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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Mathematical Model of the Control System

of the Priority Data Transmission Network
Dilmurod Davronbekov1, Yunus Kamalov2, Jakhongir Aripov3
Professor, Doctor of Sciences, 2PhD, 3PhD Researcher,
Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan
"Uzbektelecom" JSC, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dilmurod

In this paper, on the basis of the Laplace-Stieltjes transform, a Davronbekov | Yunus Kamalov |
mathematical model of the data transmission network control system Jakhongir Aripov "Mathematical Model
is obtained with an absolute priority discipline of message (packet) of the Control System of the Priority
servicing. Based on the approximate method, the probability Data Transmission Network" Published
in International
distribution functions for the timely delivery of messages (packets)
Journal of Trend in
are obtained. The proposed mathematical model of the data Scientific Research
transmission network control system with absolute priority discipline and Development
of message (packet) service allows to determine the pre- failure state (ijtsrd), ISSN:
of the data transmission network for its various parameters. 2456-6470,
Volume-6 | Issue-2, IJTSRD49342
KEYWORDS: network; data transmission; priority; message; packet; February 2022,
distribution function pp.993-997, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

One of the most general requirements for data Assume that message flows (packets) λi have a higher
transmission networks is the requirement to ensure priority than message flows (packets) λj if i<j.
the efficient use of technical means of Message flows (packets) of higher priority have an
communication. The solution of this problem is advantage over message flows (packets) of lower
possible while ensuring high reliability of the priority, which lies in the fact that among messages
functioning of communication networks. (packets) awaiting the start of service, messages of
higher priority are served earlier than messages of
The data transmission network is a complex object
lower priority, and messages (packets) ) of the same
implemented with the help of hardware and software.
priority are served in the order in which they arrive. If
Due to the fact that the equipment of the data
during the service of a certain stream of messages
transmission network and its software are quite
(packets) a stream of messages of a higher priority
complex and operate in a real environment, the
arrives, then there may be cases when the service of
problem of ensuring the reliability of the functioning
this message is interrupted and the service of the
of the data transmission network arises.
incoming message (packets) of a higher priority
II. The main types of priority service immediately begins, or the case when such an
discipline messages(packets) in the data interruption does not occur. In this regard, we will
network distinguish the following disciplines for servicing
r message flows (packets) λ1, λ2 ,…, λr arrive in the messages (packets):
data transmission network. Message flows (packets) absolute priority discipline of servicing messages
λiwill be called messages (packets) of priority i. (packets);

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49342 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 993
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
relative priority discipline of message (packet) if the time elapsed since the beginning of message
servicing; servicing is greater than or equal to some fixed
shifted priority discipline for servicing messages value Z, then the received messages of higher
priorities are served with relative priority.
The absolute priority discipline for servicing III. Mathematical Model of the Data
messages (packets) has two varieties: Transmission Network Control System
1. absolute priority service discipline with post- with Absolute Priority Discipline of
service messages (packets); Message (Packet) Service
r independent Poisson message flows arrive in the
2. absolute priority service discipline with repeated
data transmission network with intensity λ1, λ2, …, λr.
service of messages (packets).
We will assume that the message of the thread λ I has
If during the service of a stream of messages a higher priority than the messages λj if i<j. Then
(packets) a message of a higher priority arrives, then messages of priority I will be served before messages
the serviced message is interrupted and the service of of priority j. As stated above, the message flow of
the incoming message begins. After servicing a priority I has no effect on the transmission of the
higher priority message, the interrupted message is re- message flow of priority j and above.
serviced. Such a service discipline is called an
Since the arrival of a message flow of priority I
absolute priority service discipline with post-service
interrupts the transmission of a message flow of
messages (packets).
priority j, the arrival of a message flow of priority i in
If the interrupted message is serviced again, then the network during the transmission of a message
there is an absolute priority service discipline with flow of priority j is tantamount to a network failure
repeated service of messages (packets). for the message flow of priority j. Further reasoning
If during the service of a stream of messages will be substantiated by this assumption. Network
(packets) a message of a higher priority arrives, then failure rate δ for messages of the k-th priority is
the message service will not be interrupted until the determined by the total intensity of the flow of
end of its service. After that, the service of the higher messages of higher priorities λi, that is:
priority message begins. This service discipline is k −1
called the relative priority message (packet) service δ k −1 = ∑ λ i . (1)
discipline. i =1

