-looking, healthy skin from a
beauty perspective, but from a health perspective, we should also
treat our skin as an important organ of our bodies.


Many of us know the importance of wearing sunscreen and keeping

ourselves well hydrated. Our skin easily and quickly absorbs anything
it comes in contact with. Therefore, it is very important to use high
quality products on our skin for its optimal health. We all know that
our diet affects our overall health, but the food we eat can also
benefit our skin. A well balanced diet not only makes us feel good
but also makes us look good!


To have the best skin possible, you must incorporate into your life
great food, quality skin care, and the Face Yoga Method along with
a healthy dose of daily sunblock and lots of water.

Eating good, nutritious foods rich in protein, certain minerals,

and vitamins has an anti-aging effect on your skin. So, what should
you eat for optimal skin health and beauty? Here are some simple
foods to eat to get your skin glowing.

I start my day with a cup of hot water. 5 I eat three meals a day and try to have some kind
This wakes me up and helps to clean my system. of protein with every meal. One of my favorite snacks
is raw almonds.

2 After a cup of hot water, I usually wait for 10 minutes

or more before I eat anything. This 10 minute wait time 6 If I am invited to a party in the evening and know
helps the hot water to clean my system. While I’m there may not be healthy food choices, I eat a lot more
waiting, I usually do yoga or prepare meals for my family. veggies for lunch. That way I can enjoy the party without
feeling guilty for not eating well or for eating “unhealthy”
foods. We should have fun and enjoy our lives without
worrying too much about what we eat, right?
3 After about 10 minutes, I eat some fresh fruit,
which provide active enzymes that aid my digestive
system. Seasonal, local, and recently harvested fruits are
the best way to go. My favorite fruits are any kind of berry: 7 I usually end the day the same way I started,
blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. with a cup of hot water. If you usually wash the dishes
at the end of the day, you can apply the same concept
to your diet. It is beneficial to have a cup of hot water
before bed to clean your system while you are sleeping.
4 After eating the fruit, I wait for another 10 minutes
or more before eating protein. This 10 minute wait time
helps my body absorb the enzymes from the fruit.
I have been drinking hot water since I started the Face Yoga Method
When you wake up in the morning, you are probably hungry since the food
program in Japan in 2006. I started seeing positive changes in my
you had the night before should be digested by morning. It’s important to
mind and body.
drink a cup of hot water on an empty stomach. If you suffer from IBS or
• I felt so much more relaxed. any digestive problems, this may work like magic. The word “breakfast”
• I was less tired. literally means “breaking” the “fast” from the night before. When the
• I saw less puffiness in my face and fewer eye bags. stomach and body have been in fast mode for some time, they tend
• My skin started looking better. to take in and absorb everything that comes in. Before you eat anything
• My mood became more positive. in the morning, clean your system first with hot water. A clean system
means clean skin. Another great time to drink hot water is right before
Now I am hooked. I drink a cup of hot water first thing in the morning
going to bed. Some people don’t want to drink water
and right before going to bed as well as throughout the day. I even
right before bedtime because they worry about going
order a cup of hot water whenever I am at a restaurant!
to the bathroom in the middle ofthe night and
Water flushes the toxins out of your system and improves your interrupting their sleep. My father worried
skin’s condition. You may already drink plenty of water everyday, about that, but surprisingly, he discovered
but the temperature of the water makes a difference for having that hot water does not make
young looking skin. Hot water is good for your face and body, him go to the bathroom during
and ultimately for your spirit. the night. Drinking a cup of hot
water before going to bed is like
For example, when washing greasy dishes, what is the best way to
running a full body dishwasher
clean them? You might try using lots of dish soap, but that is bad for
while you are sleeping. The result?
the environment and can be expensive. The key is using hot water
A clean system! Try it, see how it
to clean off the grease. Even soaking the dishes overnight or using
goes, and let me know how you feel.
the dishwasher would not work if you used cold water. The same
thing applies to your face and body!

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