To effectively use the priority discipline (absolute and Thus, in the case under consideration, the failure is
relative) of message (packet) service, a service due to the arrival of messages of priority higher than
discipline with mixed priority is used. k, in addition, failures can occur due to malfunctions
of the elements of the data transmission network.
With absolute priority service discipline, it is possible
Therefore, this factor must also be taken into account.
to interrupt almost completed service of lower
Then the waiting time for the start of servicing
priorities, and with relative priority, it is possible to
messages of the k-th priority will be determined by
force a message of higher priorities to wait, even if a
the time of failure recovery of the network elements
message of lower priorities has just arrived for
and the time the network is busy servicing messages
service. To avoid such situations, the service device
of priority higher than k, i.e.:
has the ability to decide whether to continue or
interrupt the service of lower priority messages. This t k W = tR + tS k −1 , (2)
assumption leads to the so-called mixed-priority
where t k W – random waiting time to start servicing
Consider a process with two priority classes.
Whenever a high priority message arrives while messages of the k-th priority, received at time t;
transmitting low priority messages, the following t R – network recovery time;
solutions apply:
tS k −1 – random time spent on servicing a message of
if the time elapsed since the beginning of the
service of the message of the lowest priority is priority higher than k.
less than some fixed number Z, then the received
With ideal reliability of priority data transmission
messages of the highest priorities are served with
networks, the waiting time for the start of message
absolute priority;
servicing will be equal to the time the network is busy
servicing messages of priority higher than k, i.e.:

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49342 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 994
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
tW = t S k −1 . (3) where е(λ) is the probability that no message of the k-
th priority arrives in the network during the time of
Therefore, since in the case under consideration the the correct operation of the network.
failure is due to the arrival of messages of priority µk
higher than k, then the distribution function F(t) of the hk (v) = , ( 7)
recovery time will be equal to the distribution µ k + v + δ k −1 − δ k −1π k −1 (v)
function of the network busy period by π k −1 (t ) the where h k (ν ) - the probability that during the service
transmission of messages of priority higher than k, of messages of priority k -1 and higher, the waiting
i.e.: time for messages of the k -th priority will not exceed
F (t ) = π k −1 (t ) . (4) the allowable value;
From this we can conclude that determining the π k −1 (ν ) - Laplace–Stieltjes transform of the
probability of timely delivery of messages (packets) distribution function of the network busy period by
of the k-th priority is reduced to the task of the transmission of messages of priority k-1 and
determining the same characteristic for a non-priority higher, which is determined from the expression:
data transmission network with real reliability.
k −1
λi µi
We introduce the following restrictions: δ k −1π k −1 (v ) = ∑ , (8)
i =1 µi + v + δ k −1 − δ k −1π k −1 (v)
А(t ) = 1 − e − λ k t ,
1 + δ k −1π k1
В (t ) = 1 − e − µ k t , (5) hk1 = , (9)
E (t ) = C (t ) = 1 − e − δ k −1t ,
where hk1 is the average service time for messages of
F ( t ) = D ( t ) = π k −1 ( t ) , the k-th priority;

where π k −1 (t ) is the distribution function of the π k 1 - the average network busy time, due to the
network busy period by transmission of messages of service of messages, the priority is higher than k,
priority k and higher; which is determined from the expression.
k −1
A. (t) is the distribution function of the arrival time
of the flow of messages (packets) of the k- ∑ρ i
thpriority in the data transmission network; δ k −1π k 1 = i =1
k −1 , (10)
B. (t) is the distribution function of the service time 1− ∑i =1
of the message flow (packets) of the k-th priority
of the data transmission network; where ρi– network load by the i-th priority message.
C. (t) is the distribution function of the uptime for a Taking into account expressions (5)-(10) and omitting
non-priority data transmission network; intermediate transformations, we determine the
D. (t) is the recovery time distribution function for a probability of timely delivery of messages (packets)
non-priority data transmission network; of the k-th priority of the data transmission network
with ideal reliability, which is determined by
E. (t) is the distribution function of the uptime for
the priority data transmission network;  

 e− vki / µk 1 − λ / µ 
F. (t) is the recovery time distribution function for Qk (v) = 
( k k ) (11)
the priority data transmission network; 
 1− v 1− e ( − vki / µk 
 )
λk-intensity of receipt of messages of the k-th priority;  ki 
µk– service rates for messages of the k-th priority. ( vki > 0, µk ≥ λk ),
To determine the probability of timely delivery of a where
message (packets), we first determine the following
values, taking into account (5):   k −1 λ    k −1 λ   
 µ k 1 − ∑ i  ⋅ 1 − 1 − ∑ i   
  i µi    i µi    . (12)
δ k −1 vki = vk 1 +
λ  
e (λ ) =
 k −1
 vk 1 − ∑ i  + d 
i µi 
λ k + δ k −1 , (6)   

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49342 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 995
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Let us determine the probability of timely delivery of where
messages (packets) of the k-th priority of the data   k −1
λ    k −1
λ 
transmission network with real reliability:  µk  K R − ∑ i  ⋅ 1 −  K R − ∑ i    , (14)
 i µi    i µi   
vek = vk 1 + 
 
 k −1
λi 
 vk  K R − ∑  + d 
 e − vek / µek (1 − λ / µ )    i µi  
Qk (v) =  k ek
 , (13)
 1 − k 1 − e − vek / µek 
 vek  ) µek = µ k ⋅ K R ,
K R -readiness factor
IV. Results and discussion
1. The average delivery time for the delivery of messages (packets) of the k-thpriority of the data transmission
network with ideal reliability:
 k −1 λi    k −1 λi  
2 µ 
k 1 − ∑i µ  k
 − λ 

µ k 1 − ∑

 
i 
Tk = ∑  i 
1+ 
 . (15)
i =1  k −1 λi    k −1 λi   d 
2µ k 1 − ∑   µ k 1 − ∑  − λk   
 i µi   i µi   
2. The average delivery time of delivery of messages (packets) of the k-th priority of the data transmission
network with real reliability.
 k −1
λi    k −1
λi  
2 µ k  K R − ∑ i µi 
 − λ k  µ k  K R − ∑ 
i µi  
Tk = ∑   1+ 
i =1  k −1
λi    k −1
λi   d . (16)
2µk  K R − ∑   µk  K R − ∑  − λk   
 i µi    i µi   
To find the distribution function of the probability of timely delivery of messages (packets) of the k-th priority
with ideal reliability, it is necessary to find the inverse transformation (11). However, due to the complexity of
obtaining the distribution function of the probability of timely delivery of messages (packets) of the k-th priority
with ideal reliability, we use an approximate method:

 k λi 
 ∑ 
 i =1 µ  1 − k∑−1 λi 
 
λi   i µi  
W k (t ) = 1 − ∑ exp  − t .
 k −1
λi   Tk  (17)
i =1
µ i  1 − ∑ 
 
 µi 
 
 
Based on [1], the distribution function of the probability of timely delivery of messages (packets) of the k - th
priority with real reliability is determined by:
 k
λi 
 ∑  k −1 
λi  
 i =1
µi  K R − ∑ 
λi   µi   .
W k (t ) = 1 − ∑ ex p  − (18)
 k −1
λi   Tk 

i =1
µi  K R − 
 i µi   
 
 
V. Conclusion
Thus, the obtained mathematical model of the control state of the network by controlling the excess of the
system of the data transmission network with an probability of timely delivery of messages (packets)
absolute priority discipline of servicing messages of an acceptable value.
(packets) allows you to determine the pre- failure

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